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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Weyrling] Onyx of Blue Miehrath [Approved]

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:38 pm
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Name: Onyx [Viionyx]
Age: 24 turns
Nameday: 3549.05.17
Sex: Female (cis)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrling
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Healer (Surgical), Candidate
Physical Description: Onyx is not especially tall, standing at only 5'3". Don't let her height fool you--she's evidently muscular, albeit in a lean way, without much bulk. That said, she's still sturdy-looking, with wiry muscle. A little like a runner or swimmer in build, but with a bit of a boxier, stronger shape, she definitely looks the type who can hold her own--and she can. Despite her size, she is a strong fighter, with speed, dexterity, and reflexes as her strong points.

There is a scar running vertically down her left cheek, just below her eye, from a dueling accident. She was lucky that it missed the eye itself. Beyond her scar, she is a bit plain in appearance, and has a relatively unremarkable face. Perhaps handsome or pretty, in a way, but she is not the type to draw looks. Her lips are full and her skin is pale; she boasts amber-brown eyes and dark brown hair. Her hair is straight and thick, with a slight wave, and usually worn in a long braid. Her eyebrows are low and thin, and her lashes are dark. Overall, her face is broad, with full cheeks and a low brow.

Personality: an intelligent and passionate person who strives to be the best she can be and refuses to be hurt or used; she is caring, but comes across as casual and flirty.

scientific, intelligent, passionate, determined, caring, flirty, laid-back, innovative, creative, odd/goofy, morbid, vengeful, goal-oriented, rebellious, friendly, proud, competitive, defensive, self-sacrificing, nosy, noble

Onyx is a scientifically-minded person in a less scientific time. She believes in innovation and finding answers to questions. Logical, intelligent, and rational, Onyx likes looking at problems and discovering solutions. She enjoys learning, with a strong interest in anatomy, biology, and healing. She often tries to find new cures or medications for various diseases, or find new health supplements. If she is reasonable sure something won't kill her, she may even try new things out on herself. She's gotten herself sick a few times before. Just because she's seen a wherry eat something doesn't mean it's safe for human consumption.

Due to her interest in anatomy, she enjoys dissection of animals. Her specialty, as far as healing, is surgical; her advanced knowledge of anatomy and biology has aided her in her craft. She can be a bit morbid at times, often forgetting people aren't always interested in hearing about her craft in a casual, detached way. It's all just so fascinating to her!

Another area of fascination has always been the smithcraft. She enjoys watching others craft things, and has, in fact, tried her hand at some of it before. It's a hobby, though, rather than a passion, and she is hardly well-trained in the smith craft. She is much more engaged with the healer craft, and is desperately trying to become a master--even if it's been on hold for a bit, for obvious reasons. Who says riders can't become master crafters, too? And who says she can't do it while she's still young? She's confident in her abilities, even a bit cocky at times, and her ambitions know no bounds. Obviously, she can achieve her dreams of mastery and dragonriding.

Onyx believes strongly in growth, both for herself as an individual, and for society as a whole. As a result, she hates the traditional status quo. Even though it has worked for High Reaches, she feels some resistance towards maintaining the status quo. As a result, she would love to be a ranking dragonrider--half out of spite.

She seeks and values self-betterment, growth, and education. Other motivations include revenge and spite, as she holds a grudge forever. Overall, she is determined and goal-oriented. Most goals, predictably, include some kind of protection of others, self-improvement, or revenge. She's quite good at setting reasonable goals and following through, and if she wants to be, Onyx can be extremely organized and meticulous.

Unfortunately, Onyx can be very rebellious. She doesn't like being told what to do or how to act, and tends to balk at such things. Of course, she'll behave herself if she needs to, if it suits her, but she dislikes rules and restrictions, at least when they're placed on her.

As an individual, Onyx loves animals, especially firelizards. She's always admired dragons, too.

Charismatic and friendly, Onyx likes people and is generally a social, outgoing person. She seems very laid back, as though she doesn't take anything seriously. Despite this, she can be very serious when it serves her, and knows how to get things done. She's hardly lazy, though this would surprise some, with strong determination and a sense of duty. That said, she is relatively relax, though she can get riled up at times. Onyx enjoys puns and has a sense of humor. She can be goofy and silly, at least on the surface, and enjoys cracking bad jokes that make others groan. Her most powerful tools are her playful grin and her sharp mind--the duality of (wo)man. She does come across as lazy and unmotivated at times, but if it's something she's devoted to, or something that reflects her values, she's passionate in pursuing it with dedication and a one-track mind.

Onyx doesn't JUST hold grudges. She gets revenge. She doesn't let anyone hurt her or hers, and will protect her loved ones until her dying breath. She is relatively moral, but will prioritize the lives of her loved ones over everyone else. She's willing to condemn the whole Weyr, if it saves one of her loved ones. Despite this, she does care, and would sacrifice herself to save her Weyr--she just wouldn't sacrifice someone she cared about. There are certain people she would do anything for, and she gets quite attached.

If she feels cornered, she can be quite vicious. In general, she is proud and refuses to bend on her ideals, or even her opinions. If she's proven wrong and given an out that saves her dignity, she might take it, but otherwise she's quite rigid. That said, she takes her goals (and revenge) very seriously, as she is less of a goof than she acts. (She's still a goof, though.) Generally teasing and playful in nature, she snaps into "serious mode" when needed--especially when a loved one is threatened.

Onyx can be very flirty, though largely in a teasing, non-serious manner. That said, she is very open in terms of bed partners. Despite this, she's never had a real romantic relationship, though she has had several sexual partnerships. As a result, she is inexperienced when it comes to romance, with little idea about how she's supposed to progress. When given genuine, romantic affection, her aloof, casual attitude melts, and she becomes easily flustered. She's more prone to getting her heart broken than to breaking hearts, but her obliviousness to the romantic interests of others may result in accidental heartbreak. She's had many lovers, lasting anywhere from one night to a year or two--but none were more than that.

When it comes to her emotions, she will often deny that anything is wrong, both to others and to herself. Denial is her main coping mechanism, and she can get defensive, as well. If she feels she has done something wrong, she accepts responsibility and feels lasting guilt. If emotionally or verbally attacked, though, she may become prickly and defensive. As a woman prone to flares of anger, she has gotten into her share of arguments and shouting matches--and even some fistfights or duels. Many of those, too, in fact, though less since Impression. Overall, she doesn't back down easily, and is competitive. When it comes to those she loves, she will fight fiercely to protect them or defend their honor.

Despite the love in her heart for those who matter to her, and her determination to defend them, she is prone to turbulent relationships, filled with intensity of any kind. She can be a bit oblivious to the emotions of others and their social cues, and has generally low emotional intelligence. She will mentally deny that anyone is upset, until it is too late to fix the problem. She can be suspicious of others, assuming that they will harm her at some point and hiding her true self from them. It's best if they think she's goofy, and not that she has emotions. She feels sadness and pain, like everyone else, but she hides this out of fear of being seen as weak, and people abandoning her or using her as a result. She is resilient, but never talks about her feelings. She loves easily, but doesn't trust easily.

More than a little hotheaded, Onyx has a fire in her heart that burns brightly. No one can stand in her way when it comes to her goals; no one can harm her or those she loves; and no one, no one, can get away with succeeding at any of those. Although she's usually laid back and not bothered easily, her temper is vicious. Slow to wake but burning bright, she is prone to impulsively lashing out when angered.

There are many words for Onyx, when it comes to her intellectual drive. She likes to know everything, be it facts and knowledge or rumors and goings on. She can be nosy and a gossip. She can be inquisitive and curious. Either way, she is an explorer at heart; she likes trying new things, going to new places, meeting new people. When her world feels too small, she can get bored and irritable.

Positive Trait List Intelligent, Protective, Inquisitive, Friendly, Playful
Negative Trait List Rebellious, Turbulent in relationships, Suspicious/distrustful, Oblivious, Poor emotional intelligence
TW: Abuse and death mentions
Born at a cothold under Fort Weyr, Viionyx never really had experience with a larger hold or Weyr sort of life, growing up. Everyone knew everyone else's business, and there was no way to hide. That said, those who were quiet and well-behaved blended in, fell to the background; as a result, Onyx became a loudmouthed, energetic child, often getting herself into trouble and sticking her nose where it didn't belong. Cothold life suited her, in some ways--she could know everything about everyone else, and she loved her family dearly. In other ways, it didn't--there was a limited amount of what she could learn, both in regards to education and to gossip, and her world was oh-so small.

She was born the second child of Jirnyx and Arideviio, and three turns later, her sister Jiravii was born, making her the middle child. Viionyx was very close to Jiravii, caring deeply for her sister, even though Jiravii's birth resulted in their mother's passing. Their father, Jirnyx, blamed Viionyx for it, of all people. After all, she was the rambunctious one, likely responsible for Ari's poor health, which resulted in complications, obviously. Jirnyx was a demanding, controlling father, quick to criticize, but had a soft spot for Jiravii. He doted on his youngest daughter, and was harsher towards Viionyx. Most of the others in the cothold, especially those related by blood, found Jirnyx's temper and harshness to be distasteful, but didn't do anything to change it, even when his anger lashed out in other ways, even physical.

Nyxari, Viionyx's older sister, left the cothold to strike out her future, sick of the family dynamics and tension surrounding her father, and her mother's passing. Viionyx still feels abandoned by Nyxari, largely because she hasn't heard from Nyxari since her sister left.

At a young age, she followed the cothold's poor excuse for a healer around, interested in learning all he could teach. Unfortunately, he found her a nuisance, and mostly ignored her. When she was finally old enough to be an apprentice, she begged her father to send her to the healer hall. He was happy to be rid of her, and was glad to send her away. Jiravii saved up before Vii left, and bought her a small firelizard egg, which hatched into Vijr, or "Vii Junior." Since leaving, she has kept in contact with her sister through letters, via her new flit.

At the Healer Hall, she met a few dear friends. Tordia (M), Darja (F), Ashmedai (M), and Viper (F) were all friends, a turn older at most, who eagerly welcomed Viionyx into their group. Tordia was a controlling yet cheerful individual, while Darja was easily influenced but kind. Ashmedai was a little rough around the edges, and a bit of a prankster, the definition of chaotic neutral. Viper, despite that not being her real name, was Ashmedai's sly, long-tolerating best friend. Viionyx clicked with them quickly, despite throwing most of her energy into her studies. She decided to go by Onyx shortly after her arrival, preferring a new name that wasn't given by her father.

She refused to deal with the stressors she'd felt early in her life, and instead continued moving forward with surprising resilience. As she aged, before becoming a journeyman, Tordia grew jealous of Onyx's role as the natural leader of the group; he turned Darja against her, and the group fractured over some issues and drama. Ashmedai and Viper separated from them, avoiding the stress, and Darja and Tordia separated as well, leaving Onyx on her own.

Onyx got into several fights and honorable duels during her time at the healercraft hall, but never anything bad enough to get into trouble. Secret or mild, she never quite dealt with consequences, until she challenged Tordia to a duel at 21, less than a turn after his "betrayal." He fought dirty, and in the end, she ended up with a gash just missing her eye, an accident that even he hadn't intended, while brandishing a knife about. She recovered quickly, given her location, but was put on probation as an apprentice, as was he, for the dangerous fight. He left the hall with Darja, and Onyx recovered and kept out of trouble.

Hurt and betrayed, she threw herself into her studies, and became a journeyman in the surgical specialty by the age of 23. She was stationed at Western Weyr soon after, and to her surprise, was searched. At her first hatching, she Impressed, with a lovely blue making his way towards her. Life was never the same again. She tried to keep up with her craft, even during her weyrlinghood, but struggled to. She still spends much of her free time working on perfecting her craft, hoping to be a master, if not THE master, despite her dragonriding status. Stubborn, she won't accept anything less--though thankfully, she is patient about it.

When threadfall returned, her family's cothold was more or less wiped out. Onyx eventually returned, at some point after Impression, but she knew they were gone long before then. The cothold was absolutely destroyed, with nothing--and no one--left.
Other: The arts are by lavellyn, top and chivest, bottom (dA)
-Mother: Arideviio
-Father: Jirnyx
-Sisters: Nyxari (+2), Jiravii (-3)

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Name: Miehrath
Age: 1 turn (weyrling)
Color: Blue
Size: 27.5 feet
Physical Description: Average in length, Miehrath is not the most impressive of blues. He is well-proportioned and sturdy in build, perhaps even a little ox-like, but not especially large or especially small. Despite his almost-bulky build, he carries himself with grace. Elegant and regal in his poise and gait, he seems the type to be distinguished and regal. His headknobs are surprisingly dainty, with a gentle curve to them, while his ridges are wide and relatively blunt. He has a few threadscores on his left foreleg, but they are healing well.
Personality: Miehrath's personality, in some ways, matches the flavor of his tea. His sweetness comes from his desire to be honorable, to protect the weak, to be kind to others. He cares deeply about others, and wants to be a white knight to everyone he meets. Fiercely optimistic, he believes in the good in everyone, until proven otherwise, and is an overall gentle and caring soul. That said, he certainly has a spice to him, as well. He doesn't take kindly to others mistreating him or his--or anyone, really. He stands up against injustice with an iron fist, refusing to budge on his ideals. Stubborn when it comes to his values, he doesn't let anyone push him or anyone else around. Fiery, in some ways, even, he is prone to sarcasm and sass, at the very least, but only if someone "deserves" it. With no tolerance for cruelty, Miehrath is more likely to say something than not. He's not outspoken against normal disagreements, but if something is unfair, unjust, or evil, in his mind, he will give his two cents. Maybe even some extra change, if you're unlucky enough to be on the receiving end.

Generally gentle, this dragon loves children and animals, and will gladly let youth climb on him to play. Mild in manners, when needed, he is more than happy to be a pleasant force of goodness. While he fights for what he believes to be right, and holds himself and his rider to high moral standards, in daily life he is relatively calm and willing to go with the flow. A flexible dragon, Miehrath enjoys granting others freedom, rather than trying to control them. That doesn't mean he'll tolerate poor behavior, just that he'll try to let people do what they will.

Honor is very important to this dragon. He doesn't believe in fighting dirty, in any meaning of the word, and will act in a way that preserves the honor and dignity of himself, Onyx, and anyone else around him. Even the most cruel of people do not deserve underhanded methods. Miehrath has a strong code of honor, and will not budge when it comes to this. Naturally, his honor includes protecting others and keeping them safe--as well as speaking up against injustice.

He is also a generous dragon. Willing to let others into his weyr at any time, he believes in being hospitable and kind to guests, and would give others the clothes off his back (if he, you know, wore clothing). A bit traditional in his regard for caring for others, and certainly chivalrous, he treats others with respect, especially if they identify as female. Additionally, Miehrath is brave, and believes strongly in courage as a value. He will protect others, and even lay his life on the line repeatedly to keep others safe. Fighting thread is the biological prerogative of dragons, but even if it wasn't, he'd yearn to take to the skies to protect Pern.

Regal and poised, Miehrath is a distinguished dragon, with proper manners and a strong belief in propriety. That said, he doesn't hold others to it, or think himself above others for his particular preferences. In fact, not even his rider is held to these ideals. Generally, this dragon has refined tastes, and enjoys art, music, and poetry above all else. Oral stories and songs are his favorite, and he enjoys being read to.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Teabab contest!  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 3:07 pm
Approved, with the obligatory disclaimer that player characters can become Masters but will not be able to reach the status of Masterhealer/harper/etc of Pern. heart You were very thorough with her personality, excellent work!  


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