Hello my lovely darlings~!

Please do read this Before posting or commenting within this guild.

Sharing an avatar

To share an avatar design, one simply has to post a new topic, thus devoting a space completely to THAT avatar design.

The design Must be displayed using an uploaded image. You may not simply post and tell them to look at your active avatar, as this will obviously change the moment you re-dress your avatar, thus making the post useless.

To learn how to do this, read the sticky post about doing so. any questions about this, may be asked there as well.

When sharing your avatar design, the topic subject, must be a name you choose for that design.

Within the initial post of your topic, you may write a short description, be it a character description, or simply a reasoning behind the design.

Cosplay designs are more than welcome.

How can I show appreciation for an avatar design?

To show appreciation for a designers avatar, you may use the comment section in their thread.

You may also Tip their post, though this is not a requirement.

If the designers avatar makes you feel inspired, you are welcome to show them any Art or Writing that results from the experience, in their comment section.

If the designer chooses to create a voting poll on their post, then this may also be used to show your appreciation.

emotion_nope Unforgivable! (extra rules) emotion_nope

emotion_nope - swearing is allowed, however any derogatory, insulting, prejudiced or hateful speech, will result in the comment or post being immediately deleted, and the accused, ejected from the guild.

emotion_nope - Encouraging hate speech, will result in instant ejection from the guild.

emotion_nope - whilst constructive criticism is allowed if the Designer asks for it, any cruel or demeaning comments, will result in ejection from the guild.

emotion_nope - racism, homophobia, hate speech, harassment, or prejudiced behaviour, will result in instant ejection from the guild.

All that being said (i believe I have covered everything, if not, please bring it to my attention and I will behave accordingly) Please enjoy yourselves, treat each other nicely, and Show off your creativity