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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[wingsecond] Qiana of White Amairrith [Approved]

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Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:59 am
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Name: Qiana
Age: 28
Nameday: 3546.09.12
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Polyamorous
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingsecond - Fire Storm
Previous Rank/Craft: JM Farmer, Wingrider

Physical Description:
A striking woman, Qiana stands out in a crowd without needing to try hard: she has a special brand of personal radiance that draws the eye. Stocky, with a strong build, this young lady is fit and shows the Turns of her dedication to dragonriding. Despite this, femininity graces her form, and she is proud of herself and her body. Confidence and grace come naturally to her.

A heart-shaped face is a canvas for dimples, freckles, and an alluring blue gaze on soft, creamy white skin. Qiana blushes easily; in fact, expressions readily cross her features, easy-to-read for any who have a perceptive take on life. Delicate pink lips pucker or smile at most social cues, hazel-shaped eyes crinkling with delight and flashing with compressed anger. Her hair catches the eye, and cascades to the middle of her back in a thick, straight waterfall, tinged by red at its edges. Her fringe, cut straight across her forehead, bears that same red dye; Qiana mixes the dye herself, from naturally sourced plants.

Her sense of style is not always the most practical: Qiana has a penchant for draping layers, especially in tones of browns, blacks, golds and whites. She has a passion for fashion that she rarely expresses in her day-to-day life; instead, she settles for collecting clothing that she can only rarely wear, but makes her happy deep down. Still, no matter what she chooses- or has to wear, she will sport a sunny smile for her weyrfamily, sunny both inside and out.

Down-to-earth and sensible, Qiana is a font of positivity and goodness. She has strong nurturing instincts, coupled with a desire to see folks flourish. Gifted with a great sense of community spirit, she revels in the success of others, and enjoys a good celebration of the Weyr’s achievements. This can have its drawbacks, too, for she is firm in her adherence to the Council’s vision of how Western should be represented and run, and hard on those who do not measure up to her- or their- expectations. Expect Qiana’s mother-like disappointment and her need to set people straight to manifest at some point- especially for those nearest and dearest.

On the surface, she is a sociable, jovial woman who enjoys good conversation, light banter, and playful flirting. Though she has a temper, it is less rage and more ire and snippiness. She is the type to hold a long grudge unless the recalcitrant party makes it up to her in earnest. She likes her jokes spoken, not enacted. Qiana has a good understanding of people, and a great deal of compassion and empathy for those who are a more permanent fixture in her life. She’ll never think badly of anyone- not unless she has been given a reason to do so.

With strong ties to her Weyr-family and a natural-born ability to be a social butterfly and fit in, Qiana is devoted to most folks as long as she trusts and respects them. Very little sways her opinion: she’s quite set in her ways, despite her youthful energy. However, she has a tendency to be a little too intrusive, sometimes even overbearing. This stems from her slightly skewed perception of others: they they need her protection, and the best way she can serve them is by ‘guiding’ them, and ensuring they’re on the right path.

Qiana shows cleverness through her ability to adapt and her varied skill set. She has a green thumb and a good knowledge of plants; she knows how to run a domestic home, from darning to cooking to medical assistance; and possesses strong survival instincts, with a grounding in hunting and beast-tending. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none- Qiana's greatest strength certainly lies in the farming knowledge she has inherited from her parents, and her love for plants stems from her upbringing. There is little that she couldn’t put her mind to and achieve, and Qiana is the kind of woman to do just so. She strives for self-improvement and wants to be the best that she can be, for both herself and her Weyr. She expects the same drive from others.

Beneath the surface, she is a woman who loves her creature comforts and a warm, cosy hearth. Qiana has a nostalgic love for her old life, and dreams of a day when she can retire to a lovely little residence of her own, surrounded by her loved ones. Deep down, this young woman has a bit of a materialistic streak that makes her very house-proud. She likes decorating and furnishing her own quarters with goods her hard-earned marks can acquire, and enjoys fancy clothing as well. Fine wine is a must for any event, and she enjoys the luxuries afforded to her by her hard work and rank. Sure, there are those who might disapprove… but shaffit, every day is a day to die- might as well enjoy the ones you get to live for.

Unfortunately, her luxurious taste in basic necessities and homeware has made her a bit of a snob and a critic in the ‘tasteful-weyr-fashion-department’. Qiana can become carried away with her pride, often bragging about how much her table is worth, or how rare her rug was (it’s an old import from the south, y’know? They don’t make them like that anymore). When she pays visits to her friends and peers, she finds herself biting her tongue and maintaining an internal commentary with Amairrith as to the interior of their homes; when folks find out, the less understanding cool a little towards her. She likes to judge clothing too- but less on a day-to-day basis: Gathers are a must for gathering intel on the latest clothing trends, and to see which leader may have made a fashion faux-pas.

Positive Trait List: Devoted - Resourceful - Compassionate
Negative Trait List: Materialistically Snobby - Stubborn - Inflexible principals

Born in Keroon Hold to farmer parents, Qiana’s life was mapped out for her at a very young age: become a farmer, marry well, raise a family. Follow in her parents’ footsteps, yadda yadda, the whole shebang.

And she was perfectly content with it. Circumstances were good. Keroon was flourishing. The runners it produced were renowned all over Pern. Its fields were bountiful. Life was idyllic for young Qiana, who fit in well with her peers and friends- including a fosterling by the name of Dhawsn, who seemed as easy-going and as pleasant as she was.

Although the official Farmcraft Hall was at Nerat, Qiana stayed on at Keroon and learnt farming from her parents. She had a way with plants that brought them great pride and pleasure: a true girl after their own hearts. She also tended to the herds in nearby grazing pastures, and enjoyed the friendship of folks learned in the Beastcraft. She was disappointed when Dhawsn was sent to the Smithhall at Telgar, but she was also glad that he’d found his thing.

A thing found her, too. Well- not so much a thing as a Searchrider. She was seventeen when she accepted to go to the Weyr, much to the disappointment of her parents. Though initially Searched for Igen, she volunteered to go to Western when they were in need of candidates. At age twenty, her luck on the sands changed.

A small white dragonet sought her out without hesitation, eyes whirling rainbows. Now, see- this is why I like you! You’ve just got the biggest smile. And look at those dimples. Yes. You’re perfect, Qiana. Now, please feed your Amairrith, before she wastes away. The drawling, self-pitying whine wrapped around her mind, kindling a surge of love that would never ever be matched. Qiana was overjoyed: she had finally found her soulmate: her pesky, sassy, adorable, eccentric dragon-half.

And so began their wonderful partnership: Amairrith was both sweet and sour, a precocious, precious firecracker dragon who tolerated no one’s runner-poo. With Qiana’s easy-going, gentle nature to guide her, she found a sort of balance to her volatility that helped make her an asset to the Wings. Qiana herself thrived in training- the daily routine appealed to her Holdgirl senses. She fell more and more in love with Amai each passing day. Her dragon’s passion only enhanced her own love for life- and the two grew both more tempestuous and mature as their bond solidified.

Thread began to fall when she was in her twenty-sixth Turn. It decimated many Holds, including Keroon, and Qiana received news that her parents had perished in that first, unexpected Fall. Though their relationship had grown frosty since she had accepted Search- and Impressed- she still grieved their passing a great deal, filled with regrets that their parting had not been on better terms, and that she hadn’t tried harder to mend the bond between them.

Amairrith carried her through her sorrow, determined to bring her rider back to life. She encouraged her rider to be mindful of their space, to create a sanctuary within their weyr that catered to their sophisticated tastes. At first, Qiana did so just to placate and please her dragon; but she soon found herself enjoying the plush luxury that came of saving marks and buying new bedfurs, or commissioning a new dress or a small tapestry of her dragon. It was the sort of innocent folly that served both as distraction and passion, and Qiana found herself craving more things in her life.

Nowadays, life consists of duties and Threadfighting. Qiana is happy- as happy as she can be, really. She has Amairrith, a flower garden, her precious things, and a noble purpose in life- that’s all a person needs, right? Of course. She dares not let herself think about the possibility of having children of her own, as secretly as she might desire them. Qiana fears that it would be an inconvenience to a whole lot of people… besides which, it is not an easy thing to accomplish when riding a fighting dragon, either… Nevertheless, life is good. Qiana doesn’t complain.

With the recent delivery of Consequences, life has gotten a little more… awkward. Qiana is embarrassed Western fell into disfavour- any ally is good, especially in Threadfall. Amairrith, on the other hand, is regretful that other Queens have scorned Western so- and is also infuriated that some dragons are just so rude. Oh, it would be so much easier if everybody could just get along…

Other: Medi approves of the pre-existing relationship with Dhawsn!

Name: Amairrith
Age: 8
Color: White (F)
Size: 14’

Physical Description:
A small dragon with more round curves than muscle, Amairrith is a delightful creature to behold in the air, though her endurance is rather dismal. She is inclined to laziness, much preferring to spend her time at leisure than performing drills or flying about like some flitter. Folks can’t admire her if she’s always moving around!

A Queen born with a snow-white hide, Amairrith is a precious pumpkin dragon who is also somewhat temperamental and moody. According to her view of the world, she sits at the highest rung of the ladder, with a strongly hidden belief that folks venerate the ground upon which she walks. It's not that she's more special than any other dragon- no, all dragons are equal and lovely regardless of their hide… it's that she is simply the most beautiful, the most breathtaking, the most brilliant dragon ever to grace Pern; naysayers be damned to Between.

Despite her vanity, she isn't superficial, not by a long shot. She has a genuine love for friends and peers. Though she enjoys flattery, she is keen on reciprocity too, and full of compliments for those she feels deserve them. She makes a good friend and confidant for those in need of an ear.

Amairrith can be quite clever when the situation calls for it; with a creative mind and a love for games, she is inventive and brilliant in the way she manages her candidates and friends. This dragon loves play, although is less fond of competitions- there’s no need to get testy, really. And certainly no need to fight. Barbaric, really. Such a lack of civility and manners...

She does have a tendency to gossip, and her mercurial moods are often the cause for her demonising some poor soul or another; look at poor Xanarth, his hide has been so dull lately... He's probably wracked by guilt for being a lazy lump of a dragon in such trying times.. Amai holds nothing back: when she feels she’d been wronged, she becomes insidious in her plotting of the other’s downfall. Oh, she'll be sweet to your face, but Amairrith should never be underestimated. Fortunately she is easily distracted by her next vendetta, and will quickly forget her old enmity for something new.

Amairrith has a collector’s eye for all manners of things: shiny objects, pretty objects, fancy objects, people, food… People are her favourite: she can be quite proud of her ‘collection’, from the strange and eccentric, to the dashingly handsome or breathtakingly pretty, from clever to kind and the exceptionally talented as well. She is amused by humans and their odd behaviour, which she perceives as very different to herself and her rider. Qiana, after all, is a living paragon of perfection.

Positive Trait List: Affectionate - Protective - Caring
Negative Trait List: Vain - Greedy - Proud

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Wingsecond contest approval!  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:00 pm
Howdy Sym! Grats on your win! biggrin Just couple of things before I can shoot the approval through:

There is mention of Qiana's hair being "unusual by Pernese standards," however, in our canon hair dye of all colors is a wide-spread part of every day style. The color and her making the dye herself is fine! Please take out just the bit about it being unusual.

The way her materialistic trait is described, it sounds more like an enjoyable hobby than something that actually has a negative effect on her life. Does she spend too much on new possessions and run into financial problems? Does she flaunt them in front of people, or talk about them to excess and irritate folks? Please expand on this a bit!

And just a disclaimer for clarity in case others might read random QCs for ideas, since it looks like you're already well aware--Qiana sounds like a bit of a jack-of-all trades, but it would be on a "homemaker" level, as you implied. She couldn't be an expert in any craft that she hasn't been formally trained in, be it through a crafthall or an individual apprenticeship.  


Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 8:43 pm
Heya Teiha! Thanks! <3

I've changed unusual to eye-catching- hopefully that works. ^^

I've also changed materialistic to financially irresponsible- I hadn't in-depth considered this aspect of her, and I'm not sure how it works in terms of being a rider; but I was thinking of perhaps her being a bit frivolous to the point of having trouble managing finances and getting into some trouble with lenders. I don't know that it'd be good for a Wingsecond to have this kind of reputation though, so perhaps something very mild instead, if that makes sense? So instead of always being in debt, she occasionally overspends and discovers that she needs to do extra jobs to make ends meet during her restdays? I'm not sure if I'm making sense- my brain isn't working so great. Maybe frivolous instead of materialistic or financially irresponsible? Or maybe a more hoarderish angle, but this might not negatively impact her life enough in the long run?

Qiana is definitely a bit of a jack-of-all-trades; she wanted (and still wants, to a degree) to be a mother with a big family and had always dreamed of being a domestic goddess. She does have training in farming, since that was what her family did, however she was never officially sent to the Farmcrafthall. =]

Let me know if you have any advice- especially for the materialistic/financially irresponsible aspect. =]  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:37 am
Well, seeing as I recently wrote up a Wingleader who is somewhat financially irresponsible... And at HR, no less! XD

In the case of my character, he survived by being a thief when he was a boy, so those tendencies of having strong desires to steal or to buy luxuries he can't afford are still there. He doesn't steal things anymore, of course, but he'll blow all of his marks on a whim, especially if he's under a lot of stress. The unsatisfied desire for things I want badly can be very frustrating, as is the aftermath of struggling with other, more practical needs, adding even more stress. He's also a bit of a hoarder, but in the form of collecting one particular item that is usually the cause is his overspending.

As long as she can still do her duty and the flaw doesn't completely cripple her personal life, it should be fine, though a concerned leader or friend might try to help/talk about it from time to time. I hope that helps a bit. Feel free to brainstorm more here if you like, or DM me! heart  


Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 6:59 am
I've updated Qiana's flaws. I took the materialistic trait in a judgemental/snobby direction, which I felt fit her a bit better than someone who was financially irresponsible. Hopefully this works for you. Let me know if there's any that needs more fixing. ^^

Thanks for your help Teiha!  
PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 10:13 pm

Overall this reads well, but I'm a little confused about how Qiana's very clearly beautiful face defies conventional beauty? This doesn't make sense to me. She's classically beautiful, in terms of having delicate pink lips, dimples, and an alluring blue gaze... and soft, creamy white skin. How does this defy conventional beauty?


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2019 5:57 am
I've rewritten the first paragraph of her description. I can't really phrase what I meant (or remember), so I just left it out as it's probably not relevant. =]

Let me know if anything else needs changing!  
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:46 am



Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

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