The story

After Yugi has finally met his match at the hands of Seto Kaiba, Yugi retired from playing duel monsters, but has decided to take over his grandfather's shop. Seto wasn't satisfied, however like he should have been and felt like even though it was an honest and fair victory despite what Seto believes. Seeking more power than just his precious Kaiba corporation, he teams up with Mokuba to take over the planet of duel monsters.

Special areas

Kaiba Corporation, Domino City
Duel Academy
Turbo dueling stadiums
Kaibaland amusement park
Industrial Illusions

Current active characters

Trunks Truesdale - lives in Domino city and is a duelist that works at the Turbo dueling stadiums

To be a character

Just pick an area from the list of special areas and start.