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(( #94A3B5 // darkcyan ))

Sorrel wasn't sure how far along she was, but she was sure she and Brother would have little ones soon enough. Which meant it was time to go seek a blessing. And that meant having a gift prepared.

Very carefully she sorted seeds and wrapped them in leaves to make several packets. These she wrapped in a huge leaf, winding long grasses around it to hold it closed.

Sorr follows the path out of her garden, and away from the tribe's territory. Not having a particular destination she simply follows whichever path is easiest.

After wandering for a few days and seeing no one, legendary or otherwise, Sorr starts to wonder if she should go back and find a new path. But how far back? All the way to her garden? Or just to the last fork? Or the one before that? Maybe just cut through the brush and make her own way? Or - thud!

Oops, she hadn't been paying attention and now she's run into, someone by the sound of it. Giving her head a shake, she looks at the rump sticking out of the bushes. Had she done that? Whoever it was didn't seem to be too mad, they'd said something, but with their front half in the bushes she couldn't hear. "I'm sorry, I should've been paying attention. Are you okay?"

Fish Bones backs out of the bush, his face stained with berry juice, and smiles at her. "Fine, fine, just a little bump. And you, are you okay?"

Sorr nods, smiling, yeah she's fine. And judging by his look, she hadn't pushed him into the bush after all. Then she stops nodding, and gets a better look at him. "Have we met before? You look very familiar."

"Haha yes we have, and I'm sure you'd like my help again." he replies.

"I do need some help yes, but -oh! It's you! I think. You are the foxbun who blessed my first clutch, right?" While she speaks Sorr remembers the gift, and glances around for it. There, at the edge of the path, and it doesn't look damaged. She scoops it up, taking the few steps to lay it at his feet. "An offering, seeds from my garden."

Fish Bones raises an eyebrow, wondering what seeds she had, and hadn't, included in the gift. Not that it mattered, as far as the blessing goes he'd give it regardless what gift is offered. "May your children's lives be as rich and full as your garden."

"Thank you." Sorrel watched him, head full of questions, and unsure what to ask. Or if she should ask. She was grateful for the blessing, but it seemed an odd one to give, considering their last meeting, and some of the things she grows. Before she can gather her thoughts, Fish Bones picks up the seed packet and walks off down the path. Sorrel watches until he has vanished, and then heads home herself.