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                                          「 C K R A : :x2925 // 2925 」 tab 「 S T M : :x3200 // 3200 」 tab 「 X P : :x39430 」 tab 「 両 : :x32,300 」
                                          tab 「 Wanderer 」 tab 「 S+ Rank 」 tab 「 Jiongu 」 tab 「 Nin / Tai 」 tab 「 Theme: A New Case

                                          A quiet night was disturbed by the violent hissing of steam coming from the forge outside of Shifting Tides. The new instructor and the institution's principal were there, with a host of strange items ranging from steel sheets to medical dummies. Having just finished setting five shuriken to rest, the instructor scrambled to get gloves onto his soaked hands. "This is way too difficult, you know." He said in a deadpan manner. Walking over to the dummy and pressing his hand against its chest, a gentle blue glow surrounded his touch, allowing him to see exactly how the principal messed it up.

                                          "You didn't complain as much when you were a kid—just kind of brooded and toughed things out alone." Emiko said, smiling when she noticed the scowl he was trying so hard to hold back. "You knew the deal. I teach you Iryoujutsu, and you have to pick up something new that isn't fighting. That and teaching for a few months at the institute, of course. Nothing beats free labor." Even if she was teasing him, she wasn't oblivious to the clean incision he was making into the training dummy. She trained him as a combat medic because she was confident that he would have talent as a surgeon. Regardless of how tired he was from the metalworking and heat, his hands remained steady, which was no small feat. She was sure it had something to do with the tendrils that made up the majority of his body, but she wouldn't fault him for that—a good shinobi, whether medical or bukijutsu, used every advantage at their disposal.
                                          She did see him struggle when it came to removing the foreign body, though. "Having trouble? You could always use your seal. Gonna have to train it anyways, right?"

                                          He considered it for a moment but shook his head in the end. "Please. This is nothing. Now, what did you stuff in here?" His tongue poking out the corner of his lips in concentration, the Jiongu used his tools to pull out a...a pregnancy test stick. It was positive, but that obviously didn't matter much to him since he threw it back over his shoulder. Wordlessly, the jiongu activated his Jiton heart's magnetism to bring over one of the smaller sheets of steel. He got to work on creating the next weapon for his course while Emiko prepped the next medical test.

                                          "Come onnnn, Takeda-kun~ A woman normally expects some shock or surprise after a reveal like that. Your stone-cold demeanor isn't going to grant you any favors with women."

                                          "This is why you don't get second dates, Emiko."

                                          "Tough talk from the guy whose most intimate contact with a woman has been a fight to the death.

                                          "Fair. Where'd you get that thing anyway? Wait - one sec." He hammered down on the metal a few times, trying to get the form he wanted. His heart gave him some leeway when it came to metalworking, but he still needed to perform the little touches himself. He looked at Emiko expectantly only to find that she was sitting comfortably on the table next to the dummy. He only had a limited time once she completed her work, regardless of where he was in his smithing process. An annoyed "tch" escaped him, and Takeda put more effort into what he was doing. Thankfully it didn't take long since he was making small weapons, but the heat from the forge mixed with the labor was starting to get to him.

                                          "Clock's ticking~"

                                          "No s**t. What would I ever do without you?"

                                          "There you go! Women love phrases like that."

                                          He rolled his eyes in response and set the weapons down, letting steam fill the forge once more. He replaced the latex gloves he was wearing and walked over to the medical dummy. Without wasting any time, he quickly performed the hand seal to bring out his chakra scalpel with one hand while the other touched the dummy to activate the Diagnosis ability. Great. Heart surgery was a little on the nose with him, wasn't it?

                                          Takeda performed his incision carefully, fully focused on what he was doing. His breathing had been reduced to a near inaudible state, and he felt the strain in his arms from holding his tendrils still. He'd just completed the incision when a flash of green passed in his peripheral, drawing his gaze for a moment.

                                          "Sup, Takeddy-bear? Having some trouble there." As she had a strange habit of doing when trying to bother Takeda, Emiko performed a transformation jutsu to turn herself into the male variant of the only person besides herself that she knew Takeda confided in. It probably would've been more effective if she knew what Kagerou looked like as a female, but she'd only crossed the girl once, and that was at a strange time. She was surprised to see that her attempt actually had any impact at all, though, since he usually just brushed her off and told her what was wrong with the transformation.

                                          "Nice job Emiko. That one is really good." His eyes closed in a full, almost adorable smile that radiated major "run away" energy. The bluenette would have felt relatively safe if it weren't for the fact that Takeda was pulling back his hand with the small glass ornament she placed within the dummy in his utensil. He sent forth a mass of tendrils all at once from the openings in his clothing to try and wrap her up, but she managed to jump back in time.

                                          "Aha! We both know you don't have the energy! Takeddy, Takeddy, Takkeeedddyyyy! Takedd-" Her face went pale when the tendrils came back with fervor, and she managed to see Takeda's messy black hair turn white. She was quickly getting wrapped up and, well, it wasn't good. In no time, he was walking out from the forge to the lake nearby, and Emiko went from teasing to pleading rather quickly.

                                          "Wait, that's cheating! It's cheating! Wait, seriously, I'm sorry! Sorry! Please, stop, Take-!"


                                          ((12+ Paragraphs - Medic & Journeyman Weaponsmith Earned ))