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[Wingrider] K'vah of blue Nyenyezith [Approved]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:08 pm
Name: K’vah, formerly Kevahan
Age: 25
Nameday: 3550.04.24
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual - Especially older men
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: K’vah inherited his father’s height, for better or for worse, and is built like a tank. He stands solidly at 6’8” with broad shoulders, large hands, and a body covered in muscle. He works hard to keep himself in shape, and once had been a popular grunt among the Candidates and Lower Cavern workers. Not only was he easy to spot, he could always reach the highest shelves, and never hesitated carrying the heaviest loads. His skin is a pale tan, a touch darker than some of the natives, but a fair-deal fairer than some of his siblings, and his father Sh’han. His eyes are a stormy grey-blue, with thick lashes to frame them. His hair is shoulder length, thick, and the dark-black of his father. He grows facial-hair with ease, and seems to dance between clean-shaven and more rugged. He could easily be considered handsome, though compared to some of his brothers, he’d probably look plain (in his opinion).

Personality: The first thing anyone notices about K’vah is that he is a gentle giant. Though he’s large and might be considered a brute as far as appearances go, he lacks much of the warrior spirit that many of his siblings possess. K’vah is better suited to the role of a caretaker, and for all his strength, is known to be surprisingly tender. He’s known to be a giant cinnamon roll of a man, and is always looking out for those in need. If his siblings need something, you can bet K’vah will do whatever he must to ensure they get what they want; if his friends need someone to lean upon, K’vah has a (large) shoulder to lean upon; new Candidate in the Weyr? You can bet K’vah will be the one man Welcome Wagon. New wingrider? He’ll welcome them into the fold with open arms. He might be intimidating to some, but has a mighty need to protect and care for all in High Reaches Weyr. The Weyr is family, after all, and K’vah has no trouble being the glue that binds them.

Any who think K’vah might be a pushover though are sadly mistaken. For though he is less loud-and-proud like some of his siblings, K’vah is known to be protective and overly so. When you cross his family, or his friends, you are crossing K’vah as well. He will pick sides, and that side will always be those he loves. He isn’t the sort of man who will forgive and forget, and he will fight tooth and nail for his loved ones honor and security. K’vah might be a gentle-giant, but hurt his loved ones, and you’ll face the wrath of a mama wher. K’vah will always be in their corner, sometimes blindly so.

To say that K’vah loves his family and his home is a bit of an understatement. K’vah was born in High Reaches Weyr and has no intention of going anywhere. His loyalty would never be in question, and he has no plans of leaving. While there is a strict hierarchy in place, K’vah doesn’t plan on fighting the status quo. He would much prefer to keep calm and avoid rocking the boat at all costs. Why? Because that sort of instability runs the risk of tearing them all apart. They run high enough risk of losing one another to Threadfall without adding politics into it. K’vah would much rather stay together in an imperfect place, than be scattered to the wind. Besides which, what place is perfect anyway?

Generous and affectionate by nature, K’vah tends to have many friends, though there are few who truly know the real him. It’s easy to think him incredibly open and warm, but it’s a small circle who can truly get to know him and all his sides. There’s more to him than just a caring giant, and he has his own fears, his own dreams, and desires. In fact, K’vah has a tendency to put others needs well before his own, which can leave him spreading himself far too thin among a great many. He would never dream of complaining, but K’vah hasn’t yet learned how to give himself the energy and care he lavishes so freely to others. While K’vah tries his hardest to give and give and give, he is only one man, and can only do so much. Still, he tries anyway, and has yet to learn how care for himself.

Positive Trait List Loyal, Caring, Gentle
Negative Trait List Self-Sacrificing, Guarded, Over-Protective
History: Kevahan has spent almost all of his life in High Reaches Weyr. As a weyrbrat, his life wasn’t particularly unusual. He had a handful of siblings, and two attentive parents (well, at least one attentive parent) and and entire Weyr to help keep tabs on him as he grew. He grew up in a secure environment, was fed and housed, and surrounded by dragons. He was, for the most part, a happy child who often followed his older siblings around, and cooed over the younger ones.
Perhaps the most traumatic experience during his childhood was when K’var and Sh’han were sent out of the Weyr. One moment his family was together, and then next, his father’s went away. He was accustomed to Sh’han and K’var having a busy schedule--tending Methoth and Xiasuth always came first, and any drills, or sweeps, meant that Kevahan understood he might not see much of them.

But this wasn’t simply a few days away. They were sent away by order of the Weyr and Kevahan didn’t entirely understand why. Rumors circulated--some claimed the new Weyrwoman had had enough and kicked them both to the curb, while others said the two had been unhappy with the order of things. Whatever the reason, Kevahan found himself quietly pining for his parents return. He missed them dearly, though he did his best to keep his devastation hidden. He knew better than to let his true feelings show, and with younger siblings to care for, he didn’t want to cause more worry or alarm.

Though K’var and Sh’han weren’t there, the creche took them in, and helped ensure they were raised, loved, and cared for. Kevahan, despite his youth, stepped up to the plate in his parents' absence. He had always been a bit of an old soul, despite his age, and this was ever apparent as he tried to fill the void his fathers had left. He checked in on all his siblings, did his best to distract the littles, and keep the older ones connected. Deep down, Kevahan feared that more of his siblings might be sent away (especially if they went against the traditional grain of High Reaches) and he did his best to encourage them not to rock the boat. While this put him at odds with his father’s teaching, his gentle hearts couldn’t bear the thought of the family being separated any further.

The Turn’s passed, and Kevahan grew. Dragonriding was a way of life, and though he dabbled in some crafts, some blacksmithing here, some wood carving there, it was Candidacy that he truly desired. Dragonriding ran through his blood, and he wanted nothing more than to meet his match. At Turn 14, he took his right to stand, and joined Candidacy just as he’d been born to do. It kept him busy, and he was certain it wouldn’t be long before he met his match.

Unfortunately, he didn’t Impress during his first Hatching. Or his second. Or his third. In fact, the Turn’s rolled by, and he went from a young, wide-eyed youth to a grown man. It got to the point where Kevahan went through the motions of Candidacy and had less excitement for the Hatchings, if only to keep himself from being disappointed when he inevitably was overlooked. Maybe he simply didn’t have what the dragons needed? Maybe his fate was to simply being support for the Weyr. Some of his siblings entered Candidacy and Impressed, but Kevahan was always left standing.

He had just entered his 24th Turn when he stood for Fianth and Rhianth’s clutches. Hatchings were a time to celebrate even if he had little hope on finding His. Oh, he certainly knew that he needed to keep his thoughts positive--and it wasn’t hard to be hopeful. His sister, Kedah, had been a Candidate, along with his youngest brother Shahvar. If he didn’t Impress, perhaps one of them would?

It was early on that a small blue dragon hatched shell, and tripped over his wings. He was clumsy, to say the least, and found himself burying his snout right into the Sands, not far from where Kevahan stood. Helping to right the little one, and remove his wing from beneath his newly hatched claws, Kevahan had begun to step away when everything changed. The blue gave a soft creel, looking up at him in both gratitude and pleasure. The burst of love and joy that filled him was indescribable. How considerate Kevahan was, how gentle, how loving, how perfect. Kevahan, Mine, your Nyenyezith needs you, just as I know you need me. Rest your worries with me, and take comfort knowing neither of us need ever be alone again. I am here, and we are together, just as we are destined to be.

K’vah would have waited a million more Turns for Nyenyezith to be hatched, for such a wait meant nothing with the little blue’s hearts enveloping his own. The Candidate might have waited Turns to find His, but the little blue darling was worth every moment of doubt.

To say there was a change in K’vah was an understatement. This most perfect, most beautiful blue was his world, and together, they were going to make Pern a better, and safer, place.

Other: K’vah comes from a large family and is a well-known face in the creche. He has a soft-spot for littles, and knows he makes an excellent jungle gym. He hopes to someday have a family his own, though as a dragonrider, his devotion now goes primarily to Nyenyezith.

He also likely has had a handful of relationships through the Turns, though none of have lasted more than a few months, and a few were casual, or on-and-off-again.

Name: Nyenyezith
Origin of Name: Nyenyezith’s name is derived from the Chichewa word “star” in association with the fact Lullabye’s are most often used as a sleep aid for infants. Though babies sleep through much of the day, many associate them with night time. Additionally, the song lyrics themselves references reference Jim Jr. as a star sweeper, and sweeping up stardust.

Color: Blue
Inspiration: La La Lu (Lady & the Tramp)

"La La Lu" is a song sung in the film, Lady and the Tramp, which is a lullaby performed by Darling to her newborn Jim Jr. The lyrics were written by Peggy Lee and Sonny Burke. It is a tender moment of the film where Lady is introduced to the baby.

(I"m sorry this is so short. There's just not a lot of data on this song.)

Personality Nyenyezith was born to be a mother...or at least a father. Like rider, like dragon, this little blue finds no greater joy than in caring for those in his clutch and those within the Weyr. Certainly, there are many loving hearts within the clutch, and this blue brings one more to the table. He is here to be a shoulder to lean upon, but also a blue that will remember their favorite things, and surprise them with gifts simply to see the joy in their eyes. He’s the sort of blue dragon who wants his clutchmates to stick together, and like his rider, help be the glue that binds them all together. Certainly, he would never dream on stepping on Mictecath or Anakumath’s toes--but the clutch is a large one, and they can’t always be on hand to ease the worries and cares of their (very many) clutchmates.

So Nyenyezith tries hard to fill in the gaps. His hearts are large, and he is (usually) a gentle touch. He has no qualms visiting his clutchmates in the infirmary, and certainly doesn’t mind providing entertainment as he might best be able. Any secrets, he can and will keep them; to know their joys and pleasures gives him nothing but happiness. And yet, Nyenyezith doesn’t just coo and fuss-- he parents, for better or for worse.

This means he not only will be there to support his clutchmates, but he won’t hesitate to stop and question their life choices if he thinks they’re doing something stupid. Did they double-check their straps? Nyenyezith remembers what happened during last Threadfall. And what of that brown he saw you cuddling up to on your ledge? Aren’t you at risk of having your hearts torn out? He’s heard about his reputation, thankyouvermuch. Don’t even get him started on all his clutchmates that seem to be fighting with one another! Nyenyezith will turn this flight right around if you can’t play nice--don’t make him count to ten! Yes, rest assured, this little blue has the best-intentions but can (and very much will) nag if he doesn’t think he’s being listened to, or is being ignored. This might drive away some of his friends, but he can’t help but pry into their affairs. He knows sometimes such concern is unwanted, and even unasked for, but he can’t help being who he is.

He can’t fuss over children or hatchlings right now, but he can fuss over his family, and his wingmates, and he will.

Though he can nag, more often than not, Nyenyezith is known more for being a mollycoddler. If he doesn’t think it will harm anything, and so long as he’s not genuinely concerned that spoiling his wingmates, rider, or hatchlings will upset any great balance, he might very well indulge them. In some cases where he should be firm, he might instead spoil. Additionally, he tends to be quite protective of those under his care, and he will certainly protect them fiercely. Don’t let this little chonk of a blue fool you -- he does have fangs and isn’t afraid to use them should anyone dare try to lift a claw against those he loves. Usually, though, he’s a gentle creature who is only too happy to shower his clutchmate and rider with affection. Love can change the world, he believes, and the world needs more affection.

Thoroughly tactile, he enjoys draping wings over those he cares about, or loosely twining tails. Cuddling is his favorite pastime, and the more of his clutchmates close to him the better. He might drive some crazy with his need to touch, but once again, Nyenyezith means no harm. He desperately wishes to have hatchlings his own, but since he cannot, he will simply need to find others in the Weyr who might not object to being parented.

As he grows and matures, he will likely live in a “Father knows best” sort of attitude--but for now, he’s simply a young and little blue. The older he gets, the more jealous he will likely become, particularly over the golds, bronzes, and browns of the Weyr--and especially of his own blue father, Krahsujunth. He tries his best to keep the pain of gold flights hidden, but everytime a queen glows, something within him despairs. He would never think of chasing a queen, if only because he is far, far too little to ever even have a remote possibility of cathcing one--but he can’t help but want what all his brown and bronze brothers get to have. The likelihood of any of them sharing a clutch with him, or letting him on the Sands, is practically slim to none… and he would never be so crass as to ask.

Yes, Nyenyezith can be a jealous creature by nature, and not just over the desire to become a parent. He knows his fussing and caring and love are likely less desired than, say, the likes of some of the golds and greens in the Weyr. He is certainly a loving and caring and protective blue, but within High Reaches, being a blue tends to mean little. He wants to be important, wants to be a cherished member of their family, and an important blue of the Weyr--and when he sees others living the life he desires, or getting the praise and affirmation he so seeks, he can’t help but quietly and secretly sulk elsehwere.

Paternal, Dedicated, Affectionate, Jealous, Nagging, Mollycoddling

Size: 23’
Physical Attributes: This delicate little blue is on the smaller side in terms of length, but on the heavier side in terms of weight. Everything about him is rather soft and stubby, from a short tail, to short limbs, and even short wings. He is also prone to being a touch overweight for a blue of his size, but that doesn’t seem to stop him! (Please note, a “touch” is an understatement.) His stamina suffers, but his short wings give him surprising agility.

His eyes are large, even for a dragon, but his hands and feet are small and dainty. He might not be the cutest dragon in the Weyr, simply due to her stockiness, but he radiates softness and is known to be an excellent cuddler.

Additional Notes: Like rider, like dragon, Nyenyezith adores littles and weyrbrats. He is happiest when he has someone or something to fuss over, or at least father, and has no qualms about simply adopting anyone who looks like they have a need for a father in their life.

Nyenyezith would prefer to catch a true love, as opposed to many--but where his hearts sing for devotion, his desire to be a father can often drive him from his ledge. He doesn’t want to be a heartbreaker, and yet, instinct says to father a clutch one must twin necks and tails--even if logically he knows the outcome will serve nothing but disappointment.

Why Me: Nyenyezith and K’vah are two peas in a pod. To start, they are both incredibly paternal individuals. That was, indeed, what drew Nyenyezith immediately over to K’vah. The large, gentle giant was just as family-oriented as this blue, and therefor, the two could and would quite easily understand one another’s needs and desires. Nyenyezith doesn’t have to hide who he is from K’vah, just as K’vah can give his hearts fully to Nyenyezith. Additionally, the two can fuss and care over one another, and need never fear being alone again. Even if Nyenyezith has no one to fuss over, he can always care of his rider; and K’vah will always keep an eye out for his most loving and faithful blue.

K’vah is already known for spreading himself too thin, and not focusing on his own wants and needs. Nyenyezith is only too happy to ensure His is getting the love, care, and attention he needs when K’vah might be too focused on others. On the flip side, K’vah overprotective nature means that he’ll keep close guard over his blue’s tender and gentle hearts. When Nyenyezith’s jealousy is at his greatest, K’vah will be there to soothe and support his blue. Additionally, K’vah can attempt to temper to his dragon’s nagging by suggesting a more gentle approach.

They are a match that is almost mirrored, but can grow and learn to get through life challenges together. K’vah need not be guarded around Nyenyezith, who will cherish his hearts, and support him from the very first moment they are together. And Nyenyezith need not brood or sulk alone. K’vah will give him all the support and encouragement he needs.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:40 pm



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