
How do Kitsusagi buy things?
Most Kitsusagi who live in rural areas or small towns and communities simply use a barter system. For example, a farmer might trade crops for a carpenter to make him some furniture. Or a stronger Kitsusagi might trade their labor to another Kitsusagi for food, shelter, etc.

But what about larger cities, or fancy luxury items?
Silver is used as money in the Realms. Usually, it's not stamped into any kind of coins, but there are standard weights. So, one silver weighs a specific amount, then then two silver etc. Larger nuggets can be used, they will simply be weighed to determine the value.

Can anything else of value be used as currency?
Yes! Basically, any item that could be considered worth some amount of silver can be traded for silver, or for other valuable items. Good examples are magical items, unique created items (like jewelry or armor), and even Tokens.

Does Kitsusagi Realms have any specific items that can be bought with silver?
Yes, we do! There are a variety of both IC and OOC items that may be bought with silver. For more information on this, please see the Equipment Guide and Official Realms Shop.

How can I earn silver to be used in the Realms Shop? Is it tracked somewhere?
Silver may be earned through many different tasks, such as RP, battling, special events and other participation based things. Some of these may not necessarily be outright RP, so don't worry if you think you may not have the time to seriously RP! Also remember that it is completely acceptable here to not even mess with silver, RP, battling, etc if you don't want to - though we hope that you do!

Each player should keep track of their own silver in their Den, preferably somewhere easy to find (such as the first post). Silver is not attached to any one specific Kitsu OOC'ly. In character, it's perfectly fine to have one Kitsu that carries around more silver than another - but to keep things simpler overall, silver will just be one total number that, you, the player has available.

Can I trade silver with another player?
If you wish to do so, yes! Since silver is used for IC and OOC purposes, it is not required for players to literally pay each other for IC things. You can simply RP one Kitsu paying another for something, etc. However, if both players agree that they do want to trade silver OOC as well, please use the Bank thread for this.