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(( #58cee0 // darkcyan ))

Flowerborn was expecting again, and just like last time she's plagued by worries. Her last clutch had been wonderful, sweet children who hardly got into mischief. Best of all, they had all survived the perils of being foals, and all thanks to the stag who'd blessed them. Alright, maybe her and their father had a lot to do with it, but even so, there had not been anything too bad tossed their way. Surely the stag's blessing had done that?

She wasn't taking chances, better to know for sure everything will be ok, than to leave it to fate. So she'd found a gift, this time a large fish, her father had helped her fish it up. And wrap it in leaves and vines, it was too big to carry, so they wrapped it good enough for her to drag.

Having no idea where one of Matope's chosen live, she decided to go to where she'd met the stag last time. If he wasn't there again, maybe she'd find someone who knew where he lived. It wasn't a long trip to the spot, but it did take some searching to find someone who could tell her where to go. The stag's daughter, by the looks of her. And she assured Flowerborn that he lived at a pond nearby, and that she'd have little trouble missing it. Just stay on the path and keep on going.

Flowerborn fretted over the lack of description, surely she could miss a pond easily. They all look so similar after all, but she kept on the path. Worst case, she'd just have to back track and talk to the doe again. She was considering doing just that, she'd been walking for ages, and the fish wasn't getting any lighter, even with being dragged. But her next few steps brought her into a clearing. And immediately Flowerborn knew why the doe hadn't given her a description. A pond like this isn't easy to mistake for any other.

And there, sitting at the edge, watching a crane play with something in the water, was the stag. Flowerborn grins, almost giving a loud whoop! in excitement. She manages to swallow it, letting out little more than a whoosh of breath. Instead, she clears her throat, "Hello!" she calls to him, stepping further into the clearing.

Fish Bones turns, smiling when he sees the doe. "Hello. Come, sit. Today is a fine day to be lazy." he says, flicking his tail to indicate the patch of ground beside him.

Flowerborn grins, it'll be nice to laze around for a bit, but first business. "I am in need of a blessing again, this time I brought you a fish!" she says, unwrapping the gift.

Fish Bones smiles, getting up to help her. Whoever she'd gotten to help wrap it, they'd done a great job, vines and leaves layered to protect it. "Ahh thank you, fish is a wonderful meal. And the bones will be welcome in my pond too."

Flowerborn stops, looking puzzled, why keep bones in a pond? Is that what the crane is playing with? Does he keep them for his pet, or another reason? Not that it's any of her business, and she won't be rude and blurt it out either. Instead she says, "I'm glad you like the gift!"

Fish Bones just smiles, he's can't read minds, but her expression is easy enough to read. Since she doesn't point out how unusual that idea seems, he doesn't comment on it. "May your children be happy and healthy." he says.

Flowerborn grins, prancing in place excitedly. Her babies were going to be okay. More than okay even. They'll be just as amazing and wonderful and perfect as her first clutch. "Thank you! I have to go, to tell Honey Flower. Also my dad! He helped me catch the fish. And wrap it up. Thank you!" she babbles happily. "Oh! I'm Flowerborn Dragon, I never did introduce myself?" she adds, her eyes unfocusing while she tries to remember their last meeting.

"Hehe you're very welcome!" Fish Bones replies, giving a warmhearted chuckle. "No, I don't think we did. I'm Fish Bones. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Oh! Well then, that makes sense. Flowerborn nods, understanding his pond now. "Thank you again!" she says, turning and prancing off, "Have a great day!" she calls over her shoulder.