User ImageName: Ryara
Age: 21
Nameday: 3554.13.26
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: Western
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Ryara is an identical twin to her sister, goldrider Ky’ra. Fill this out when we see what Cheri has…
Personality: Ryara might be identical in looks to her twin, Ky’ra, but her personality is incredibly different. Born after Ky’ra, Ryara was always a small, delicate thing. Where her sister was confident, outgoing, and definitely “loud”, Ryara, was much more subdued, more demure, and always willing to let Ky’ra have the spotlight. Though she’s easier to overlook, Ryara is a happy woman. She isn’t the sort to fall into bout of despair, and it’s a rare day indeed when she can’t find some reason to smile. While she knows the world can be painful and cruel, she tends not to fall into dark moods, and if she does, she will do so privately where there aren’t any prying eyes. When she does feel down or pensive, she tends to recovery swiftly, especially when she can lean on her sister, parents, or dragon. Laughter is the best medicine, after all, and the girl much prefers to move through the world with good-humor and grace. To those she knows well, there’s an impishness about her, a natural playfulness, that comes out most around her sister.

Ryara is a considerate woman and was blessed with a generous heart. She was lucky to be born in the Weyr, has loving parents, and a large family she dotes upon and adores. It was being one of the middle children that meant Ryara was able to be spoiled by her older siblings, such as R’min, as well as her twin, but also able to spoil those that came after her. Maternal by nature, she will often fuss over those that need a bit more--be it attention, support, help, if Ryara can give it, you bet she will. Unfortunately, she has a bad habit of sacrificing her own desires for those of others. She would never admit to being burnt out, exhausted, or tired; she would never dream of complaining while someone else is in need; but it does mean she often finds herself spreading herself too thin. Impression has helped her better manage her time, but if she’s not careful, she’ll run herself ragged trying to give to those in need.

While Ryara means well in her care, she sometimes doesn’t realize that someone doesn’t want her help, her aid, or her kindness. Not everyone out there wants to be fussed or mothered, and not everyone wants to become a project. She can be painfully oblivious to certain social cues or subtlety, which can leave her hovering over someone who just wants space. While her heart is in the right place, the path to Hell is paved with good intentions, and that’s no different on Pern. For while her intentions are pure, sometimes her presence isn’t wanted, needed, or desired. She’s not a gossip, but she will meddle in the affairs of others, especially if she thinks she can be of aid.

Ah, but this young woman isn’t all softness. There are edges to her, and they come out the most when she feels cornered, or thinks her family, friends, and loved ones are being unjustly treated. Those who think she is easy prey, or might be easily taken-advantage of, have a surprise in store--for there is a fierceness within her heart. She can have a sharp tongue when she must, and isn’t afraid to call out those who need it. While she’s slow to anger, when she is irate, you’ll certainly hear about it! And should anyone fall on her “bad” list, you can bet, she won’t forget even as time cools her temper. Once Ryara holds a grudge, she will remember, and hold it against those who have done her (or her family) wrong.

Positive Trait List Happy, Good-humored, Considerate, Maternal
Negative Trait List Self-Sacrificing, Meddling, Sharp-Tongue
History: Western Weyr grew by two the day Ryara and Ky’ra were born; first came Ky’ra, and then, much to the surprise of everyone involved, followed Ryara. The two girls were born minutes of one another, and R’mor couldn’t have been prouder. For much of her life, Ryara was attached to her sister. Wherever Ky’ra went, Ryara would follow; where Ky’ra tended to be bold and outgoing, Ryara tended to eagerly listen, or encourage her sister if she ever doubted or stumbled along her way. The two sisters were near-inseparable, and to this day, Ryara considers Ky’ra her best-friend.

Her early Turns were mostly non-eventful. She was spoiled by her older siblings, and in turn, was able to spoil those that came after. Maternal by nature, the girl took to fussing over anyone who looked as if they needed a little tenderness in their life, and adopted just about every canine, feline, and flit she could find! Most of the beasts of the Weyr didn’t seem to mind; the treats she’d bring them, and the attention they’d receive always went over well--even if some of the Beasthealers bemoaned her presence. Ryara learned from an early age that letting the herdbeasts out “because they looked sad in there” was not smiled upon; she also learned not to let loose the dogs that ran the spits, and trying to pet the (rare) Felines that came through with their handlers was a no-no.

Thankfully, there were others she could fuss over, such as her baby siblings, and her sister. As she aged, though she often found herself in the creche taking care of the littles, she also found an interest in tailoring and the weavercraft. She used to play dress-up with her sister out of whatever clothes and materials they could find; but where Ky’ra seemed to enjoy the attention and limelight, Ryara much preferred to help make her sister a star. What started as a childhood hobby eventually became a bit more as she was taught underneath some of the local Journeymen. While she’s not officially Hall trained, Ryara has a deft hand and a good eye; while she’d never dare think she was as talented as the real Journeymen of Pern, the pieces she does create are one-of-a-kind.

At Turn 14, she and her sister were finally able to stand for Impression. Neither girl found their match that day, and though it was disappointing, R’mor assured her that sometimes it took time. So, the young Candidate held onto hope that she too might find a match upon those Sands. When she wasn’t performing her Candidate lessons diligently, or hanging out with her sister, she could be found happily helping to bedazzle the Candidate robes of her peers, or not far from the creche, fussing over the littles. She was often tasked to help in the infirmary, for better or worse, and though she had trouble stomaching some of the things she saw, she made for a dutiful and mindful aid.

Eventually, the young woman did find a match. Where her sister went on to Impress the gold dragon, much to her delight (and jealousy) her envy didn’t last long. For a large green dragon fell across her feet, creeling and crying out in hunger, but terribly tangled up with her wings. Ryara didn’t hesitate to help right the creature, and upon locking eyes with Suryanth, Impression was made.

Having found the love of her life, the heart-of-her-hearts, the young woman found a new direction. Not only did Ryara find a match where she had someone to fuss over, but Suryanth made sure that Hers wasn’t stretching herself quite so thin. Upon Impression, Ryara was granted the gift of a new surge of confidence and happiness, which helped her to blossom.

With Thread’s return, Ryara and Suryanth’s mild-manners and even temperament made them assets in the chaos that followed. All of her help in the infirmary and with the littles paid off, as she was able to help tend those who needed it most when she and Suryanth weren’t called to fight. When High Reaches Weyr gave them aid and helped teach them how to fight The Enemy, she strove to learn. Over the Turns, the Ryara has been dedicated to serving Western Weyr, her family, and its people. This isn’t something that seems to change, and she does her best to be as good a greenrider as she can be. Dragonmen must fly, when Thread is in the sky, afterall, and Ryara takes that oathe seriously.

Other: When her green is grounded or injured, you can bet Ryara will spend her Threadfall days helping in the Bowl or settling the nerves of the littles in the creche. She’s competent in her knowledge of healing, though she is no healer. She can tend and dress wounds, but make no mistake, she is more of an assistant than an actual healer.

She also is secretly terrified of fighting Threadfall but she would never, ever, confess such fears. This is her duty. This is what Suryanth was hatched to do.

Name: Suryanth
Age: 3
Color: Green
Size: 25’
Physical Description: Suryanth falls on the larger end of the spectrum, size wise. She’s sweetly plump, and soft in her figure. That said, she might be a touch slower than some of her fellow greens, but she is strong, and able to withstand some of the fiercer winds. She has solid stamina and makes a hearty addition to any Wing.
Personality: Suryanth is a loving, doting lady of a dragon. Like her rider, she has no trouble looking at the world and finding that silver lining. Optimistic, she believes though times can be tough, there is no doubting that things will get better. She has no trouble fussing over those in her Wing, and can be quite maternal--she’s always happy to coo over those who are injured, stressed, or otherwise unhappy; and she always has a wing under which others might snuggle.

Suryanth can be protective though, particularly to those she considers Hers. While she’s not wildly possessive, dear friends, and current lovers, will find that she has no trouble baring her fangs or mantling her wings at any threat. If you want to mess with any of hers, you’ll have to get through her first--and Suryanth can be stubborn. If you happen to get on her bad sad, this green won’t forget.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image