Greetings, I have posted this again since the other one got deleted several years ago. These instructions are ONLY for any current Jahani emperor on how to make his rp son to replace his leadership incase if any emperor plans to resign or to go on a long hiatus. It only takes a few simple steps so let us get into the rules.

1. Why Does a Jahani Emperor Need to Have A Successor?

Whenever a Jahani emperor plans to retire or to go on a long hiatus, he MUST have an rp son to replace him as the new Jahani emperor. This is because if an emperor retires or goes on a long hiatus without having a successor son, the entire dynasty will dwindle and die out. This is why it is MANDATORY for every Jahani emperor to have a son to replace him in order to keep the dynasty alive and to continue its legacy.

2. How to Pass On the Sacred Crown to A Successor:

Whenever a Jahani emperor wants his son to succeed him, he MUST pass over his sacred crown (aka the "Birthday Crown" which can be found in Marketplace) to his successor. The sacred crown CANNOT be given away or sold anywhere else besides the emperor's successor since the crown is a sacred symbol of the Jahani Dynasty. Passing the crown to the next successor is one of the most important traditions made by the first Jahani Emperor, Silver Rush.

3. Guild Rules For Any Jahani Emperor:

Whenever a Jahani emperor wants his son to succeed him, he MUST appoint that son to be the captain of the Jahani Dynasty GUILD. This is because if an emperor retires or goes on a long hiatus but is still captain of the guild, it will be difficult to manage it. Though, it is encouraged that any Jahani emperor who plans to retire should still remain as a member of the guild. It is also encouraged that the content in the guild home should stay the way it is.

4. Adding a Summary About Yourself:

In the forum topic where it says "Summary of Each Jahani Emperor", it is encouraged for any emperor to add a short summary about himself in narrative form. If for whatever reason he is unable to write a summary, someone who knows him well enough might be able to write one for you. Anyone may NOT be allowed to change or edit the summaries of the previous Jahani emperors.

5. Adding Your Name To the Jahani Family Tree:

Every Jahani emperor must write his name (usually his formal nickname), his rp wife's name, and his rp son's name in "The Jahani Family Tree" forum topic. All the names of the previous Jahani emperors along with their wives and sons are written in a certain order. If a new Jahani emperor wishes to write his name on that family tree, he must examine it to see how the names are in order.

*** Keep in mind that whenever a Jahani Emperor plans to resign or to go on a long hiatus, he must have his rp son to succeed him or else the dynasty will die out if there is no successor. Thank you. ***