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A literate and semi-literate Naruto-based role playing guild. Active in 2024! 

Tags: Naruto, Roleplay, Boruto, Shinobi, Ninja 

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🍃 || A Humble Bartender's Request

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Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:25 am
User ImageUser Image

        Some time in the past from the happenings going on, during the stay of the mercantile freemason who arrived at the leaf in a mechanized marvel of a mobile fortress, but no doubt after a generous gift given of brewing beverages to a newfound blooming believed to be bosom buddies who would eventually bring a bouncing bundle of baby into the would be the time that a bartender would bang most eloquently on wherever and whenever he'd find the madame he was seeking.

        You see, as a man of mechanical marvels that made himself well known in Arashi, while he had left his mark he'd, how you say, had yet to receive a mark. He had hardly gained any truly 'new' experiences. The purpose of the 'traveling' in traveling merchant you see was to discover exciting and awe-inspiring things. Inspiration, incentive, drive, a muse. He'd lacked one for some time now since leaving arashi..so far from Nina his past muse. In order to supplement this 'burning need' to innovate, he could think of no other in the village that could fit this criterion other than this woman.

        He had been reluctant of course. She seemed a hard woman to warm up to upon initial first appearance. Hence his 'icebreaking' with said bottled bubbly nectar back then. Hopefully, that placed the two at least on acquainting terms. Not much time to get to shoot the breeze what with the aftermath of a war, and the recent having your former village annihilated and all. The life of a non-combatant in these times were often simply background characters. Miss Soga no doubt was busy at the time, far too busy to chat with a humble barkeep and sommelier. However, now, now things had died down and the considerations of returning back to the 'homeland' was on the horizon but the bartender would be damned if he did not at least grow somewhat in someway during his time here in pre-neo-leaf.

        To whoever would allow his entry into what would have been the beginnings of an office space as the door opened would the person on the other end find the man was already in a full bow. "Bonjour, I seek a madame Soga. Sadayo I believe her name to be bon. I've the belief most secure that she is woman who can aid me in my task of furthering enlightenment. Of which allow me to be direct and state I wish to inquire about the art of mechanical manipulations otherwise known as puppetry, the proper term I suppose being for shinobi as..Kugutsu.

Chakra:1740/1740❞ ·.¸¸.-> Stamina:1310/1310 Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)151,200/151,200 XP:2500/2500


♣️Buffs♣️ & ♣️DR♣️
○ Reflex: 6
○ Speed: 6
○ Strength: 6
○ Fort: 6

• Kugutsu Training ► +20 Per Post
• Taijutsu Training ► +8 Per Post
• Ninjutsu Training ► +6 Per Post
• Bukijutsu Training ► +6 Per Post

•Balanced Master
•Lifetime Disciple

♣️Techniques Used♣️



Coup de main {French For: Helping Hand}
•Seal Connection~Haipa : The Sworn Defender
•Seal Connection~Saza : The Eagle Eye
•Seal Connection~Hodan Ichiba : Artillery Market
•Seal Connection~Takahata: The Supreme Service

Right Hand: 240 -100 = 140 Remaining Capacity
• [Legendary Seven Swords, Kiba: The Twin Lightning Swords]
• [Valid Point]
• [Clear image]

Left Hand: 240
• [Crab Crab God]
• [Blue Blossom]




• {Weaponsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Ryouri-nin:} ||→{Grandmaster Iron Chef: Home-styled/Food Arts/Gourmand: Specialty Wine}
• {Technological} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Enchantment} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Botany} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Mining} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Armorsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Pharmaceutical Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Toxin Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Scroll Crafting} || → {Grandmaster}

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:30 pm
User Image
Daydreaming in fatigue against the armrest of a desk chair, her palm holding up her head, it was a rapping on a door that woke the lady of many, new lofty titles. A cadet of the budding Leaf police force had stirred her with a knocking. “Ma’am. A guest.” The cadet calls through a door before opening the door and stepping aside for their guest. Just so, Sadayo’s guest introduces his intentions before much else. Well, it wasn’t a certain hunky blockhead trying to be covert.

“Sadayo is she,” she says upon trailing into a weary nod and covering her mouth in an attempt to smother a yawn while swiveling her chair in some attempt to stretch and twist. “Sorry. What can I do for you?” Withholding her body’s desire for excessive sleep left her too worn for a clever reply. “Are you Mister Trefles?” Odds were that this guest was presumably the Trefles who was behind the gift basket. She found a gift out of the blue unusual at first and worried, honestly, upon the sight of one charming bottle of bubblies was waiting to prove itself as some underhanded bribe to the chief of Police for a crime yet to appear. All that worrying and wondering over nothing. Fortunately Sadayo didn’t work with literal mind readers to spy her anxious mistake.

On most occasions, just hearing someone else voice the slightest, progressive interest in puppetry was enough to change her tone. Taking in Trefles’s (or whoever this was) inquiry to about the noble art of puppetry was nearly enough to shoo away the faulty anxiety. If she wasn’t careful, talk of puppets in favorable light could become her undoing. She nodded deeply and without reservation. “Yes, yes, Kugutsu she began promptly regardless of her guest's identity as this man's interest in puppetry was just about all that mattered. A modest introduction the woman knew well to keep to avoid hearing herself sound like a know-it-all. A shuffling of something shifting beneath the desk flutters against the carpet. “Are you looking to learn the basics?”

Sadayo kept her stare fixed upon her guest as she leaned some off the side to pluck something up off the floor before plopping the mystery object on her lap. “If that’s all I won’t mind fitting in the time to give you some pointers. Might keep me awake. Oh!” She says, snapping her fingers as a recent reminder kicks up and moves the former, mystery object to sit on the desk. A long, bulky canvas bag with a zipper clicking against its track, little snap-able buttons, and a strap unfastened had been what the puppeteer was kicking around below. In nothing flat, Sadayo swaps her attention to a drawer in front of her. Among the rattling and rolling of pens and paper clips a folded piece of paper was retrieved and held up. A note. Trefles might recognize this note included with his gifted basket. Sadayo twiddled the folded paper. “You sent this? Yes?”
The puppeteer glanced warmly at the folded note before she propped it up on the table amidst awaiting his reply. She was almost certain these two, the sender and the inquirer, were the same person and this was his clever attention grabber. Gifts outside of family and friends were so rare. Sadayo couldn't resist one, gooey doe-eyed look and beaming smile for the moment she thanks him. The rare treat that it was to receive gifts really leaves her looking like a total sucker for gifts. Why look ungrateful? Maybe it was all hormones? “I would like to thank you for the thoughtful gift too. I’ll get to savor the presentation of the bottle until I can get around to opening it.” The bottle was upright and under the darkness of her desk too. In the bundle of a scarf was a narrow, clear glass bottle that was surely made masterly by hand. Sleek with a slight curve and filled with an unclouded bright liquid that rivals the delicate color of white peach flesh with hints of pink. Little bubbles would trickle with a turn of the bottle. If only just a taste.

"Anyway. Kugutsu." The gooey doe-eyed look and beaming smile were gone with a blink. A complete swap of stirring warmth for self-controlled passion for puppetry. "What are you looking to learn beyond the basics? Building?" Sadayo gestured to a seat parallel to the desk. A comfortable seat, at least, with some cushion to make lengthy discussions more tolerable than being attached to a metal chair. The Commissioner's office was spacious enough to service as a room for a small group. The decor was just a little above ordinary in taste and stuffy. Very little in personal affections were present for a Commissioner just starting off. She wasn't eager to put her life on display in a professional environment. Save for a name plate, turned askew, and a tray with a floral tea set on the desk that was cold, empty, and capped with a wispy layer of dust on the kettle's lid. A porcelain bird paper weight appeared to be her usual company in the Commissioner's office.
Sadayo pushed the canvas bag aside taking care to spare the paper weight and returns her undivided attention to her masked guest with her hands falling to her lap. Her sights only stray off into space for the time that Sadayo couldn't hold back seeming considerably startled by an abrupt and very brief fluttering sensation in her abdomen. She fluffs and fans out her sleeves in a breezy lift and lower of her arms behind the desk. Giving herself an undercover hug under her enormous pastel-y peach sleeves. Going on, smiling, listening as if all was well.

She uncovers and raises a hand long enough, from her hug, only to sling an invisible string to the door to close it.




Eternal Lop


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:02 am
User ImageUser Image

        "Tres bien c'est le de mon don pour vous mon ami." ((T: Indeed/Wonderful it is my gift/donation to you)) In french was the term mon ami one that was typically depicted as one used for someone's boyfriend or love interest in modern media. This, however, was not akin to its more common use to the native speaking in which it simply referred to as 'my friend' or 'my comrade'. He would stand back at attention, shortly this was followed by two definitive steps forward from finely cobbled soles upon the grounds lacquered floor. A sound that related to both eloquence and stature. This placed the sommelier in a position just inward of the door but no more nor, less. Trefles always exhumed the air of a gentleman if not often that air working against him in making many believe him to be weak. Which to some degree was true. Recalling, to a time where he wept for almost fifteen minutes over a paper cut. His legs were in an attentive position together and parallel not the slightest slouch in his posture.

        With one glove hand still behind him, he'd gesticulate with the other in a presentative fashion, a pose most common of those in his profession. In case the second language was something that left her dazed at how to respond he'd clarify after politely rejecting the offer to sit. "Merci, toutefois(thankyou however)..I shall stand, it is the position in which I am most comfortable. It was indeed I whom provided you said gift basket. My lineage is of Oni descent you see, and they say, it is a talent we have that is best shared with others bon. I do hope you find it to your enjoyment. However, do not let the tame sweetness seduce you, do keep the label in mind whenst you partake." Should Sadayo heed the frenchman's warnings the label would indicate the alcohol ratio contained within the bottle. 60% per volume. Albeit with Trefles as the alcohol's brewer, it would taste as tame as a simple daiquiri.

        Trefles did shift the conversation as to did Sadayo back to the topic at hand. All whilst maintaining the same posture, air, and spokesperson charisma. With a most straight man's tone did he describe something far grimmer than expected towards its end. "Indeed, the basics and so forth. I am after all a simple traveling tradesman at heart bon. As far as construction I need nary any assistance in such although your offer I find most kindly appreciated. Your offer to enlighten me of your arts is more than enough bon. For you see, I have never found myself a man with any leanings towards the life and learns of shinobi. Do take no offense to this perdon, yours is a path most honored but typically not one a 'traveling' merchant would pursue. This said I've a need of these talents that you've cultivated as a puppeteer lady Soga despite what would appear as a man whom would have no need of them for you see it is for the sake of my children whom have unfortunately died due to my lack of realizing their limitations that I must take further precautions. precautions for something that was already dead? The man came out so coldly about his 'children' dying and that puppetry was how he would take 'precaution' for a next time? Was their some sinister adoption slavery ring the merchant owned? No. this would all be made clear when his gloved hand would snap his fingers and three puffs of smoke would appear along with three voices.

        "Interruption, model Saza is to believe that model Takahata is as his recent potential customer said 'full(pause)of(pause)s**t'
"Model Takahata reiterates that Model Saza is not designed for 'sales transactions' or 'customer satisfaction' and thusly should keep opinion to itself." "Interruption, Model Saza is to believe that model Takahata's 'customer satisfaction' algorithm is faulty and inefficient as customer did not leave in state:satisfied.'"Model Haipa supports Model Saza's analysis of Model Takahata." "Model Takahata states that Model Saza and Model Haipa are as his recent potential customer said 'full(pause)of(pause)s**t'." "Model Haipa disagrees wit Model Takahata's analysis. Model Saza, and Model Haipa presently contain only zero-point-zero-zero-one-eight percent of fecal matter."

Trefles would shake his head "Ce sont mes enfants. These are my children." The three autonomous puppets known as Saza,Haipa, and Takahata seemed to continue without even realizing they were in the presence of their creator their circle of agreements and disagreements with one another. If anything it could be compared to children bickering. "As you can see bon, there are times where they will often find themselves in tight places due to their level of understanding or lack thereof bon. In times such as these, I find a method of assuming direct manipulation of their parts would be far more beneficial as a whole in securing their safety from hazardous situation Kugutsu being the main method of such. Looking into refining their understanding is of course not something that is cheaply done and ensuring that I needn't procure the parts again to reconstruct them should the parts that allow such understanding be damaged, why its simply financially beneficial overall." The two puppets of which were primarily Saza and Takahata had their occulars locked on to one another in their exchange involving one declaring the others incompetence and the other defending itself in retort all with the third seemingly leaning back and forth between the two with its input in who exactly is 'right'. Trefles would look at his creations and while his expression was hidden behind a mask it was no different than what would almost be like a father overseeing his bickering sons in humor.

Trefles would then fixate his occulars on Sadayo. In such a manner that there would never be any mistaking that he would be looking anywhere aside her face and her eyes for contact despite his own being partially hidden. Unlike some men who frequented his bar women were not meant for oggling but for exchanging pleasantries and conversation. "Of course I am not unfamiliar to the 'molding' of ones chakra as you shinobi put it. It is something I've needed to do in order to properly manage certain projects bon. As such while I've doubts I could certainly be more proficient than one whom is reverred as THE MOST profoundly skilled puppeteer within the village of leaves. I nary need lessons taught to the budding students of the academia. As such do not feel the need to coddle me bon. I am as they say...'a big boy' and am quite ready to begin lesson whence you feel. As it seems I've so rudely been the cause that awakened you. Mes excuses." Trefles began with a bow and once again ended on a bow. His words were laced with pleasantries. The kind what would make the self absorbed person's ego inflate. However, Trefles had faith that a woman such a Sadayo would not be something even remotely close to those egomaniacal or narrcisstic types that all too commonly frequented his establishments. That said, come the end of his words he had not ignored the fact that Sadayo carried with her the airs of a woman weary. Thusly he would take into consideration that perchance for her better interests that she engage in the practice of self-care. While she seemed invigorated by the topic of tutelage of stringged arts Trefles would first take into account that she not exert herself solely for a humble bartenders request so suddenly. As ensuring that all those in which he associates are optimistic, engaged, bearing sound mind and sound body, spirits high, with their needs fulfilled first and foremost. That was the gentlemans code, this was what it truly meant to provide ones sincere service. This was how the man known as Trefles Couer lived.

Chakra:1740/1740❞ ·.¸¸.-> Stamina:1310/1310 Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)151,200/151,200 XP:2500/2500


♣️Buffs♣️ & ♣️DR♣️
○ Reflex: 6
○ Speed: 6
○ Strength: 6
○ Fort: 6

• Kugutsu Training ► +20 Per Post
• Taijutsu Training ► +8 Per Post
• Ninjutsu Training ► +6 Per Post
• Bukijutsu Training ► +6 Per Post

•Balanced Master
•Lifetime Disciple

♣️Techniques Used♣️



Coup de main {French For: Helping Hand}
•Seal Connection~Haipa : The Sworn Defender
•Seal Connection~Saza : The Eagle Eye
•Seal Connection~Hodan Ichiba : Artillery Market
•Seal Connection~Takahata: The Supreme Service

Right Hand: 240 -100 = 140 Remaining Capacity
• [Legendary Seven Swords, Kiba: The Twin Lightning Swords]
• [Valid Point]
• [Clear image]

Left Hand: 240
• [Crab Crab God]
• [Blue Blossom]




• {Weaponsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Ryouri-nin:} ||→{Grandmaster Iron Chef: Home-styled/Food Arts/Gourmand: Specialty Wine}
• {Technological} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Enchantment} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Botany} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Mining} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Armorsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Pharmaceutical Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Toxin Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Scroll Crafting} || → {Grandmaster}

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:57 pm
User Image
“Oonnii….” She repeats slowly, thoughtfully, casting her stare aside for a second. Blinking. There were seemingly boundless, however limited, bits of information on the groups known as “Oni” which Sadayo barely seem to have the time to invest in learning about through the Intelligence agency. She couldn’t dare herself to play heritage guessing games off-the-bat.

Trefles’s explanation - she smiles again, softly, carefully as he further spoke highly of her craft. Sadayo felt a shift in her chest approaching the topic of his children like a distressing weight nearly misleading her to emotionally cave under charged hormones. But his wording didn’t make sense enough to break her into a sympathetic mush with tears. A premature tug on a heartstring, maybe, but the clouds of smoke made things clear. The conjured haze was something familiar. The nearly sorrowful shift in her heart switches entirely to a lifting feeling as three machines become more clear.
The faintest noise of gasp beside a look of wonder was all Sadayo could manage taking in Trefles’s children.
Three outstanding mechanized creations introduced under a more than relatable sentiment has Sadayo eagerly swiveling her chair around and springs onto her feet.

A harmonious union of refined minerals and sanded wood. Each component, no doubt, requires meticulous care that surely Trefles could claim if these automatons were his dearest children. Moreover, this was an exceptionally refreshing moment to bask in puppets not constructed by Soga hands or designs distinctly boosted by some over-privileged bloodline. The most astounding feature in his children was the imitation of voice! Sadayo achingly kept at least a yard’s length of distance to keep herself from freely fingering whichever feature of the automatons she could touch. Sadayo was beyond her appearance as a stern police commissioner and was profoundly bouncy, like a giddy little girl eyeing a new, enormous toy. The woman’s trio of ponytails airy and bouncing about with her as she would sprightly bend one way and lively sway forward and back with her neck tilting one way before to eye some new intriguing metal bit at another angle. Poking at prodding at things that weren’t hers was vastly impolite without permission. Sadayo’s hands were fittingly hidden beneath her sleeves, overlapping the other, and keeping close to her person.

Her wide-eyed wonder egged her gawk into the lenses of each creation’s glowing eyes, from her parted distance, even as Saza and Takahata were occupied by one another. Listening, all the while, to her guest rightfully carried on about wanting to refine his understanding of an art that felt second-nature to Sadayo. Haipa was becoming her favorite. “Ah, hmm. Yes. Repair costs may be cut significantly after you’ve gotten the hang of configuring an appropriate rebinding, if you will. A maintenance routine is necessary, however, that may just be a habit of confirming the quality post activities. Now, replacing shattered bits and bolts seems to be a must. ” Here she was rambling. Rambling all to look and sound totally interested and attentive.

Of course, she manages a timely swap through the seemingly endless leaps of admiration for the mechanical trio and slowly begins divert her attention to Trefles. A warm and lively grin crosses her face, “now now,” she finally returns a knowing look to Trefles and shakes her head gently to rattle her ponytails. “My father and mother have that honor. But. On the other hand, I suppose I get to stand in that light since they’re long retired!” Before Sadayo could lose herself in an airy giggle something about her clicked. She could hear herself going about like a chipper, wildly unprofessional, so n’ so lost in her own interests and all before a stranger. A guest of the village, even! Briefly looked horrified through a laugh now becoming phony, stale, and firmly cut away the cheery attitude. She cleared her throat. All she could do now was try to recover some dignity to preserve her esteemed titles. Ponytails suddenly become more rigid than airy before slowly sinking into a calm. The woman was finally able to speak calmly, however warmly, again like a whole different person who wasn’t totally enthralled with the automatons, “you have very handsome children.” Sadayo turns to face Trefles with her arms resting evenly against her core (still combating the want to touch and unfold Haipa’s hand). “But to be blunt, Mister Trefles, there are barely any registered puppeteers for me to compare to in this new Leaf. I fear this craft has long been observed as some extrinsic relic to many. Just an old, forigen remnant of bygone times. I would welcome competition if you’d want to call it that. I would welcome to learn from someone else rather than stick to my old designs and then allow my peers to think me a flagship for craft.” She smiles cordially over little traces of a nostalgic tone cresting in her voice. It wasn’t difficult to admit to essentially being alone, actively, in the art but saying such often tastes dismal and bitter. Just one woman couldn’t really be the best if there wasn’t much to try to outshine. She took in a levelheaded inspection of his creations and sighed. Her passion for tinkering and puppeteering both voicing a complement: “you would have thrived in a puppeteer'ing household.” Oh, she was nearly losing herself in the nostalgic recollection of her first build. Her first modifications. The first firsts of her puppetry world on her mind was a dreamy feeling until she began to take in the noise of Trefles blaming himself for waking her up. Sadayo shook her head, ponytails too, and turned toward her desk to grab the canvas bag. “Aaah. Anyway anyway,” she was changing the course of the topic. She snapped her fingers before plucking the unfastened bag from the table “Excellent. You have one foot on the path of progress. What’s more you did me a kindness by showing up. There’s no sleeping on the job for a police commissioner! Eight to nine hours every night!” She recites firmly as she made her path to the door.
“Let’s head out. There’s a location where we will not disrupt daily affairs. It’s not the academy either. You said no coddling, after all.”

ooc: I suppose we'll hop to the next location in a jiff. Spoiler alert: it's an open-ish area with lots of happy trees and shrubs.



Eternal Lop


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:03 pm
User ImageUser Image

        Bearing witness to the woman now was quite opposite in what he had been told. Yet, there was no mistaking the glimmer of an artiste that reflected in every such individuals eyes. However, Sadayo's shift in tone was synonymous with what he had heard and was accustomed. Professional's always carried on their shoulder the airs of professionalism after all. The man who was a self proclaimed master of the mercantile profession would be nothing if he could not maintain his charismatic demeanor. Looking back to a day he received a paper cut on a tax file and nye near bawled in the presence of a future customer. Ah, yes a most unfortunately missed investment that was. As Sadayo went for her bag Trefles did perform his bow as was customary for the man whenever a request of his was given a whim. "Tres bien. I shall meet you at the designated location with post haste. Toutefois I must see to this 'unsatisfied customer situation.' It shall only be a moment I assure you so do proceed on ahead.

        Trefles would witness the leaving of his future tutor uncertain of whether or not she remained as so as her presence left the room. The frenchman would then address his 'children' and break up their little spat by placing both his gloved hands and both their faces and pushing them apart and requesting that 'HAIPA' explain. "Customer, Hidehiro. Occupation agricultural farmhand. Attempted to return a model FR-MR after having received damage to its internal systems due to caffeinated beverage. Model Takahata states only 'water damage' is covered under current warranty. Because damage type does not equal water but caffeinated beverage warranty claimed invalid by model Takahata."
        a hand on his chin he sighed. Then patted Haipa's head which for some reason caused the light in its ocular to glow. Haipa did not have an emotional mimicry process which made this curious. It would be taken into consideration by Trefles as a possible malfunction. "Right then, let us solve monsieur Hidehiro's problem then have a deeper discussion about the strictness of certain policies yes. Remember the motto." all three puppets responded in unison. "SINCERE SERVICE, WITH A SMILE." to where Saza would interject. "Creator Trefles, did not provide our models mouths for which to smile. This makes fulfillment of directive 'motto' impossible. Directive 'motto' cancelled." Model Takahata states, while he cannot fulfill directive 'motto'. That Model Takahata 'loves' creator Trefles and inquires if Creator Trefles 'loves' Model Takahata despite Model Takahata's recent failures. Trefles would pinch the bridge of his nose er mask... "Of course I love you you're more than your failures. You are MY failures." the three would huddle as the three vanished in a puff of smoke.

        Sadayo whom had already arrived at the destined location would find herself waiting. Waiting long enough for at least three foot taps before what sounded like a giant 'something' plowing through to reach the destination. Was it a monster? White...blue...a ROOF! Yes what was coming ever closer was no beast but quite literally an entire building. Almost like a tank was in atop treads which caused the earth to rumble. Then with what sounded like a loud air break squealing as it approached began to sound as it approached the person who would be the individual insides tutor. It came full stop just some few feet away from Sadayo its ear grating squeak coming to a halt. Upon closer inspection it was no obvious. This was a... store.

        Stepping out of the doors would be the man of the hour himself. "Pardon my tardiness, there were far more complications that I had first anticipated." He bowed apologetically once more, did a heel turn and looked at the three story building and with a snap of his gloved hands did it too dissappear in a puff of smoke but in its place was a cube. Something akin to a puzzlebox, the puzzle box landed on the ground and continued to move and shift mechanically like a gear and rubix cube combined before it reached a full stop and what sounded like 'locking' noise chimed. When that happened the bartender would reach down pick it up and sleight of hand it away like a plaything before turning around once more and assuming the 'pose' again. "So madame Soga, where shall we begin? Perchance once our lesson is over we can have a bit of fun with some schematic exchanges hoho?"

Chakra:1740/1740❞ ·.¸¸.-> Stamina:1310/1310 Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)151,200/151,200 XP:2500/2500


♣️Buffs♣️ & ♣️DR♣️
○ Reflex: 6
○ Speed: 6
○ Strength: 6
○ Fort: 6

• Kugutsu Training ► +20 Per Post
• Taijutsu Training ► +8 Per Post
• Ninjutsu Training ► +6 Per Post
• Bukijutsu Training ► +6 Per Post

•Balanced Master
•Lifetime Disciple

♣️Techniques Used♣️



Coup de main {French For: Helping Hand}
•Seal Connection~Haipa : The Sworn Defender
•Seal Connection~Saza : The Eagle Eye
•Seal Connection~Hodan Ichiba : Artillery Market
•Seal Connection~Takahata: The Supreme Service

Right Hand: 240 -100 = 140 Remaining Capacity
• [Legendary Seven Swords, Kiba: The Twin Lightning Swords]
• [Valid Point]
• [Clear image]

Left Hand: 240
• [Crab Crab God]
• [Blue Blossom]




• {Weaponsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Ryouri-nin:} ||→{Grandmaster Iron Chef: Home-styled/Food Arts/Gourmand: Specialty Wine}
• {Technological} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Enchantment} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Botany} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Mining} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Armorsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Pharmaceutical Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Toxin Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Scroll Crafting} || → {Grandmaster}

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:41 pm
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She turns. Although only Sadayo was certain to first turn her neck. Hearing. Trying to feel. Trying to process what in all goodness was tromping around. Managing a wide eyed look over her shoulder, the unhinging sight of a towering construction was just all she needed to prompt a calm, stride forward. Not many steps, actually, since it appeared the massive machine- er- building was squealing into a stop. The noise impelled her to wince some as she swiveled to face the mechanical marvel, a noisy giant trekking on tires to the meeting place. Oh, the passing thought of how she was fortunate to not be carrying any bawling child on her back made the noise less of a bother. The woman could just recoil and press her ear shut. There he was: Trefles’s presentation of himself was simple but the theatrics was not for the weak. He was polite to apologize for something that hadn’t bothered one as particularly patient as Sadayo. “No problem,” she’d reply, keeping to herself about what wonders standing up (and dancing in isolation) with sunlight have managed to kept her warm and awake. On the other hand, something about the ‘complications’ he put up had the Police Commissioner warily eyeing him, wondering, and just about on her toes for questions. In any case the more outstanding detail of his arrival was his just how he arrived! Without argument, Trefles’s tremendous device was nothing under the weight of ninjutsu as it was compacted to a palm-sized, whizzing puzzle box. Amazing, really. She has said it once and she'd say it again, he would have thrived in a puppeteering household. But, really, would elaborate his devices alone have made the cut for a puppeteer? Or would Trefles’s skills were enough to run his own show! Sadayo could almost lose her attention, in awe, over the devices she had only dreamt about having been constructed into fruition. Still She had to ask.

”Let’s back-track a moment,” she said, sinking her awe into a meager frown. “I have to ask for professional reasons less than just for the sake of being nosy. Did this ‘unsatisfied customer situation’ reach a peaceful resolution?” He was borrowing time from the Police Commissioner, after all and she didn’t want to read Trefles’s name on a police report. Consequently, despite how tempting exchanging ideas was, Sadayo somehow managed to abstain from commenting on the proposal for a schematic exchange. In light of whatever reply this impromptu student held, the fact of the matter was that they were there for puppetry! Not a police interrogation! Therefore, without much further fuss, Sadayo tugged at the straps of her canvas bag and spun it around enough for easy entry. For now, the bag was about her frame and clipped loosely around her waist. Often such accessory was tightly secured but this scenario was feeling far from being a hazardous state. A noisy zipper and a few snapping buttons later, Sadayo had complete access to her supplies long enough to pluck two scrolls among the mess inside (wire, lose vials, scrolls, plenty of sharp and pointy things and colorful snacks!).

“You're familiar with chakra control?” She asks, calmly pressing upon his confidence. I would like to introduce the method of conjuring and connecting to your puppets with the essentials of Kugutsu. Your strings." Sadayo began, upon taking several steps backwards to wedge distance between herself and Trefles and snapped her bag closed. “Why don’t we get started.” The fate of her two scrolls couldn’t be obscured in a teaching setting. Both spools of yellowed parchment were small, generally thin, colored, and could comfortably occupy one hand. A white scroll was carefully pocketed into her sleeve. Her black scroll, marbled with heavy blotches of dye, remains.{Classroom Preparation 1/1}

“In a situation where time is not on your side, it will benefit you to practice what might feel like a seamless transition from summoning to combat.” When she stopped, Sadayo peeled the edge of the scroll’s paper just enough to invoke the seal. Her hands became free and a figure fit fully in black clothing stood beside her. "This is my adaptation of a Ningyōtsukai. The ever necessary stage hands in Bunraku who assist the master puppeteers. They bring a show to life. " Her adaptation was almost identical to a true performer as a humanoid in full black attire. What held back the puppets appearance from being truly the same? The simplistic figure standing at Sadayo's height was ready to greet its mistress's student. "Unlike your designs, a standard puppet is unlikely to stand without help” She was all seriousness but spared herself from the humdrum of coolness for a smile and a springy hum as she joked, “i’ve yet to see artificial tendons.” {Give A Lecture 1/2}

Since opening her scroll, the puppeteer has been able to keep her hands unhurried at her sides. But here, Sadayo finally began to move them but did so with gentle sway as if her arms were swept into a tender breeze. Her fingers being outstretched, briefly, as she shook her hands like flicking water off after a wash. These benign movements were with purpose: to uproot her strings. A showy. faint trace of orange strands from her fingertips dangle and fade into nothing and releases the hold on her puppet. Her dutiful Ningyōtsukai clopped and toppled to the ground.“Through the process of molding your chakra you will begin by channeling a controlled amount to the tips of your fingers. Or one. There’s no judgement for taking steps. This force will be expended and maintained but you ideally will reach a point of balance where you won’t have to invest a continual force of energy to maintain a line.” Sadayo was cool but rigid against a prized puppet being discarded to the dirt. {Give A Lecture 2/2}

Only so much Sadayo could demonstrate on the external side of chakra control. It was a long-shot to assume Trefles came with advanced eye sight and she had to treat him as her equal. Likewise she felt time was catching up with her stiff teaching ability. It’s been a long time since she had to show the ropes concerning…strings. Long enough that Sadayo’s ritual of producing strings had her forgoing hand seals and nearly allowing memory to slip regarding how necessary it was to show step-by-step, in some cases. “A tiger seal should suffice for focus.” {Give A Lecture 1/2}

Despite her instruction, Sadayo’s steady display of her outstretched arm and hand on display had seemingly produced nothing. Something clicked. “Oh, hang on. Sorry.” She drones dryly, realizing her mistakes in more places than one. A second’s passing brings proof of a bright orange bubble blistering from the tip of her middle.
“This is the next phase. From here, your chakra should be in your control well enough for your ability to hold one of these.” Her sights set from student Trefles to the tip of her finger where she furrows her brow against voicing the obvious, “my energy comes out orange, for some reason.” No matter. Sadayo sighs amidst easing on her scowl. “Naturally, I should say, strings aren’t hidden either unless you figure out how to snuff them out.” {Give A Lecture 2/2}

She says, adding a dramatic pause for effect before flashing the remaining orange blobs into view with a flimsy finger waggle.“Releasing and maintaining direction to the key joints of your puppets works best and don’t require an exceptional need for attention at a close distance. Five feet. Six feet. Ten feet is pushing for quick and easy connections. Please demonstrate your attempt. If you succeed then I advise you to step away from your puppet.” One by one, Sadayo too would connect her visible orange strings to key joints of her unhurried Ningyōtsukai to crop him back to life bit by bit. ”Accidental movements,” she mumbled and yanked Ningyōtsukai to its feet. ”Could happen.” A potential flaw cursing new puppeteers.

[b]Mission Claims! Teaching![/b]
Mission Name: Classroom Preparation
Mission Rank: D

Mission Name: Give a Lecture (x2)
Mission Rank: D




Eternal Lop


Trash Gardener

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:10 pm
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        In a polite and eloquent manner did he address Sadayo's concerns about the fate of the complaint. He'd bow habitually of course as he did whenever he needed to explain himself. "All my resolutions are peaceful mademoiselle Soga. It is for this reason I do not take it upon myself to acquire the burden of being a shinobi. I have seen too many bright eyes burned out by the inevitability of ones 'duties'. Trefles would recall to how much more full of life his 'boss' was back when he was but a simple chef managing a restaurant with the occasional mission. Now consumed by his civil duty to his people. While it was a honorable burden it was a burden nonetheless he could not help but pity the man for. As he was a man who had a soul for the simple joys of life. As Trefles regained full standing attention oncemore he fixated the eyes behind his mask on Sadayo.

        A finger rested on his chin as he watched in silent observation. "Simulating artificial tendons isn't all too complex. I could very well show you the intricacies of such...ah although here I am getting side tracked when it comes to a task regarding evident focus, perdon." He'd return to silent complacency only to move closer and bend in a forward bow to a degree in which is he was unfathomably close to Sadayo's hand. Like a jeweler inspecting a diamond. "Is that truly all there is to it? I'd have believed the intricacies far more complex. bon. Suffice, I suppose this goes to show the narrowness on my knowledge pertaining to shinobi arts." Certainly not intentional did Trefles find the lesson in string manifestation something he believed to be more complicated. He'd then proceed to return back to his base position and began to matriculate with his hands. As if second nature did the threads manifest from his fingertips...but then they connected with one another. In a sense it was like his hands had connected to one another and were manipulating each other in unison. "Ohohoho?" Like that Trefles began to display a mildly distracted and intricate game of cat's cradle. "Ah, have yourself a brief moment of amazement mademoiselle Sadayo. Behold le Star."

        The bartender had created simplest of cats cradle string formations and while it was hardly anything to call impressive it seemed he was fit to continue. "Four Diamonds" a little more complicated than the star for certain. "The wagon wheel"..."The lion".."The Eiffel Tower".....Scissors..."Lace Necklace"..."Greek pillars." What came with the career path was the ever growing need to entertain patrons. Parlor tricks, sleight of hand, and fancy pouring were natural and Trefles himself hardly considered the scale of difficulty and skill that it took to form some of the thread shapes he'd weaved. "Ah, forgive me again. Perchance I was overly enthusiastic. However, one does wonder... The bartender would dispel of the threads in his finger tips with a motion that felt like it deserved a *snap* sound to accompany it. He'd curiously raise his arm and look to his elbow. Shortly did a chakra string start to bleed out. "Hoho fancy that one is not entirely limited to ones fingers bon." Whether or not Sadayo could do the same was something he did not ask. Perhaps if she could not it would have unlocked a deeper insight to the art of puppetry she could perhaps hone herself and utilize in the future if puppetry was her full dedication.

        "Oh, Indeed. Yes this would all be for not if I did not use these threads for their appropriate use non." With this he conjured the more simple of the siblings. A snap of his gloved hands and did Haipa appear. Haipa was ready to state its inquiry but Trefles would whisper in his puppets ...ear? and all that would be returned in response was an 'understood' type of nod. Haipa would then buckle and fall limply on the ground. "Right then." Trefles would flip his hands over as the threads snaked out slowly but certainly as they attached themselves to Haipa's jointed areas. "Now we simply.." Trefles would move one of the threads in his fingers and Haipa would be sent catapulting into the sky. Trefles would look up as he past the tree line. "I believe this is one of those accidental movements." Trefles's puppets were not simple. They had many complications which made them far more complex than the average puppet. Having to adjust to this would have to come with practice, as when a hydraulic joint per say was made to rise there was more to it than just 'up' and this was likely the cause of Haipa's leap of legend. Who could have guessed these intricacies would work against him when assuming manual control. One almost catastrophic landing later and eventually Trefles would get Haipa to stand but if anything the manipulations could only be compared to 'stiff' like those seen in restaurant animatronics. Under and overcompensating was apparently a significant problem when it came to manipulating Trefles's 'children' of course he would offer Sadayo the floor in trying to get the feel for Haipa so that she could relay the 'proper' amount of manipulation needed for his design. Although...mayhaps she'd find just as much of a similar difficulty.

Chakra:1740/1740❞ ·.¸¸.-> Stamina:1310/1310 Ryo: (Claimed/Unclaimed)151,200/151,200 XP:2500/2500


♣️Buffs♣️ & ♣️DR♣️
○ Reflex: 6
○ Speed: 6
○ Strength: 6
○ Fort: 6

• Kugutsu Training ► +20 Per Post
• Taijutsu Training ► +8 Per Post
• Ninjutsu Training ► +6 Per Post
• Bukijutsu Training ► +6 Per Post

•Balanced Master
•Lifetime Disciple

♣️Techniques Used♣️



Coup de main {French For: Helping Hand}
•Seal Connection~Haipa : The Sworn Defender
•Seal Connection~Saza : The Eagle Eye
•Seal Connection~Hodan Ichiba : Artillery Market
•Seal Connection~Takahata: The Supreme Service

Right Hand: 240 -100 = 140 Remaining Capacity
• [Legendary Seven Swords, Kiba: The Twin Lightning Swords]
• [Valid Point]
• [Clear image]

Left Hand: 240
• [Crab Crab God]
• [Blue Blossom]




• {Weaponsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Ryouri-nin:} ||→{Grandmaster Iron Chef: Home-styled/Food Arts/Gourmand: Specialty Wine}
• {Technological} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Enchantment} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Botany} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Mining} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Armorsmithing} || → {Grandmaster}
• {Pharmaceutical Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Toxin Chemistry} || → {Novice}
• {Scroll Crafting} || → {Grandmaster}

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:31 pm
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Trefles’s string tricks were a clever expression of the craft. The freedom he found in his findings were refreshing and stirred a smile upon Sadayo’s face. Warmly. "You've caught on quickly." This wasn’t a stern and stoic Police Commissioner but a teacher who could see her lifelong passion coming alive in someone for the first time. Strings were the first level. She was almost feeling obliged to summon Gishin to demonstrate just how his creativity could extend beyond his own strings. Before she could offer more instruction, Trefles took the first leap with Haipa. How a full fledged machine fairs in the position of a string reliant weapon was actually something worth seeing. A gleam of hope that puppetry would execute finely on a sturdier machine was sparkling in her mind’s eye.

Evidently. No. The sparkle in Sadayo’s eye died promptly in the mocking grip of reality as Hapia was launched like a rogue spring fulfilling its skyward dreams. His leap upward, just past the treeline, was one to send Sadayo running in the other direction. Spawning zipping images of bodily harm under a metal man’s fall was plenty to send several feet the other way. Adrenaline rippling and wobbling through the length of her ponytails and any stoic stare lost to wide-eyed fear. That is, wide eyed and scared stiff was what she looked like in what few seconds Sadayo spent in a harried stare toward Trefles from the distance. She waved her arms to invoke an equally heavy-looking behemoth on her new location. By now, Haipa making his landing and Sadayo was forcing a giant pangolin’s mouth open for a less than charming, feet first, entry-side past its jaws.

One noisy, chatter of metal later and the woman was calling out from the cage of her puppet’s body, ONE OF MANY.” Her voice resounds from the body of Senzankou. She sounded more shook than anything. ”I should have gave you a better warning.” A passing thought observing the phrase 'deceptive projectiles of doom' made her cringe.”I’m going to continue on in here. For a minute. Honest. I won’t be long.” All the resources in her own medic kits couldn’t pacify the fear of being dismembered, crushed, and fundamentally humbled by her own specialty. He wouldn’t be allowed to see how offset she was. The puppet was the safest place for all the little emotions she kept capped inside to show on her face.

“Yes,” she said and took a breath. “Yes. Strings are the easy part. I’ve not seem them get knotted and tangled.” She pauses or another breath. Flowing with her mental list the distressing thought of the watching her strings being devoured by a mystery THING was brushed aside. “You have that, at least. The day a handful of strings gets as badly knotted as anything else in this world may spell a disaster for someone solely relying on this craft. With strings being the easy part, the other half of Kugutsu that I truly feel impedes the masses would be the art of building, maintaining, and design. You seem to already dabble in those specialties which places you in a better spotlight.”

“Anyway. Here,”he says quickly, as her obscured expression skews into a grimace. ”You can get a feel for pieces with less intricate surprises. The Ningyōtsukai shouldn't be as much as a walking spawn of pending doom. It's about as frail as balsa wood." The weaker Ningyōtsukai wobbles and caves onto its knees as she was just releasing its joints. "Please don’t take all of this the wrong way," A feeling suggesting she might have sounded too harsh in a way weirdly held her tongue. Probably hormones. A look of regret to something she might have said crosses her upon a sigh. She nodded firmly. Everyone starts out on the easy equipment.”

Now Haipa. Haipa was beautiful. A beautiful construct seemingly untainted by blasphemous bloodlines and a pure construct of thought and skill which was frankly, posting more trials than Sadayo would’ve liked to admit. The Senzankou puppet was reared onto its back feet and exposed the overlapping layers forming its undercarriage and Sadayo raised its head as high as it could span. Sadayo wouldn't readily admit the challenge she was facing and more so from the weirdly angled interior of the pangolin. Senzankou noisily was brought to stand on its back feet, partially exposing its unarmored undercarriage, and made to raise its headass high as it could. However awkward and unlifelike it might have seemed if this machine were a living pangolin the position was working for the cautious human inside. Why? This position was a better angle for work strangely enough. A duo of bright orange strings came flying from the pangolin’s chest and latched onto Haipa’s right shoulder and wrist.

Already, Sadayo seemed ready to comment on her findings. “He’s so tense. I’m actually worried I could snap his arm off.” The first gentle pushes and pulls onto his limb were stiff and unrelenting to this exterior force making the shots. A tremble of her entire index finger was pulling at the intricacies of his arm she couldn’t see. For a design similar, on the outside, the inside certainly had to share some parallels to the fine mechanisms inside her works. One design was meant to stand and move on its own as the other, generally, required someone pulling ropes and that thought carries caution with every slight tug. “There’s resistance on the shoulder. Will the arm jet off if I pull it outward?”

Even as she attempted to maneuver Hapia’s wrist those inner workings too held resistance. It may have looked like the most stagnant, clunky puppet performance she’s ever had to put forth. Between clunky wrist bends and the almost manageable movement of Hapia’s distinctive digits the ultimate results must have looked choppy for Sadayo’s capabilities. ”I think, she pauses amidst clicking some mystery hinge in the socket of Haipa’s shoulder. “I think I’ve found a sweet spot.” A sweet spot indeed. A spot that then triggered a hearty swing outward she didn’t have much control over. The pangolin puppet rattled as the puppeteer inside fought to hold back any noise from alarm. Nearly exerting the “standard force” on the most interesting pivoting piece behind Haipa’s shoulder just right was apparently plenty to propel a super packed punch. “A-ah. Okay. Too much sweet.” Moving him further made more bumpy notches midst the motions which almost seem to remain as a frustrating constant. Troubles came with unfamiliar territory, it seems.
Still, through the bumpy motions to follow Sadayo was finding herself feeling determined to figure this out with her strings jumping off one spot and connecting onto another along the arms.
“Did you happen to build the components on Haipa to be like your other children?” The exterior could be different but the inner workings could, by chance, share the same bits and bobs she was slowly acquainting herself with. Motions were gradually beginning to look less choppy (save for the second, accidental swing she triggered when she flipping something in the shoulder and elbow together) but pulling the body together as fluidly as she could with her creations was probably a hurdle against them by design.
“I feel confident in saying I believe you could make this work. They’re designed to fight on their own, yes?”
What she attempted to do next was describe how the barrier she was facing may pose an obstacle that he could put into his favor. Less effort for the same output that a lazy puppet, like the Ningyōtsukai, would require to pack a whopping punch. “Perhaps you could find this to your advantage if we can’t bend his body to flow to the very finest detail. The slack could surely be picked up by mechanical means to respond to certain movements you enact and any implements to execute a certain maneuver.” The upright pangolin began to click. A heavy clunk and chittering metal produces a door-like feature within the undercarriage. She didn’t have to enter through the puppet’s mouth. Sadayo, looking much less hassled by the gripping fear of being battered to death, came stepping down from a platform obscured by a dense, black mesh dividing the door from the interior. With a firm nudge of her elbow Sadayo secured the undercarriage door to a close until a firm click-clack resounds. “I suppose with that said, Senzankou here is capable of standing on its own as well.” She began to brush her palms together and idly massaged her fingers as she re-angled her attention to the puppet’s set of massive metal and legs at her side briefly. A full set of orange strings were still vibrant from her fingertips. ”But I really don’t find myself exerting too much attention on the back legs aside from picking them up. I’ll certainly exert more effort into those joints if I need to jump. Jumping is a precise action. Otherwise...” The woman purposefully trailed off. She eyed Haipa, arched her brow when she swapped her sights to the treeline as a knowing smile curled. When her sights were finally, returning back at the carved clovers in Trefles’s mask Sadayo held her smile and delivered her point, “we can’t pride ourselves on having control.”

Her idle hand massage ended and Sadayo raised her arm back into action. “Here, direct your strings onto the locations I’m fixed on and I’ll- well- show you the sweet spots. Then strike Senzankou’s back.” Sadayo, investing herself with great care to keep her arm steady on Haipa, moves several feet away from both her puppet and Haipa. She literally shakes a count of five strings to light on her opposite hand and reconnects to the pangolin puppet. “Practice making distance and keeping him steady. This art is versatile, as you’ll quickly find, but my preferences are distance.” She was starting to sound like her stoic self again but with the guiding timbre of a teacher displaying patience in earnest.
The pangolin returning all fours to the ground was ably stepping backwards through the clearing before Sadayo brought it to a stop. She stabbed its tail into the earth behind. ”I will release my hold on Haipa when you’re ready.” Sadayo’s orange strings were plentiful. She held a connection to Hapia’s shoulder, elbow, and on key spots descending the machine’s lower limbs. There were special bits hidden inside that she’d found accommodating. Slowly nodding, her ponytails seeming to be at ease again, Sadayo was replaying her responses for the worst as she assured Trefles this was a fine point to try his hand at manipulation again.
”When you’ve gotten a hold on this I’ll show you more string tricks.”




Eternal Lop

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