gaia_moon Name: Fenowick - Fen for short, or Wick if you'd prefer ;D
Age: 27
Sex: Yes. ... Male.
Sexual Orientation: Gay as a fruitcake, darling.
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Searchrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Ne'er-do-well
Physical Description: User Image Need he say more?

Personality: Picture a typical bronzerider.

Great, now that you have that in your head, throw it directly out the window, because Fen has no time for that nonsense. It's all so passe, and he is not going to get up off of this chaise lounge just because you think that he's leadership material. He has exactly two uses for exercise, darling, and that isn't one of them. This body won't hone itself, dollface. But don't worry, sugar, he's got plans for himself... just not any that anyone back at old High Reaches Weyr might agree with. Mostly, he plans to lay right here until drill time. If his dragon is feeling a Search, then well, that's just what they'll do. Tomorrow.


He's actually a decent judge of character, puddin', and don't think he doesn't know what you're thinking. He's got a mind in that pretty head of his, and it's a good one, too. When he bothers to use it. Fenowick is rather proud of his Candidate success rate, he'll have you know. Never mind that he has a tendency to select with his eyes first, if you know what he means. However, as much as he loves a good flirt, he takes his duty seriously. For the most part. Most of the time.

Positive Trait List Flirtatious, charismatic, persuasive
Negative Trait List Lackadaisical, indolent, hedonistic

History: Grandson to the illustrious and wonderful Rishemni of gold Palanith of High Reaches Weyr, much was expected of young Fenowick. Not necessarily from Grandma, mind, but the expectation was there. Which is of course why he fought every step of the way to be his own person. Mainly by being a good for nothing layabout who had a penchant for falling into all of the wrong beds. As a child he'd been sweet enough, if a rather daydreaming boy, but when he hit his teens? Forget about it. He learned early on that if he met expectations then more would be thrust upon him and he wanted exactly nothing to do with that, thank you very much.

Which was why when he Impressed bronze Ninrenth he was immediately dismayed. Not, of course, that he didn't adore the beautiful dragonet! However, Ninrenth came with a whole new set of expectations that Fenowick was determined not to meet. No, he wasn't going to become a proper rider. No, he wasn't going to try to rise up in the ranks. And frankly, who wanted to possibly accidentally become the Weyrleader, anyway? Please!

Naturally, this led to him fleeing for Western at the earliest opportunity, with a letter home to explain all. ... After he was safely ensconced in his new domicile, trying his hardest to pretend he'd never been at High Reaches to begin with. He'd spent a turn in training with the new weight of the world on his shoulders and it was simply too much. Western, however, provided ample opportunities for a young man who wanted to do little more than soak in the sun.

Somewhere along the way, they both discovered that they actually made a good searchriding pair, and they've been up to their eyeballs in Candidates ever since. Right up until the point when Thread fell again. That was simply not fair! Sigh. He shouldered his duties with a little disgruntlement, but ultimately took to it. After all, it made Ninrenth terribly happy to be fighting his ancient foe.

Other: Fenowick loves sweets. Fiendishly. Please don't feed the demon. He still writes to and visits his grandma, although it's not clear whether the rest of his family is pleased to see him.

Name: Ninrenth
Age: 5
Color: Bronze
Size: 35'
Physical Description: So smol. An adorable, lithe beast with a sweet face. Typically shows blue and green colors in his whirling eyes.
Personality: Easygoing by nature, Ninrenth does not at all mind that he is dwarfed by many of his brown brethren. In fact, he doesn't entirely mind that he fits very nicely under wings. He can be a little finicky over the state of his hide and prefers to have frequent baths. Prone to daydreaming, he enjoys taking long naps in the sun just as much as his rider does. However, when it's time to get up and get it done, Ninrenth is there. He's a very dutiful bronze who thrills to be doing his part to make the Weyr a better place for everyone.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: gaia_diamond gaia_star gaia_moon !!! User Image