Name: Eirana
Age: 30
Nameday: 3546.04.17
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: We’ll all find out!
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Eirana isn’t a particularly imposing woman. She stands about 5’6 and could almost be considered a waif-of-a-thing. She’s naturally trim, but not particularly curvy, nor overly strong. Though she’s spent Turns on a fighting dragon, she’s certainly not known for her physical prowess, and is all right with that. Her skin is pale, her hair strawberry blonde, and her large eyes light brown. She’s most often seen in cool, pastel tones and colors.
Personality: Eirana is the product of her environment, and it shows. Having grown up in High Reaches Weyr, the young woman is proud of her home, even if she’s not entirely proud of herself. The Weyr might not be perfect, but it’s the only home she’s ever known, and the only home she desires. Unlike her older brother, Eirana hasn’t the heart to leave her family or the Weyr--even though her father has no pride in her, or another Weyr, such as Western, might grant her more opportunities, Eirana is hopelessly devoted to High Reaches. She’s also hopelessly devoted to her family for that matter--even if she has some conflicted feelings concerning E’rok and what he’s done to their family. On the one hand, she knows her mother deserves so much better, and yet, on the other, she’ll be there to support her mother in any way she can. Even if that means accepting him in their lives. She might have brought shame upon her father’s brow, but she will strive to be there for her siblings as best she’s able and as best she’s allowed.

Eirana certainly wants to please those around her, and grew up desperate for her Father’s approval. She knew what she had to do from an early age, and she poured her heart and soul into dragonriding. She’s never questioned whether it was her dream or her Father’s, but as a native of High Reaches Weyr, and the daughter of two riders, riding is in her blood. No one can doubt that she’s a hard and capable worker. When a project must be done she’ll throw herself into it, striving to get it done right the first time. Oh, how Eirana tried to emulate the powerful women in the Weyr as a child-- hard working, confident, capable, strong of spirit. Unfortunately, Eirana wasn’t Lisella or Zheria or any of the goldriders and her need to crack-the-code of acceptable queen rider traits became nothing short of obsession. To please her father, she needed a queen, and this obsession of his became an obsession of hers. Especially after her brother Impressed to a white and fled their home. Unfortunately, the confidence Eirana could have had in any other upbringing, was quietly snuffed out with every perceived failure. As the sort of woman who demanded nothing short of perfection in any given task, she knew she could not fail the family as her brother did. Unfortunately, her heart already feared letting the family down, and became even more consumed to do right and Impress well. Anxiety runs deep through her, despite her attempts to look cool, calm, and composed. Beneath the surface, though, is a woman half-mad with nerves. Even after Impression, where Favaleth may have soothed her sorrows in one aspect, her Father’s disappointment and quiet rejection opened a new wound. Turns may have passed, but Eirana is sensitive to rejection or failure (perceived or otherwise) and can lead her to being defensive over small slights or criticism. She still tries to be strong, to hide her concerns and worries, especially from her family. Weakness isn’t something she feels she can show, and though there is freedom with Favaleth by her side, she can’t help but fret over her siblings fates. She is the best and worst of High Reaches--devoted to Weyr and Wing, family and dragon, but weighed down by the fear of judgment and disappointment that came with her Impression.

Positive Trait List Hard Working, Perfectionist, Devoted
Negative Trait List Defensive, Aims-to-Please, Anxious
History: Eirana is the son of bronzerider E’rok and greenrider Dorana. As a native of High Reaches Weyr, she spent a mix of time with her mother and father, and ample time in the creche. For the most part, her life was that of any weyrbrat. She was fed, clothed, housed, and cleaned; she was given lessons from resident Harpers and lacked for nothing, physically. Emotionally, she was cared for, like her siblings, and had a doting, sweet mother. Unfortunately, her father wasn’t quite so soft, and was an expectorate individual, especially where his children were concerned. As a bronzerider, he had expectations, and the bar was set almost impossibly high.

For Turns she knew that she was destined, like her brothers, to follow in E’rok’s footsteps and to Impress a metallic. Nevermind that there were other colors of dragons in the Weyr; never mind that the possibility of ensuring such success was impossible to guarantee. No, they were children of E’rok, and no chromatic color would suffice.

Eirana knew what she had to do from an early age, and she poured her heart and soul into dragonriding like many of her fellow weyrbrats. Impressing a dragon wouldn’t be good enough. No, she had her eyes only on the queens of the Weyr, and for much of her Candidacy, wouldn’t even consider the other colors. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to consider her, either. Every rejection simply meant she was closer to her goal. Every time she was left alone on the Hatching Sands meant her eyes were solely on the next Hatching to come. A gold had to be in her future, because Eirana wasn’t accustomed to failure. Every queen needed a rider--wouldn’t one find her capable? Wouldn’t one find her...perfect?

Ah, but Turns and Turns passed and Eirana found herself more and more desperate for metallic hide. She grew from a young girl into a woman, but something changed. Perhaps it was when her brother Impressed to a white and was all but driven out of the Weyr; perhaps it was when she found her friends walking away with greens and blues and being overjoyed with their new partners, or the envy and jealousy she felt over the lucky few who Impressed to queens over her. Why wasn’t she enough? She didn’t want a green. She didn’t want a blue. She didn’t want a white. And yet, what would a gold grant her, besides the pride of her father? Did she desire rank, power, prestige?

Eirana once thought she did, but slowly, with time, with every disappointment, she began to realize that those were the dreams of her Father and not her own. At least, that’s what she suspected. This revelation occurred as she began the final few Turns of her Candidacy--when time was almost up. Would she fail to Impress at all? What would she do if she didn’t Impress a queen? Would being a green rider be worse than being lower cavern’s worker? Conflicted and torn, Eirana’s anxiety about herself, her future, and her family only grew.

She’d lost friends over the Turns, primarily self-imposed losses. She’d found herself more isolated than open, more prone to keeping herself away from those her Father wouldn’t approve of, or turning from family lines that fell into disfavor. Much of Eirana’s Candidacy was spent trying to follow the lead of her father, attempting to cultivate favor with those on metallics, and trying to spend little time with those of other colors.

It was during one of her last Hatchings that Eirana’s conflict came to a head. Somewhere in the middle of the hatching, an angry green dragon threw herself at the woman with great purpose. She had little time to get out of the way, tripping on sand and shattered shells. The little green hissed in rage, and though she stomped right upon her, fangs bared, wings unfurled, there was no true malice there.

Eirana! Foolish girl, look at me--Look at your Favaleth! Am I not as majestic as any gold? Am I not worthy of praise and respect!? You dream of metallic hide, and yet I am more beautiful to behold than any queen. There is more to life than living out the dream of your Father! Accept me for who I am, for I shall have no other.

She couldn’t fight such a force. How could she turn away such perfection? Though her hide didn’t glitter, every inch of the fierce and proud green was what Eirana had been missing. And yet, there was still fear within her hearts, for the moment she reached out the green, she knew her ties to her Father would be severed.

Favaleth forced open her hearts and shattered the illusion she’d sold herself. She was not the metallic her father had desired she Impress, but she was hers. Alas, to say that acceptance was easy would be misleading. Though the woman immediately loved her green, and certainly learned how to foster a more secure bond with Favaleth, it was not as easy as all that. She was a green rider like her mother, and while there shouldn’t have been any shame, Eirana felt as if she had somehow personally failed.

Favaleth’s Impression certainly changed Eirana. She made her more independent, opened her eyes to the idea that her life isn’t somehow lesser for having found her match in a green. She would never be a leader of High Reaches Weyr, but there were other opportunities out there. She didn’t have to live up to the idea of someone else, and instead, with her beloved, be who she wanted to be--achieve her own dreams.

The Turns have passed and thought Eirana doesn’t see much of her father, she does try to support her siblings and mother as she can and as opportunity allows. Favaleth has a great fondness for Dorana’s green, but quite a severe distaste in E’rok’s bronze. In fact, the green rather despises most metallics, and has no problems baring her fangs at any who get too close. She would much prefer Hers stayed well away from those up top.


Name: Favaleth
Age: 4
Color: Green
Size: 25’
Physical Description: Favaleth is a large green, with broad wings, and short legs. She’s known for her ferocity, and sports more than a few scars. She’s muscular, built more like a brick, and has solid weight to her compared to some of her lighter and fine-boned sisters.
Personality: Favaleth is a proud creature, above all else. She understands she’s a green in High Reaches, but that doesn’t mean she believes herself to be less respected than any other dragon in the Weyr. Oh, she accepts that as a Wingrider she is low on the totem pole (she does know how to respect true rank concerning positions of leadership) but she does not see why metallics lord over her fellow chromatics; or why some browns and blues think they are somehow superior! She might be small, but she is worth more than some give her credit for! Blah, blah, blah, natural hierarchy, blah, blah blah-- Favaleth isn’t the sort to to care. She’ll happily backtalk a brown or bronze, especially if she has no respect for them. This, unfortunately, can cause her and her rider no amount of trouble--and while Eirana can usually rein in her green’s most cutting remarks, there are some instances where she can’t.

Favaleth is willful for a dragon, and has no problem trying to get others to do things her way. She’s clever, and bright, and isn’t here to be pushed around by anyone--especially not the golds of the Weyr. Oh, this poor green has a grudge against the gold’s of High Reaches--not because of anything they’ve done, not really, but simply because of how jealous she can be. No one thinks of backtalking a queen; they’re allowed to do as they please, and are given all the adoration of Pern simply for being hatched a certain color. Worse, Favaleth knows just how badly Eirana had wanted a queen--and though their bond is secure, the green will never forget how such thoughts shadowed their early moments of Impression, and how the rejection of her Father hurts Hers.

So, the blame falls to the metallics whom she mistrusts.

Though Favaleth is a strong green, she isn’t all edges. To Hers and those she adores, she is amiable and can even be good humored. She might not be the warmest of dragons, but she well can be devoted and protective--and will tolerate all manner of things from those who she loves. Once under her wing, Favaleth will put her full force behind those she cares about, and will never hesitate to intervene on their behalf. To those she favors she might allow a softer side to shine through, particularly when they are in most need of comfort of assurance.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: This could be the cert, the thumbnail uncert, or proof on where you transferred them, or won them, etc.