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( #d87093 // darkcyan )

Iris was on a mission, he'd finally - finally - gotten a doe pregnant. After lots of tries with several does, all fun in their own right. Years a of trying, even. And finally he'd be a father. And with such a pretty doe, Cat was wonderfully colored. He didn't even care if she wanted to keep the kids, raising kids wasn't really his thing to be honest. Though, he'd have to break the news to his grandmother. Spiral might be less than happy about the kids not being raised with the outliers. But whatever, he just wanted to spread his seed, let Cat raise the kids. She sure seemed to want them more at any rate. And anyway, Iris was not about to do anything that might make the doe refuse any further advances. Not that he wanted a committed relationship. But she was fun. And pretty. He wouldn't miss an opportunity to try and have more babies with her.

So he'd gone hunting, and caught a foxbun. His intent was to give it to his uncle, let Glossbones bless his clutch. Problem was, he couldn't find his unlce. So he just kept wandering, looking for any sign of the green legendary.

After nearly an entire day of searching, Iris happens on a green stag, but not Glossbones. This one is too light in color, and doesn't have his uncle's fabulous tail. Not to mention the skull mask. Smiling, he approaches the stag, who seems to be searching for eggs in the bushes. "Hello. Would you bless my soon to be children?" he asks matter of factly, if somewhat awkwardly around the foxbun in is mouth.

Fish Bones backs out of the bush, giving a hum of delight. "Gladly! Excited are you?" he beams at the other buck, happy to share such an occasion.

Iris sets the foxbun at the stag's feet, with a flourish and a bow. "Thank you, I brought you a gift. I am very excited, despite all the tries this is my first time. I just want the kids to be healthy."

Fish Bones eyes the carcas, not having expected such a gift. Not that he feels the buck is trying to give offense, he'd never met this one before, no reason to assume he knows Fish Bones' other form is a foxbun. And it would be very rude to refuse it, the critters are rather hard to hunt down. "Yes. Yes thank you." he says, then clears his throat. "May your children be as skilled at hunting as you." surely a kin who could catch a bun would appreciate that.

Iris grins, that's just perfect, since gran won't be able to teach the kids how to hunt, this blessing in particular is better than any he could have asked for. "It's wonderful! Thank you! Enjoy your snack, and have a great day!" done here Iris turns and heads back, first he'd tell Cat. After that. Well, gran can find out later. Maybe when he's got a group of kids to bring her. It wouldn't hurt to wait.

Smiling, Fish Bones picks up his gift and heads off, it's not really his ideal meal, but it's better than nothing. Or maybe he'd take it to a friend, and find something else to eat. He wondered if anyone would find it odd to see a foxbun skinning a foxbun, the pelt would be nice, even if he has no desire to eat the meat.