Name: L'tia
Age: 28
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: L'tia stands about 5'9" and is about average for his weight and size. He's gained more muscle mass since his Impression of Alihath, but unlike some of the men within Western Weyr, he doesn't stand out as particularly tall, or particularly broad. His blonde hair is medium length, falling down just past his shoulders when down; usually, though, it's clipped up or pulled back away from his face. His eyes are large, and there's usually some twinkle of good-humor found within his light-green gaze. His skin is pale, and prone to burning, which is most unfortunate given his location. He does sport an ugly scar that falls across his shoulders from Threadscore, though it's healed about as well as it could.
Personality: L'tia is just another Weyrbrat from Western Weyr, and such an upbringing is mirrored clearly in his personality. To start, L'tia is a very hard-working individual. Laziness and idle-hands aren't usually associated with this greenrider, and he's not the sort to shy away from a hard days work. His duty as a rider comes almost above all else, and while he stops short of working himself to death, he is known to pick up any slack. Not, of course, because he's looking for praise--but because at the end of the day, the work must get done, and L'tia knows he's just the sort to do it.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and L'tia is always happy to jump in and help. He has a benevolent heart, and while some might think him a bleeding heart, L'tia can't help it. If there's an opportunity to do good, or do the right thing, you can bet that the'll be there, ready and willing. Might for right is his motto, and while he is careful not to do anything too foolish, sometimes the call for aid puts him in some questionable or dangerous situations.

Thankfully, he takes everything with a grain of salt and good-humor. Laughter is the best medicine, and anyone who knows L'tia knows he loves to laugh--even at his own expense. He's best know he's a warm-hearted individual, who isn't easily put-off or offended. Slights roll of his back like water on a seawherry, and it's rare to get under his skin. When he is wounded though, he'll do his best to hide such hurts, and lean quietly upon Alihath, his weyrmate, or throw himself hard into work. Thankfully, his good humor tends to return quickly, and with his dragon's encouragement, is often back to his usual, good-humored self.

Ah, but L'tia does have his flaws. For one, he's known to be a bit impulsive. When he gets an idea in his head, it's rare for him not to follow-through. Sometimes this can work in his benefit--but other times it means he finds himself in trouble. If ever he needs to make a snap decision, he might react first, and think about the consequences later. While this sometimes means he's known as a hero--other times he can cause more harm than good. He's brought home many unnecessary things simply because, at the moment, he thought it sounded like a fine idea. His five flits are sign of such impulsiveness.

Additionally, L'tia can be indulgent. He's a hard-working man, with too good a heart, and all someone has to do it give some reason why they can't do something, and you bet L'tia will do it for them. Have a request or need? This greenrider will make sure you get what you need. This can be a problem, especially when he gives into a request that goes against someone else's orders. Give him a sad or pathetic enough look, and he'll probably give in to the inevitable. He makes a great listener to the chatterboxes of the Weyr, is always ready to spoil the littles of the creche, and will give up his own comforts if it might comfort someone else. He can be a bit of an enabler with his indulgent nature--and he also tends to indulge himself. What's one more flit going to hurt? What's one more sweet roll? Or one more minute to sleep in?

Lastly, L'tia can be a bit of a vain creature. He's very self-aware of his appearance, and won't hesitate to spent a minute or two preening himself in a looking-glass. He's always following the latest fashions, and can't help but enjoy being complimented over his appearance. That said, he's equally horrified if he find himself looking less-than-his-best, and won't leave the weyr without at least brushing his hair, and ensuring he looks his very-best.

Positive Trait List Hardworking, Good-Humored, Benevolent
Negative Trait List Impulsive, Indulgent, Vain
History: Letianar was born and raised in Western Weyr and raised primarily in the creche. His mother was a Journeyman Harper who had been stationed at the Weyr to assist in reorganizing and re-categorizing their Archive. It had always been meant to be a temporary project, and she'd never had much inclination to be a mother. As soon as her contract was finished, she returned to the Harper Hall and left him under his father's care.

His father was a resident brownrider, T'nar, who took him under his wing as best he could. Unfortunately, being a rider meant spending much of his time focused on his dragon, Brixuth, or going on sweeps, and ferrying men and women all over Pern for a few marks. While Letianar never felt unloved, his family circle was primarily those who were assigned to work in the creche on any given day.

It wasn't a bad life, and he could always count on using Brixuth as a jungle-gym when the brown was stationed back at the Weyr. T'nar certainly did his best to be there for him, to instill a sense of honor and duty in the boy, to instill the values of being a man apart. He also had a few half-siblings (older and younger) that filled his days with support and care. So it was, Letianar made friends, got himself into (and out of) the usual trouble, and looked forward to the day he too might become a Candidate.

Though he dabbled in some craft work--he had a fondness for studying under the tailors of the Weyr, or working in the creche--at Turn 14 he took his right to stand. He wanted to be prepared for the worst--in case he might not follow in his father's footsteps--but he hoped that he might someday find his own match. Unfortunately, it didn't happen at his First Hatching, nor his second, third, or fourth. In fact, it took another five Turns of standing before a delicate little green picked her was gracefully to his side.

She was the most beautiful dragon he had ever seen, and she was his. With eyes full of love, Impression was made. Letianar, Mine, your Alihath needs you! I do hope I'm worth the wait? Her name was Alihath, and she was absolutely darling. She was worth the wait, and more--if he had had to wait his entire life for her, he would have done so, just to hear her voice, and see her beautiful, rainbow regard. Weyrling training was everything he had hoped it to be. He had always been a sociable sort, but found himself befriending a weyrling by the name Joh'do. His own Alihath had taken a shine to Joh'do's blue--and as their dragons became closer, so did L'tia start to find himself eager for the others attentions.

But they were friends first, and outside of some light flirtation, neither made a move. The Turns passed, and while L'tai found himself absolutely head-over-heels, he danced around the topic, waiting for the right moment, and worrying about risking it all. What if Joh'do didn't feel the same? He wasn't an easy man to read, and outside of the periodic passions of a flight, they hadn't exactly connected.

This all changed, of course, when Thread returned.

Injury forced L'tia to confess his feelings--in case he might well lose the very man he had come to love. Thankfully, Joh'do was more than receptive, and the two have been near inseparable since.

Other: He has 5 flits due to his impulsiveness on purchasing eggs.
1. Gold Cuddle-Wuddles
2. Blue Snuzzles
3. Green Peekaboo
4. Brown Darling-Dearie
5. Bronze Kiss-Kiss

His father is T'nar of brown Brixuth
He has a handful of half-siblings at Western Weyr that he's close to as well.

Older Brother (35) Lower Caverns Worker/Crafter (Aged out =or= perma-grounded derg)
Older Sister (31) Rider
Younger Brother (23) Candidate or Rider or Crafter
Younger Brother (19) Candidate or Crafter
Younger Sister (15) Candidate
Younger Brother (14) Candidate

Name: Alihath
Age: 9
Color: Green
Size: 20'
Physical Description: A small, delicate green, Alihath has fine bones, and a delicate frame. As far as greens go, she is rather small--though by no means the smallest in the Weyr. Her head knobs are long, her neck and tail thin. She moves gracefully on the ground and is swift and agile while on wing. Unfortunately, her stamina is very poor. She's quick, but can't keep that speed for long bursts.
Personality: Alihath is a gentle creature. She is caring, soft-spoken, and incredibly tenderhearted. Like Hers, she has a fondness for littles, and loves to fuss over children and hatchlings alike. She can fuss over others when they're injured, and can get fretful during Threadfall days. Her attentions can come off as a bit smothering to those unaccustomed to Alihath --though her hearts would break if she thought someone distressed by her attentions or worries.

Affectionate and genteel, she's a proper little Lady, and only means well. Like her rider, though, she has an undercurrent of vanity that she tries very hard to hide. Just as she fusses over others, she can be known to fuss over her own appearance, and is often found preening, or making sure she looks as pretty as possible in the best light for those (particularly her mate) to see and admire.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Birthday Gift from Pach