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Witness was blind, in the way that most Zikwa were blind. Still, she moved through the Swamp, in the way most Zikwa moved. The directions that kindly passersby bestowed her were of little use, but step by step, the thinning of water, the thickening of leaves – in this way, Witness moved, and arrived at her aim, three days after she'd set out for the witch's bower.

Witness waited, where the leaves were thinnest, ergo likely the entrance. She took two steps in, where the water flowed. She turned her head up, when the pressure shifted, and tilted it, at the delighted sound.

"You're quite the specimen, aren't you?" from one side of her to the other, "I assume those are benign?"

Witness smiled, pleasantly, because she had no idea what she'd meant.

"From your otherwise healthy condition, I would say so, yes."

Witness smiled.

Witness let herself be guided in, fussed over, and lightly prodded. She had heard from some that – if she came to you while you waited – this might be her way. She nodded, and shook her head, and answered with words, from time to time, to the questions that came, and let herself be prodded, because, eventually, like an afterthought, the witch finally said:

"And the children seem healthy as well – I presume that's what you came about?"

Yes. Yes, they were.

"Not that far along – but won't be too long either now, I see."

Yes, they were. Yes, they won't be.

"A good time, really. It gets harder to travel the later you leave it."

Yes, she'd thought it might be.

"Oh – yes, a blessing –"

That was definitely an afterthought.

"Anything in particular you'd like them to be blessed with?"

Witness smiled.

"Peace," she said.

"Oh, well, I can imagine. Just a moment –

"There you go."

And it was over. And Witness left, with three herbal supplements, one of which was to be taken twice daily, the others once. And, step by step, she made her way, again.