
Welcome everyone to the Pokemon World! It's here where players may roleplay their characters' time in their own hometown or visiting friends whenever they are away from Ordell Academy. There is no real concept of time here, as the player it is up to you to properly date when your RPs are taking place. Also please note that this forum will be opened while the guild main plotline continues. However, the forum will not always be opened, there will be times when we will have to close this forum in order to properly focus on guild storyline. This might be a bit overwhelming but to help everyone out, here are some rules and guidelines to follow while you are here 3nodding

1) Properly date your posts. This is a little vague, but basically if you are going to have multiple RPs in this forum then you gotta keep track of them in order to avoid inconsistencies.

2) You may have multiple RPs in this forum. As I mentioned, the concept of time is different here meaning you can have your character in multiple locations doing different things. Here is where rule 1 applies heavily.

3) If you want a thread to be created then please contact a crew member and we will decide whether to include the thread or not. DO NOT create your own thread.

4) Please consult with us if you are planning on having your character(s) travel to another region. In order to not mess with the lore of the guild please properly consult with us when your character is traveling.

5) All child characters must be accompanied by a parent/guardian when traveling to another city/town. Again, this is done in order to mess with the lore of the guild. Please DO NOT have your child character traveling on his/her own.

6) For the moment Pokemon capture and Pokedex entries are not allowed in the RP. We are still working on properly adding Pokemon to the threads created and we would like to avoid characters running into rare or even legendary Pokemon.


8 ) We understand these rules may seem kind of strict, but do not be intimidated! If you have an idea for your character and it might involve breaking one of these rules then please contact us with your idea. We are willing to make exceptions for the sake of pushing a characters' personal story or plot. It never hurts to ask, but what does hurt is breaking the rules.

9) These rules may change as the guild story progress, but we will make sure to properly notify you guys via announcement about any rule changes.

10) This forum is NOT a substitute for the real story. The guild is still titled Ordell Academy meaning that your focus should still be the main story plot. If the forum becomes too distracting then we will have close it.