User ImageName: Kedah
Age: 19
Nameday: 3556.10.21
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: What's this
Craft: N/A
Rank: Weyrbrat/Candidate
Location: High Reaches Weyr

Physical Description: Just barely topping 6' tall, Kedah is a snarling feline molded into human form... and if the sculptor in question got a bit overzealous in places and lax in others, well. Kedah never claimed to be any great beauty, or really a beauty at all. What does she need from beauty that strength and ferocity cannot give her? She is justifiably proud to sport the hawk beak that gives her father such a strikingly handsome appearance. It does not, perhaps, look so well on her, but if that's the price she must pay to be daughter to two of the Weyr's best, then so be it. Tall and lanky, Kedah is possessed of eyebrows that far more closely resemble caterpillars that decided to rest on her face.

Personality: Never afraid to confront a challenge head-on, Kedah absolutely, positively hates spilling her guts to anyone. As far as she's concerned, no one needs to know what's going on in her secret heart, and if they're that interested, what the shards are they doing with their life? There are better and more important things to do than sit around and gab about the woes of the world. Such as, for example, one day Impress a dragon and fight Thread like her parents. She was maybe fourteen at best when Thread returned to Pern's skies, and turned everyone's worlds upside down. As a result, she's spent several formative Turns plotting its fiery demise. Although she did not personally suffer any loss within her immediate family, as a weyrbrat she certainly wasn't untouched by Thread's uncompromising and careless cruelty.

Aloof and willful, Kedah has a bit of a warped sense of humor. She enjoys playing games, and keeps others at arm's length. While very close to her parents and family, she has only developed a few very deep relationships outside of her familial circle. This is not because Kedah is unfriendly or standoffish, but because she sets her standards of friendship very high indeed. Her sense of personal honor is unbending, and strict. While she does has a puckish streak, she cannot and will not ever break her word or pick on someone smaller or weaker than her. She'd rather take a heavy punishment than talk her way out of trouble. If she's earned it, then she'll take it.

Caught between two vastly differing world views, and in a class filled with powder kegs waiting to go off, Kedah tries to find the balance. It's not always easy, but there is nothing to be gained in trying to burn the whole place down. She's not the most diplomatic girl, although she can be quite eloquent in her own way. She is prone to sulking when she does reach out to another and is rebuffed, although she'd never call it that. As stubborn and prideful as she is, she'd pretend that she was completely fine, while simmering beneath the surface. It's time far better spent training and getting stronger. When it comes down to it, Kedah has a swagger, and why shouldn't she? She's from good stock, and a High Reaches Weyr native, unlike some.

Nobody needs to tell Kedah to take candidacy seriously, because it is her literal life. As far as she's concerned, if someone's not taking it seriously then they don't need to be at the Weyr, period. Threadfighting is no joke, and when it comes time to face it they'll need every bit of training they can get. Not to mention that dragons need a lot of tending. Apparently someone didn't get the memo out, because some people seem to think that becoming a Candidate is a lark. It's not, and although she has a lot of fun with it, there are good lessons to learn from even classes they've already taken. So pay attention, greenie. If she walks around like she owns the place, well... that's just someone's interpretation. Truth be told, she has confidence in spades, and why shouldn't she?

Positive Trait List Honorable, intelligent, brave
Negative Trait List Direct, cocky, proud

History: Honestly, Kedah's history isn't all that interesting. She grew up as one of many kids in a large clan. All of her family now lives at High Reaches Weyr, with the notable exceptions of a Lord Holder and his spouse... who are both her uncles, on different sides of the family. There are probably kids involved there, but that tie is not as strong as it could be, since she spends most of her days ranging around High Reaches Weyr. When she was tiny, she adored and looked up to both of her parents and her older sibs. She also grew to be extremely attached to Padmia and Alusia - and may or may not have snatched a few little treats that she thought they didn't notice. Obviously they noticed and let it slide.

Her father Sh'han used to toss her high up into the air and catch her, and tended to let her nap on his chest while he dozed himself. Both he and his weyrmate K'var took her up for rides on their dragons. She has a very close connection to Green Xiasuth and Bronze Methoth as a result, and takes a special pleasure out of helping to bathe and oil them. It was very hard on her when Sh'han and K'var would make their occasional forays into Nabol and other places to do work for the Weyrleadership. At one point in her young life, they were gone for several Turns with only brief visits back home, and Kedah... resented that.

It was during that period of her life that she picked up a bit more of the typical High Reaches perspective, and it was more strongly ingrained than either parent might have suspected. Given that both of her parents tended to cause the Weyr trouble in their own ways, it was no surprise that this change was met with a bit of resistance. K'var certainly didn't understand why his young daughter had veered slightly right of center - although in fairness to the child, it was more a moderate view than that might suggest, as her father was and is quite a radical by comparison - but that perspective was not in any respect a welcome one. They had and will continue to have heated arguments about matters.

... Especially with the return of Thread. Although K'var had fully believed that Thread would return, nothing would or could have prepared any of them for the full impact of it. They were decimated by it, especially at first. However trained in theory High Reaches may have been, it was another matter entirely in practice. Worse yet, other places were not nearly so ready for Thread's return. With the growing losses, the different approaches to Weyr organization and leadership quickly began to show signs of their true worth. At least in Kedah's eyes, that is. Since Thread first again fell on Pern's unsuspecting skies Western Weyr in particular has had heavy losses.

The first clutch that Kedah stood sustained significant losses during the first new Fall. Many of her childhood companions were among those who died. That has only made her more determined to one day Impress, for she knows very well that each batch of weyrlings contribute vital numbers to Pern's besieged Threadfighting force. If there's anyone ready to take on this challenge, it is she. For all that she has been unsuccessful as of yet, Kedah is bound and determined to follow in her parents' footsteps and become a formidable Threadfighter herself one day.

Other: Kedah appreciates the careful balance of High Reaches Weyr politics, knowing that Weyrwoman Zheria and Weyrleader D'mon have worked very hard to achieve it. It doesn't perfectly mirror the young woman's own dreams, but life isn't perfect, and when running a military operation, things can get messy. She knows this, and to a large extent accepts it. There is a streak of idealism in her heart that is strongly tempered by the knowledge that other Weyrs have tried [mostly] purely merit based systems... and failed. Or at least, Kedah cannot see the Western experiment as a success. The sheer number of losses that the Western continent suffered post-Threadfall, even during the recent Fall, have left her with no other clear conclusion.

It's an uncomfortable truth, as her father K'var believes passionately in the equality of all dragons and their riders. Yet Kedah knows that however equal in worth they may be, there is, at least to the dragons' minds, a natural order of things. Dragons do not respond as quickly to chromatics as they do to metallics, and seconds of hesitation can cost lives. Kedah is a bit too perceptive not to notice the trend, nor the numbers lost. It's led to a few very unpleasant situations, but with the introduction of F'dral as the new Candidatemaster, the girl has found fertile ground for her theories. Not that she's been spouting them too much... just listening to explanations, and speaking up when anyone feels like it's time to fight the power. If her Dad can't do it, what makes them think that they can?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No