The Guilds of Maldria

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The Starlight Gaze

The Starlight Gaze is a more covert guild than the others. The most public part of it associates with government employees and officials, mainly the leader of Maldria, as the group's main goal is to hold relations with other bodies of power. They engage in trade negotiatians, political collaboration, peace keeping treaties; overall it acts as a liason between Maldria and other kingdoms.
However, there is a more hidden side to the Starlight Gaze as they have operatives commonly act as intelligence recovery for Maldria to keep tabs on other locations. They can employ members to act as spies, saboteurs, assassins, among other roles. If employed for this purpose you are held to a high standard of a life in the shadows, and to be very discreet about anything the group does to those outside of it. Above all other rules they have though is: Don't. Get. Caught...!

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Hunter's Workshop

The Hunter's Workshop has supported generations of Hunters from all walks of life in whatever they endeavor to hunt, for that is the purpose of this group of people - to hunt things. Initially created to hunt down werewolves, the Workshop expanded its field of expertise to include more exotic and dangerous game such as vampires, demigods, xenomorphs and, inevitably, rogue Hunters. Aside from hunting people, monstrosities, and fauna, the guild has workers in place studying rare or otherwordly flora.
One of the most important, and sometimes least eventful, roles for members within the Hunter's Workshop is to act as guards for the areas just passed the Maldria border.
The most notable inventions coming from the Workshop are the incredibly useful Quicksilver Bullets and the deviant Trick Weapons, both integral in their monthly Hunt. Members of the Hunter's Workshop wear a saw badge necklace fashioned from their first kill as well as commonly use hand lanterns, and monoculars, during the hunt to increase the likelihood of completing their tasks.The Hunter's Workshop is spearheaded by an old couple, one incredibly old and one seemingly young, both of whom are regaled as the first of the Old Hunters.

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Culinary Guild

Culinary Guild closed for a complete rework. Will be replaced with a new guild and idea.

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Ironworks Syndicate

The Ironworks Syndicate is publicly responsible for overseeing the production of metal but actually has its hands in a range of other important public works, ranging from carpentry and construction to roadwork and city infrastructure. They are also responsible for public relations and make sure the people are content with the lifestyle of Maldria. It maintains a benevolent relationship with business owners in particular and petitioned for the development of workers' unions and rights as a way to generate favor among the working class, utilizing its influence on middle-class citizens to surreptitiously control the upper class of Maldria and wield a considerable force that could be used to create a utopia or wreak catastrophe in the wrong hands.
People who have experience and knowledge in construction can be hired as a government job and work on building in the city. For those without this knowledge or experience can still join but act as city watch guards, patrolling the streets and border walls to keep things clean and civilized.
Members of the Syndicate typically have a stamped emblem of the Syndicate's symbolic upside-down V on their collars, lapels, or even their belts, and it is not uncommon for members to use their connections within the union to adjust prices or rewards in their favor. Members commonly use utility blades, and utility belts, to gain access to places they sometimes shouldn't be allowed to perform works that are best left unnoticed. The Ironworks Syndicate is spearheaded by a pair of twins that grew up as thieves, using their ill-gotten gains to support the working class in the belief that such a class is expected to be able to support those below and tolerate those above.

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Church of the First Mother

The Church of the First Mother is an influential organization that seeks to ease the burden of the citizens through the use of religion and influence. They have specially appointed Paladins that are either chosen or is achieved by members through much dedication before being approved.
The most notable aspect of the Church is its unorthodox approach to the concept of good and evil; to the Church, good and evil are both sides of the same coin, and morality is often a gray area.
Practitioners of the Church are often taught to live by these beliefs and guide others with them, lead by example. It is implied the church believes each individual is unique in the way that he or she is aided, but also that people can be naturally good or evil regardless of the situation.
It is not uncommon for priests and clerics to be sent to quietly kill a criminal or wrongdoer after aiding a victim.
In addition to its practices, the Church also engages in expanding the cities understanding of magic, or will develop new magical practices.
The church also appoints the widely-recognized title of Hero to those deserving of it. While not sanctioned by any law under Dragon Castle, the practice is still widely recognized and honored. Members commonly use simple books and eye wraps to keep note of all that they have learned and broaden their field of vision by forcing themselve to see things from a different perspective. The Church of the First Mother is spearheaded by a parental figure forced into a leadership role that required the use of both light and dark magic to support surrounding subjects.

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Shadow of the Forerunners

The Shadow of the Forerunners is a cult dedicated to the collection of items and artifacts believed to belong to long-dead civilizations and ancient gods and devils. A niche cult typically associated with bored upper-class citizens, members do not necessarily use the items and artifacts in an attempt to revive celestial beings or bring about the end of the world; rather, the items and artifacts are studied for their history and relevance to the modern-day society of Maldria. A lot of these studies result in technological advances that are otherwise not shared by other kingdoms such as gas power, steam power, hydraulic power, electric power, and even light amplification.The overarching belief is that through the study of the fallen that have come before, Maldria's time as its own city can be extended by avoiding the pitfalls that befell previous civilizations.
People who are accepted into the group by passing rigorous background checks, and are taught proper care of such fragile items, may embark on expeditions to help recover found artefacts. Members commonly use ancient swords and symbols of protection to guide them to lost artifacts and protect them from wards and traps. The Shadow of the Forerunners is spearheaded by a Chieftain who discovered fifteen separate totems of beings that all represented the different powers of one specific celestial being that was separated into parts to keep it from returning to power.

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Orphans of Ashardalon

Orphans closed for a complete rework. Will be replaced with a new guild and idea.

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