Name: Hunthyex
Age: 20 Turns
Nameday: 3556.01.27
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Whoever could stand him, I guess.
Craft: Courtesan (assassin)
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description: Tall and possessing a lean, muscular build, Hunthyex is an extraordinarily handsome man. He has smooth, pale skin and even paler blonde hair which he usually ties up to keep out of his face. His eyes are a deep, stormy blue color.

Personality: This young man seems to have the entire world at his fingertips, and doesn’t intend to settle until he’s grasped it all. Hunthyex is aware that he is both skilled and beautiful, and doesn’t hesitate to use that knowledge to his advantage if the situation calls for it. Though he generally prefers to operate on his own, he is fully capable of being a kind and even friendly individual. His beauty serves him well in this regard, and though Hunthyex would never be anything more than a gentleman, his words and tone can be… evocative. If he ever deliberately sets out to charm someone, it’s because he thinks there’s something to gain from it.

Hunthyex doesn’t have anyone he can call a friend, and he’s perfectly fine with keeping it that way. He works well by himself and completes tasks with absolute efficiency, able to carefully and quickly come to sound decisions. Other people will merely burden him and weigh him down--or worse. Growing attached to people can be deadly in his particular line of work, and he has been discouraged from relying too heavily on anyone from a young age. Friendships are a luxury he has no time to afford, and when he isn’t playing the role of a charming, supportive companion, he can come across as distant and uninterested in people.

Hunthyex is a man who does take pride in his accomplishments and achievements, and this pride can render him blind to things he genuinely needs to work on. He does not take criticism well, and even if he bites his tongue about it, he will stew and seethe. If forced to work closely with people who are not up to his standards, Hunthyex will have an incredibly difficult time. If things are done poorly or not quickly enough for him, he can quickly become vexed. He is not the most patient of men, and won’t hesitate to coax someone into letting him take over a task simply so he can do it properly.

The reason he works himself so hard is because Hunthyex believes the sky's the limit. He is determined to succeed as an individual, and while he does not know what that means for him personally yet, that gives him all the more reason to aim for the stars. He refuses to give up on his ideals, because Pern is not the soft, safe place that some people seem to believe it is, and no one knows that better than Hunthyex.

Positive Trait List Meticulous, Charismatic, Ambitious
Negative Trait List Aloof, Proud, Impatient

History: Hunthyex’s story isn’t particularly unusual for those who are familiar with Nabol. HIs parents fell into debt which quickly mounted beyond their means of ever repaying. Even at a young age, their son was an exceptionally beautiful child, and a deal was reluctantly struck: Huntheyx would be taken and raised as a courtesan, able to live and flourish closer to the Hold proper, while his parents’ debt would be paid off in full. The boy was quickly taken and transferred to the home of an older man named Tolen, who fully intended to make a worthy investment out of his new acquisition. Hunthyex was then sent to a neighboring Courtesan Hall.

Unbeknownst to Tolen, the Hall saw potential in Hunthyex… but as an assassin, rather than an entertainer. The boy desperately grasped at the opportunity, determined to seize at least an ounce of power for himself. Turns passed by, and Hunthyex eventually claimed the title of Journeyman. He was given a gift before he left the Hall--a firelizard egg which hatched into a small, plucky bronze that would become his dearest companion. More than just a friend, bronze Hemlock would also be the Hall’s way to get in touch with Hunthyex whenever they had an assignment for him. Men were sent to collect the young man and escort him back to Tolen’s home. As far as Tolen was concerned, it was time for Hunthyex to make good on his parents’ debt. And if he didn’t, well, Tolen wouldn’t hesitate to sell him off to someone who would be far less generous than he was.

Hunthyex was lent out for parties or particularly well-paying clients as Tolen saw fit. Though he hated every moment of it, Hunthyex smiled and played the part of the beautiful, clever young man, indulging whims and desires. Each of these experiences hardened his heart. Surely he was meant for more in life than this--a primped up doll for the rich to enjoy. A few assignments from the Courtesan Hall did come his way, and though Hunthyex saw them through, they did not bring him any joy or pleasure. He was no sadist, after all. A few more Turns passed by, and Hunthyex continued to be wielded as Tolin saw fit, leaving him always waiting for the chance to slip his chains and escape.

His opportunity arrived recently in an unexpected form; a dragonrider in Search. Hunthyex did not hesitate to take the offer of Candidacy, knowing full well that he would earn the full ire of his former ‘master’. Tolin would not-- COULD not strike at him at High Reaches… but Hunthyex wouldn’t relax his guard just the same. He didn’t know what would be waiting for him at the Weyr, but he certainly wasn’t going to let the chance of freedom pass him by.

Other: Hunthyex has an aversion to unsolicited flirtatious or seductive contact. If he sees it coming (and if it’s someone higher in status/rank), he can grimace and bear it, but if it takes him by surprise, he might flinch or react defensively.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Nah.
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes!
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Nah.