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Reply [Roleplay Forum] Hokkaido
[ Turf ] Odori Park

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:04 pm
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Visit this lush green space at the heart of downtown Sapporo to join one of the many cultural festivals held here, or to simply relax and enjoy the outdoors. The space where Odori Park sits was once the city’s main street (in fact, the name “Odori” means large street), which divided the north and south of Sapporo. It became a park in the early 1900s and remains a major hub of Sapporo to this day.

The landscape of the park is dotted with sculptures, fountains, playgrounds, and benches, and around the perimeter, you’ll find ample shopping, great food, and the Sapporo City Archive Museum. During the summer, breweries set up beer gardens in the park, and during the winter it's filled with intricate snow and ice sculptures as part of the Sapporo Snow Festival, one of the largest winter events in the country.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 4:59 pm

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                                                        • Gilded rims turn like clockwork centered within their ivory faces, pushing Kain down the street at a langorous gait. Booming bud fit snug to single eardrum blares one song in a shuffled pool of thousands, it's calm piano resemblant tones slowing to a near stop; expected beat drop camping upon the moment's precipice.

                                                          "Honey these arms that once held you are ready to fight." Single line plucked from melody only he can hear as shifting ebony curtains layered upon one side of his head shift during subconscious head bob.

                                                          It wasn't often hectic schedule was blessed with a night off, and what better way to start it off than with some great food? Current path for his favorite ramen spot was set in stone; though it wouldn't remain bound upon mother Gaea's surface for long. Nay, Icarus would spread fabled wings. To the skies he ventures atop the back of friendly winds, though lack of speed remains constant; slow and steady, riding lazily as if gliding upon invisible wings. He keeps an altitude of roughly six stories high, listing to the left and right with no discernible pattern; simply seeking the path of least resistance without bothering to create one of his own. This close to heaven, one could always find the right zephyr to bet on should they be fluent enough in gales' native tongue.

                                                          Descent comes gradually, light and silent. No concrete cracked, no concussive shockwave of air. Light as a feather do rubberized wheels alight upon the sidewalk directly in front of flashing neon 'OPEN' sign.

                                                          His song is interrupted by the tuning bells of stereotypical Samsung ringtone, button clicked before familiar voice filters through single earbud.

                                                          "Damn, they got you workin' late again!? You know they're just doing it because you're new there too; it's exploitation. Yeah, i'll leave the key in the spot. Just be careful comin' home. On a real note, tell your manager Kain says... and I quote; 'You a lil' b***h for this one chief.' Nah, i'm serious; you won't say it."

                                                          It was a joke; a stupid one at that, but it's positive effects were immediately noticeable. Scything grin splits exotic and prominent features as his sister's laughter rebounds through the connection towards receiving end. Clearly still in a sour mood, Nalin's voice had picked up considerably by the time they had hung up on each other.

                                                          It was an annoyance for them both, and sleep was unlikely to come until she got home. After all, once evenfall touched starkissed skies, their neighborhood was... sketchy at best, and downright dangerous at worst. He'd bought her that taser and thankfully thus far it had gone unused, though his mind would rest a lot easier if managememt would just give somebody else these god awful late shifts.

                                                          Calloused fingertips drag through the fine stubble of cranium's shaven design, pent up breath vented through barred ivories in subtle display at frustration towards the situation before he rolls forward to join the short line. Stomach growls it's protest at the wait, threatening to implode if ravenous appetite went unsated for much longer.

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                                                          xxxxᴅ ᴀ ᴛ ᴀ

                                                              R.E.A.D.: 100
                                                                ACC: 00 [---]
                                                                STR: 10 [---]
                                                                STA: 20 [---]
                                                                JMP: 70 [---]
                                                                AIR: 40
                                                                WEAR: 0%


                                                          X o l u s

Ya boi raz

x E U R Y D I C E

Hygienic Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:15 pm
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                                On edge. The most accurate turn of phrase to describe the velvet tiger's current mood.

                                Peace and quiet was much too calming; frantic is what it made her. Frazzled lips caught the evening air, exhaling chilled streams of carbon into the atmosphere. Weary eyes scanned the bustling streets, tips dipped in lint-filled pockets during her slow stroll about town. Regret riddled her head with a melancholy shake about her inability to drive given the current whereabouts of her car. Still, Air Treks were nice in terms of mild-mannered transportation; someone in her headspace shouldn't have been driving anyway.

                                Paradise lost, the day gone. It hadn't donned on her that the sun was setting until she felt a crippling pain rip through her stomach like some half-born Xenomorph trying to tear its way to freedom. A buckled knee and a stumble forward, Sun caught herself before the fall and halted her pace before resting a palm onto her naked stomach. Inhale. Exhale. Steady and smooth. Refocusing her thoughts, regaining her composure whilst listless taxpayers shimmied passed her. Sun hadn't eaten since the night before.

                                Where had all of the time gone? The idol lived life a mile a minute but somehow the day had sped passed her without her realizing it.

                                Like ribbons in the wind, the infamous Neon held fast to her mental; forced stability held together by a band-aid over the gashing wound. She wanted to at least salvage the rest of her day. In search for sustenance Sun journeyed across Japan via treks and train before somehow finding herself being dumped off in Hokkaido of all provinces. A periodical sweep of the phone displayed the recorded machine back at the warehouse; still in place without any molestations from unwarranted visitors. Good. However, the lack of a phone call from Gashi was both worrying and unsurprising; she probably should've told him that she left but Sun didn't think it was something that could just be assumed.

                                A neon sign attracted her. It's ornately flashing OPEN sign felt welcoming. Sun didn't favor noodles per se but ramen was the most filling on a painfully empty stomach; and with her runner's metabolism chances were that she could eat them out of house and home right now. Subconsciously sauntering through its threshold she'd place herself behind a small line of patrons all desiring a cheap meal.

                                Tired eyes caught the leather cloaked back of a man before she peered around his person to view the menu beyond the countertop. Through curious peripherals she'd give him a quick once over. A rugged appearance. Tattoos, a chain belt, a hint of prison muscle, and more accessories laced around his digits than she could count. The kicker had been his hair. One end buzzed gray to unearth the serpent arching across his scalp while the rest had been a wavy mess of jet black strands. A familiar attraction left her interested, but had the plum punk been a bit more attentive she may have actually given a ******** she listened to his garbled slang rapping with someone over the phone about something she'd completely tuned out. For a moment she eyed him from the rear, then the moving line, then back to him; he didn't look as if he'd been paying attention at least.
                                "Oh, ******** this..." She'd silently click her tongue. So, between one moment and the next the neon streak cut herself in front of him. Her short stature allowed her to sift across his blind spot, her hands dipped casually into her pockets as her dark slits faced forwards as though nothing happened at all. His only clue once he hung up the phone would've been the appearance of a five foot something woman with a bunned mane of lilac tickling south of his visage.

      ya boi raz
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:01 am

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                                                        • Entrance's bell from behind signals the arrival of another. Of course, attention tuned out and away from surrounding goings on; just as blissfully ignorant to diminutive firecracker's once over as he is to her inglorious ire building.

                                                          Growled exasperation picked up on only at the last second before visage shaded in grayscale is met with bright colors and curves abound where moments before, there had been none. Needless to say, golden opportunity is seized to assess the woman that had seemingly fallen from the sky... not unlike himself. Time taken to appreciate shapely and long athletic legs that are stacked 'neath inviting assets, stretching sturdy textiles to impressive capacity. Up further still, past bare and prominent dimples of Venus centered within arcing spine; lazy visual sojourn finally laid to rest at cascading violet tuft poking out of adorned cap.

                                                          Struck with a rare and fleeting case of familiarity, brow bearing shaved stripes arcs when finely structured Korean features turn just enough to reveal the beginnings of a profile all too recognizable. Though stranger wore a masque of impertinent impatience, Susanoo stricken irides had seen that particular face aside three others all too often; plastered upon poster adorning youngest sibling's wall.

                                                          But is that... no, not Indigo... NEON! That's the one!

                                                          Albeit, clothing's color scheme also aided in identification. Interest was admittedly piqued moreso by eccentric and attractive appearance rather than social status, dashing away whatever miniscule amounts of vexation he had at being leapfrogged as quickly as their accumulation had occurred. It was such a simple slight to begin with, hopefully soon to be water far beneath an unburnt bridge.

                                                          Debating the best and worst possible outcomes of going for gold, possible pros tipped mental scales overwhelmingly against the few potential cons. And so it was that sinewy figure steels itself before advancing forward a step or two so that they were now side by side. A friendly distance to the idol's right, now they could speak face to face.

                                                          "Hey I was wondering, would you wanna like... order with me? They gave me this thing for half off my entire purchase the last time I came in, and sharing is caring; right?"

                                                          Discounted waiver flashed, tucked securely within his grasp as easy going smile reveals pearlescent gates in scythe lipt countenance. After all, who on this vast green earth didn't like free food? It always tasted better than paying for it yourself.

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                                                          xxxxᴅ ᴀ ᴛ ᴀ

                                                              R.E.A.D.: 100
                                                                ACC: 00 [---]
                                                                STR: 10 [---]
                                                                STA: 20 [---]
                                                                JMP: 70 [---]
                                                                AIR: 40
                                                                WEAR: 0%


                                                          X o l u s

Ya boi raz

x E U R Y D I C E

Hygienic Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:31 pm
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                                Prepared for war after crossing a literal line, the irrational idol waited for a response. The dullard delinquent carried himself like some leather-strapped brute and Sun expected him to respond appropriately with violence. The first handful of words that spilled from hit maw quaked the tips of her fingers as they'd twitch nervously. With claws ready to rip him asunder and a low growl rumbling through her core Sun was ready to blind him with her rage; but instead he continued speaking.

                                Never before had she been so quickly disarmed. An immediate peace offering. An act of pure kindness? The soft-natured resonance had thrown the anxious tiger for such a loop that the resulting bewilderment caused her hooks paws to fall limp.
                                "Huuuuh?" She squawked mid-pivot; taken aback by such generosity. Brow quirked, head craned off to one side, obverse lids halfly sealed over her peeper. Her body was slump lazily so but appeared to perk up with an arch of the back upon taking in the more frontal sights.

                                Oh, hello~

                                Bronzed irises were first met by the legitimate vellum offering discounts before the flash of his effervescent pearls nearly blinded her visage.
                                "똥. (s**t.)" She hummed under her breath, a warmth swelling in her cheeks as rose petals flowered the flesh. Intense hotness for a fleeting blink of a second. Slits sauntered aimlessly away to avoid eye contact, full lips pursed and buttoned as an arm creaked out back so that her hand could freely comb through the restive hairs erect along the nape of her neck. It wasn't like her to get tongue tied like this; then again, it wasn't like her to be sober at this hour either.

                                She hadn't been expecting a big ray of sunshine with a rough mug like that.

                                Clearing the discourse from her tightened throat she'd sheepishly pivot towards the front, feign apathy whilst maintain her composure.
                                "Y-Yeah... sure. That's really nice of you. Thanks." Sun wasn't certain as to why he chose to share his discount with her. Was it that he recognized her? It could've been that he was just a nice guy. Maybe he was flirting?

                                Either way he had two things: A face that she liked and a discount coupon. She couldn't exactly pick a fight with someone offering to slice the price of her meal in half now could she?

      ya boi raz
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:58 am

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                                                        • Conflagration and brimstone wells just beneath pretty picturesque surface; threatening to tear apart opposition with the fire and fury of diminutive demoness. She finds no enemy here though, only mutual interest and a hospitable offer. Her disposition not completely clear, affirmation at least comes, though it is coupled with faux neutrality. There were still too many variables to decrypt the ex diva's current disposition; but so far as intuition could judge, he at least hadn't been shot down.

                                                          "Oh, no worries! Amon's the name, nice to meet ya. My little sis is a pretty big fan of K/D/A."

                                                          The source behind pinpointed recognition subtly offered, inky dragons dancing above an undergrowth of veins slither forth as silver adorned hand extends in offering of formal introduction. Inner monologuing thoughts had contemplated mentioning the fact that Kaya even had her visage alongside three others plastered upon a wall, but arrived at the conclusion that that particular tidbit of information may have come off as a bit... much?

                                                          They'd eventually arrive at the desired fore; one step at a time. Cloudy visage doesn't even use the menu as reference; not when order is nearly second nature by now.

                                                          "I'll have two orders of pork ramen and... yeah, let's get some rice balls. Two orders of those as well my dude."

                                                          Damn, i'm starving.

                                                          Form steps aside so Sun could then make subsequent sustenance requests upon the same ticket. orders placed and food gathered in timely fashion, chin dips in the direction of nearest open table before making headway forward.

                                                          "Alright, so like... I feel pretty corny for asking this even, but would you be down to take a picture together? I wanna send one to Kaya, I know that little girl is gonna freak out."

                                                          Hesitant question displays the first note of uncertainty within a demeanor bearing uneroded confidence, Kain was sure even a retired pop star received that exact question several times a day. Imposing a photoshoot certainly wasn't the intent.

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                                                          xxxxᴅ ᴀ ᴛ ᴀ

                                                              R.E.A.D.: 100
                                                                ACC: 00 [---]
                                                                STR: 10 [---]
                                                                STA: 20 [---]
                                                                JMP: 70 [---]
                                                                AIR: 40
                                                                WEAR: 0%


                                                          X o l u s

Ya boi raz

[Roleplay Forum] Hokkaido

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