User ImageWelcome back as I am sure you know now that you have gotten the chance to work with a few spells you have some questions. I keep hearing questions about guardians and ghoulians. Perhaps it would help if I told you a bit about our smaller friends. Lets start with common knowledge. Here is a guardian and a ghoulian. they are very similar though guardians seem to be more celestial aligned like Kirin and Angelic Kitsuagi while ghoulians tend to be more infernal aligned like nightmares. In a time long past it has been said that they guarded and tended to different gates based on locations so if you left a gate you could tell what kind of place it was by the guardian or ghoulian guarding the gate. Perhaps that is where the name comes form. Only the gods know and they are long parted form this realm.

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Guardians are small helpers of the Kitsusagi species (around 2.5ft to 4ft tall) that were initially also created by the gods to help the Kitsu. The first Kitsusagi were not born with thumbs, so Guardians were called upon for tasks that needed hands. They also have the natural ability to communicate telepathically with each other, as well as any Kitsusagi. Over time, they have grown to be valuable companions, some more magically-inclined Kitsu even have Guardians as Familiars that are able to help them with spells.

So that is pretty simple right? no worries we can take a moment or two to process before moving on if you need too.

in battle your guardian can help as well lets take a look at how this can be done.

If your Kitsu has a Guardian companion, they can help them out in battle in two main ways even if you aren't a mage! Oh of course our friends do get tired so can only act every other turn in battle much like a druid and their animal companion.

A guardian can take one of two actions during battle every other turn.

Each Guardian has the ability to add one dice to any roll once during a battle.
Not only that but once during a battle, a Guardian can Heal your Kitsu.
In order to use a Guardian's Healing ability, the die to roll is a d4, remember, this is not a d10 like most battle dice! This takes up your entire turn, and your Kitsu will heal whatever amount of HP that is rolled on the d4.

Guardians can also attack or defend for you in battle if you want to get creative, but this is mostly for flavor and not really reflected by different dice rolls or anything like that.

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As for spells you must be a mage with a guardian as your familiar to help you with this. You can have your guardian 'hold' a spell your kitsu knows and the guardian can launch it once per battle. this can be highly beneficial it's much like having an extra spell slot in addition to what the guardian can normally do. . This guardian does not take the place of your friend guardian and can only do one of each kind of action in battle once per battle. Buff a dice roll. Launch the held spell or heal. So a mage with a familiar may have them help up to three times in a battle AND have a guardian ally who does the whole of the battle to assist them.

As for how to get a guardian to agree to be your familiar it would be recommended to head to a gate or a guardian grove and speak with them. There may be a guardian or two who would listen to your ideals and choice to join you.

Don't forget even if you have a familiar that doesn't mean you can't have another guardian ally. They simply take opposite turns when helping you in battle just a druid pet and a guardian would take opposite turns.