Name: Nisina
Age: 92
Nameday: 3483.03.02
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Retired Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Courtesan
Physical Description: As a younger woman, Nisina was nothing but grace and elegance. She stood about 5'9" and had the figure of a dancer; a trim waist, small chest, but strong legs, long arms, and a long neck. She always was a pretty woman, with eyes so dark purple they look black, long, dark-brown hair, and soft brown skin. These days she still keeps a trim (but slightly softer) figure, and while she keeps herself in shape as many riders do, she sports a few more wrinkles, and her hair has turned more salt-and-pepper grey. Still, her eyes and lips have laugh-lines, and the spark and warmth she possessed during her youth haven't left her, even with age. There's a new sadness in her eyes, one that she tries to hide. Pern has lost much with Thread's return, and the grief she might possess over the loss of children, grand-children, friends, and wingmates has taken its toll. She moves slower than she used to, though she still loves to dance; and while she might be slowing down compared to her younger Turns, Nisina certainly isn't stopping anytime soon.

Personality: One of the first things someone might notice about Nisina is how often she's smiling or laughing. The woman has found that laughter truly is the world's best medicine, and much prefers to bring light-heartedness wherever she goes. The world (especially lately) is far too serious; while there is great pain out there, great tragedy, great loss, Nisina was a trained entertainer in the Courtesan Hall, and allowing others to escape the harsh-reality of life was her job. Even as a goldrider at Western Weyr, the woman didn't take herself as seriously as some, and much preferred to set others at ease with a smile or good-humored fun. Life was too short, after all--even when Thread was thought to be gone from Pern.

Her warmth always made it easy for Nisina to find friends. At both the Courtesan Hall and the Weyr, the woman had not problem reaching out to others, and bringing them into her circle. The more distant or gruff they seemed, the more determined the woman would come to be friendly. As she understood, you killed more trundlebugs with honey than with vinegar; her craft training also encouraged being warm, open, and friendly to attract more clients. Just because such a trait helped her as a crafter, didn't mean she was any less genuine.

That said, having never lacked friends or a broad-social circle, Nisina delighted, and still delights, being the center of attention. She can't help but enjoy being in the limelight, and especially enjoys the fussing that some Holds and Halls give her when Hezuithoth is near. While she doesn't think herself better than others, she certainly doesn't complain about too much attention; now that she's older, she appreciates it all the more when she does get it--what can she say? She still likes to know that she's "still got it"... an we all know what "it" might be!

The woman is a bit of a vain creature. While a little vanity never hurts, Nisina spent much of her Turns in the Courtesan Hall, and the competition within those walls is legendary. Even to this day, Nisina tends to fuss over her appearance, and quietly (or sometimes not-so-quietly to her children or lover) bemoan some flaw in her appearance. She has a healthy self-love, particularly for her appearance; in fact, she can be a bit ostentatious, never liking to go out looking anything but her best--always wanting to primp and preen before making some display. She can't help but show off a little no matter where she goes--something that she does to this day.

Good-humored and friendly, Nisina can be a bit too indulgent--both to herself and others. She's never been great at handling her marks because she has a tendency to spend what she makes investing in things for herself, her lover, her children, friends, and family. She has a terrible sweet-tooth, and doesn't seem to know when to say no. This can and has gotten her into trouble in the past; while age, wisdom, and maturity have meant that she eventually learned to say no in some circumstances--in others, it's easy to run Nisina over. She indulged her children, spoiling them almost to the point of detriment; she indulged her own fancies and vanity, spending much of her marks on things she probably didn't need; Hezuithoth is often indulged, which has meant in some cases it's actually affected their bond or cause trouble (especially when it came to keeping her from gorging instead of blooding). While Nisina is a good wingrider, and a good dragonrider, she is not a woman without flaws, and she has a tendency to turn the other cheek in cases where she might be better off standing firm.

Positive Trait List Genuine, Good-Humored, Friendly
Negative Trait List Indulgent, Ostentatious, Vain
History: Nisina was born and raised on a small island cothold under Black Sands Hold. The island was small, and quite a ways away from the much larger Black Sands. It was home to a small handful of islanders who were known to live off the land. Fishing, some farming, and hunting were what it was known for, and it often sent much of its goods north to Black Sands Hold and beyond. She was the middle child of nine and had a relatively happy and quiet childhood. Though she was accustomed to fighting for the attention of her parents, she wasn't neglected, and often remembers and enjoys spending time on the beach, listening to the waves lap at the shore while gazing at the stars, or soaking up the hot sun. Though she enjoyed the water, and knew how to do some fishing, the craft never called to her; instead, she grew up dreaming of becoming a Harper.

She sang and danced and even took up some lessons under the old Journeyman who had been stationed to teach; while she had some skill, the Harper didn't encourage her to join the Harper Hall. Instead, the woman said her skills would be wasted if she picked up an instrument--she needed to go to the Courtesan Hall instead!

Her family initially objected--they thought they knew well what sort of lifestyle a Courtesan might lead, and didn't wish it upon their daughter. But the Harper continued to push--as well as explain that there was more to the Courtesan Hall than the rumors they believed. Courtesans were respected, and, the Harper reminded her parents, close to the Harper Hall. If Nisina didn't enjoy her lessons in the Craft, the Harper Hall would certainly take her in--but it was clear that while music was in the girl's soul, it was dancing that she loved. It was with great reservation that Nisina's parents eventually relented and at Turn 11 she was sent to the Courtesan Hall.

Unfortunately for her family, Nisina loved her new life. Though she missed the beaches she suddenly found herself learning all sorts of new things. She was a lovely dancer, but she quickly found out that she didn't hold a mark next to some of the more experienced girls and boys. The training was rigorous and extremely competitive. Though the girl had skill, she was not one of the young, precious starlets within the Hall. Her life changed while she was at the Courtesan's Hall, and thought she love to dance, she eventually chose to learn the art of a true entertainer by Turn 18. A little dancing, a little singing, and even some seducing. She had no desire to work in some of the brothels, but instead, had hopes to travel in some of the Courtesan Caravans that traveled Pern and put on entertainments of all sorts -- some nights singing, some nights dancing, some nights telling stories, or reenacting legends from Pern's history, while some nights they would simply talk or spendtime among the people.

At Turn 20 she walked-the-tables, and was indeed assigned in a small entertainer troupe. She traveled much of the Western Continent the next few Turns, took on a few lovers, and even traveled to Ista and Igen before returning to the Western Continent at Turn 24. It was on her way back that something extraordinary happened--she found herself Searched by a blue rider for an upcoming clutch. While she had thought herself far too old, the blue rider insisted she still had a solid six Turns left to Impress.

Torn, Nisina almost turned down the idea--she was happy in her troupe--but her friends told her not to be foolish. She was a Journeyman and if she wished to return to the Hall and to find her way back into a troupe after her Candidacy was up, she would never be turned away. Many Courtesans-turned-Riders returned to their Craft, so she certainly wouldn't be the first.

So it was, she accepted, and stood for Western's Weyr upcoming Hatching. Life at the Weyr was a curiosity for her. It was far less stuffy than many of the Holds she had come from, and quite open-minded. It was easy to make the Weyr feel like home--and though older, found a few fast-friends and lovers during her time at the Weyr. But not every Candidate is meant to be a rider, and hatching after hatching, Nisina found herself left standing. At Turn 30, she had resigned herself to returning to the Weyr when the Candidatemaster allowed her to stand one last time, as a clutch was hardening on the sands.

One final time to touch the eggs, one final time to keep herself open to the idea of a dragon; one final time to walk away alone. Still, Nisina didn't resent what was to come--there was no shame in never finding a dragon, and her time at the Weyr had been a lovely change of pace. She'd made many connections, friends, and lovers, and had stories to tell during her future travels. It was only when Hezuithoth hatched, somewhere right near the beginning, that Nisina's entire life changed--thought it didn't change right away.

While she certainly appreciate the gold dragonet, as every woman on the Sands likely did, she never would have guessed the queen was hers. Instead, the gold took her time moving about the Candidates--male and female alike! The little queen soaked up the attention she was given for much of the rest of the Hatching, periodically helping one of her siblings to find Theirs, or nuzzling and cuddling up to whatever boy or girl caught her fancy. It was only near the end when Hezuithoth finally called out to Nisina, and strode purposefully up to her. Nisina, darling! Wouldn't we make such a lovely pair together, you and I? I know you're bags are packed, but perhaps you might stay awhile with me? Your Hezuithoth has kept you waiting long enough, but I will never keep you waiting again.

As Nisina would come to find out, this wasn't always entirely true. Her golden dragon was known to be quite easily distracted by attention; she preferred to be fashionably late, and always loved making a bit of a scene. Still, the golden dragon was a perfect match for the entertainer. Upon graduation, Nisina had ever intention of continuing her Craft, but she found it difficult to get Hezuithoth to leave for any great length of time. For a few Turns Nisina attempted to rejoin a troupe, certain her gold would be an aid--but Western Weyr was Hezuithoth's home, and the queen refused to leave for longer than necessary. It was during her fourth Turn, when she rose and clutched, that Nisina finally gave in to the battle; she would simply entertain those at the Weyr, and practice her craft as she could.

The Turns passed, and she lived a relatively lovely life. She took many lovers, as Hezuithoth did, and had a few children. But it was only later in life that she found herself earnestly in love. Nisina claims she had unknowingly fallen for the brown rider when they first met--but it was only Turns later that she found a way into his heart and into his life. She fell in love, and with him, found that her wandering hearts felt no desire to continue to wander. She had quite a brood with him, and she found a new calling in entertaining her children with stories, songs, music, and dance.

The Turns passed, her children grew, her love for her weyrmate was unfailing, and life was good. Some of her nieces and nephews were Searched and Impressed; some of her children had children their own, and she became a grandmother, and great-grandmother. Hezuithoth favored her brown mate and through him had many healthy an strong clutches for Western Weyr--thought the gold still enjoyed showing off for the males of the Weyr, even if her flights tended to favor one in particular.

Though life hadn't gone as Nisina had planned, during her older Turns, she found herself happy. She thought to live the rest of her days peacefully in Western Weyr, but Thread turned everything on its head. Instead of peace, the Weyr found itself in chaos--and her friends, her family, and some of her children even, have been maimed, scored, and even killed. Hazuithoth and she do what they can in the Queen's Wing, but she knows her energy isn't what it used to be. Semi-retired, she does what she can to help, but her heart aches for the life her children and grand-children now must face.

Other: Hezuithoth is one of Ducheth's daughters.

Name: Hezuithoth
Age: 62
Color: Gold
Size: 47'
Physical Description: Hezuithoth is a large gold, though certainly not the largest in the Weyr, or on Pern. She has shorter limbs, and could almost be described as stocky, especially as she's matured with age. Her wings are broad, and while not the most agile of golds, she certainly has no struggle keeping up her stamina. Still, she has long headknobs, an extra-long tail, and can be surprisingly light of foot.
Personality: Hezuithoth is a queen who moves to the beat of her own drum and takes her time about things. She's never much in a rush (Threadfall aside) and doesn't let the haters get her down. She is a queen who loves to show off when she can, and certainly appreciates being the center of attention. Like rider, like dragon, Hezuithoth enjoys nothing more than being in the limelight--something she finds herself getting less and less of as she's aged and matured. Still, she's not a spiteful queen, but she will find ways to get the attention she craves one way or another.

Flirtatious in nature, age hasn't slowed the gold down, and she certainly enjoys the company of the bronzes and browns of the Weyr. Though she has a favored and beloved mate, that doesn't mean she can't admire some of the strapping young bronzes that join the Weyr,; just because she has a beloved brown doesn't mean she can't compliment some of the youth. Her words and behavior are mostly harmless--at this stage of the game, she is more than content with her beloved brown, and makes sure he knows he's always number one in her book. She might talk a big game around some of her older lady golds and greens, but Hezuithoth hasn't allowed herself to be caught by anyone but her beloved for many Turns. There's no fooling the Weyr she's a gold in love--even if she has a tendency to harmlessly flirt with the younger generations.

She's a bit of a lazy lady, and that's only gotten worse during her age. She enjoys sunning herself on the heights, and the warmer the weather, the better. Threadfall will always rouse her to be her best, but you can best expect this lady to do as little-as-possible from the comfort of her weyrledge or the fireheights of Western Weyr.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Golden Oldie Thing