phoenix kiss kimeti emporium
════ bribes, breedings, and customs ════

If you're a newbie, please read the front page to make sure you're clear on how this shop operates! We have some pretty distinct naming guidelines, for example!



  • I can do all edits! I do not, however, do creepykin or body horror; it isn't to my taste and I'm not particularly good at it. There are other artists here at Matope who will be happy to help you out! My kin tend to range from elegant to twee.

  • A note about semicustoms: semicustoms imply that the colorist has abundant artistic license when dealing with your request. Semicustoms are by their very design supposed to be loose and vague -- your request provides inspiration to the artist.

    If you want extremely specific markings or have in mind a particular look, please request a full custom instead, and be specific as to what you want/what you intend. If you want a custom, just fill out my semicustom form with what you'd like. Take note that I'm less apt to take a full custom unless I really like the concept.

Semi-custom request form:
[b]Semi-custom Kin Request[/b]
[b]kin species:[/b]
[b]kin name:[/b]
[b]growing or non:[/b]
[b]request:[/b] You can link to an illustration/photograph, or give colors/adjectives; alternatively, you can write a short description of what you would like (I reserve artistic license).



  • I like simple breedings; as recent breedings have shown, I adore spots and stripes and contrasty colors.I'll be more apt to accept a breeding if I think it's pretty. Everyone wants pretty offspring, right?

Breeding request form: (please note, both owners will have to send in this form if accepted)
[b]Breeding Request[/b]
[b]Your Kin:[/b] [img]LINKTOCERT[/img]
[b]Other person's Kin:[/b] [img]LINKTOCERT[/img]
[b]Growing or Adult Only?[/b]
[b]Edited or Unedited?[/b]
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b]
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b]
[b]Additional notes:[/b][/color]



I can also do pets, no more mangling my kin bribe form!

Semi-Custom Request Form:
[color=#BF5FFF][b]Semicustom Pet/Familiar Request[/b][/color]
[b]pet name:[/b]
[b]pet owner:[/b] if you do not currently have any kin or a kin you want to give this pet to, please say so here
[b]pet species:[/b]
[b]request:[/b] this should just be a link to what you wish for me to take as inspiration. Alternatively, you could just post three colours & three adjectives.

Pet/Familiar Breeding Request Form (will ALWAYS produce three offspring)
[color=#BF5FFF][b]Breeding Request[/b][/color]
[b]First familiar and owner:[/b] (human, not Kin)
[b]Second familiar and owner:[/b] (human, not Kin)
[b]Post certs please:[/b] (or uncerts if that is all you have)[/color]



If you'd like to bribe, feel free! As far as items are concerned, I collect the gaia color schemes Opalescent, Velvetine, Dupioni (and, secondly, Sherbert and Sinful). I also really like gold!

[color=#9932CD][b]I'm not ashamed to bribe!:[/b] state how much you're offering here.[/color]