Name: Aneirin
Age: 19
Nameday: 3557.04.13
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: How dare you.
Craft: Courtesan
Rank: Journeyman (barely)
Location: Western Weyr

Physical Description: Ethereally beautiful, Aneirin looks a little otherworldly. Of course, the irritated expression he tends to wear does make him look a bit more human, but it certainly doesn't take away from his attractiveness. If one had to guess at his craft they'd get it right probably every time. His hair is quite long, sleek, and white, twisting down his back in silken waves. With striking violet eyes and elegant features, he certainly looks the part of a courtesan. In contrast to his hair color, his expressive brows and long lashes are jet black - the same color that his hair once was. Much to Aneirin's annoyance, he's never quite managed to build his musculature past trim and toned. Don't point it out.

Personality: No one ever said that a courtesan, by writ, had to be charming. Aneirin certainly is not, though his prickly nature seems to entice plenty of clients all the same. With early dreams of being a pirate, mercenary, or pit fighter, Aneirin was deeply aggrieved when his beauty and talents lent themselves more to the courtesan craft. Although there are many stunning specimens in all of those pathways, this particular young man has never shown any great talent for anything beyond basic self-defense, and that really wouldn't have served him well in the end. Unable to follow his dreams, he's settled for using his good looks to put bread on his table. This has, unfortunately, led him to be all the more touchy, since apparently doing anything truly worthwhile was never a possibility.

Of course, it's only Aneirin who thought another craft would be better. Bright, sharp tongued, and unaccountably alluring, the young man certainly has the raw materials of a truly excellent courtesan, though he does need to get over his irritability if he's ever going to truly succeed in his career. With candidacy putting that on pause for the moment, he's been allowed to flourish a little more in some of the less honed aspects of himself. He's intelligent, quick witted, and certainly able to catch on to the nuances of Western Weyr, and dragon riding in particular. While he was thrown into this, he's not displeased; if anything, he finds his circumstances greatly improved. There was a part of him that was desperately yearning for nourishment, and it's this strong sense of mental curiosity and hunger that has served him so well in his new lessons.

Although he may be a catty b***h at the worst of times, Aneirin does possess a caring heart. It is certainly guarded, and covered in thorns, but that doesn't mean that he won't give of himself selflessly if the situation calls for it. Rivercrest Hold wasn't a place for that sort of attitude, but he's learning that Western Weyr just might be. It's easier to let others in now that he's not having to face threats at every turn, and he's slowly beginning to trust in the system. The Western meritocracy appeals to him, as it strongly resembles the dynamics of a pirate crew. It's familiar and comfortable, as Aneirin is very, very accustomed to pirates.

For all that Aneirin holds others at arm's length, he can be warm and caring, and those better qualities help to offset an innate practicality and pragmatism that many of Rivercrest's people possess. Mark minded, he nonetheless does value true friendship and close bonds, clinging all the more tightly to those whom he loves. He is shrewd, quick to look for the advantages of a situation, but strangely slow to take advantage of others. Perhaps it is because he himself loathes to be taken advantage of - or perhaps he has some other reason all his own, which he has yet to disclose. With a hidden yet tender heart, Aneirin tries to veil his emotions behind a shield of ice.

Positive Trait List Selfless, intelligent, quick witted
Negative Trait List Pragmatic, guarded, possessive

History: Born at Rivercrest Hold to a pirate and his mercenary lover, Aneirin soon found himself left behind with aunties and uncles while both parents went off adventuring. It wasn't a life of neglect, so much as par for the course for many of Rivercrest Hold, as a pirate's ship is not typically known to be an excellent atmosphere for child raising. Nor did either parent particularly know how to go about that very activity. They'd never given much thought to it, so when their bouncing baby boy arrived, they weaned him, and then went back to work. Still, the gifts and marks were sent like clockwork, appearing in greater quantity when his parents were doing especially well. He lacked for nothing, and yet found himself alone. Not that his grandparents or other relations didn't try, but it didn't quite feel the same.

Every now and again he'd receive a physical visit, and those were the occasions of the greatest joy. Desperately attached to his parents, Aneirin waited eagerly for those treasured times. He also held out hope that one time they'd come back with a sibling for him, but that never happened. One day, they just didn't come back, and word of their deaths came in with the tides. He was not the only child to lose a parent, nor had he ever spent any significant amount of time with them. Yet he did grieve their loss, and determined within himself that he wouldn't let himself grow attached like that again, at the bright young age of eight.

Then things changed, for he had been selected for training by a local master courtesan. It wasn't what Aneirin wanted. He'd dreamed of following in his parents' footsteps, and becoming a fierce fighter as they had been. But Aneirin was not the sort of young man who had great talents in that area, and though it galled him, he agreed to apprentice to Master Haldrick. The man had an eye for beauty, and even then Aneirin was brimming with potential. The work, at that age, was simple enough. He didn't mind helping out around the brothel, though thankfully that was all he was permitted to do.

But then he met Nemeryn, otherwise known as Nemesis. Who calls their child Nemesis, really? A pirate of course, and quite a formidable one. Her name was Maeryn, and when her ship sailed into Rivercrest Hold's dock, Nemesis arrived with it. He was, even then, a handsome lad. Although Aneirin has never admitted it, he certainly found his company very appealing. Somehow or other, the pirates seemed to stay a little longer than expected, and come back with greater frequency than his own parents had. Before too long, he was seeing a lot of Nem, as he called him.

It went on like that for awhile, having visits with pirates again as he had in his early childhood, and Aneirin found himself surprisingly content. Then his master sent him to Western Hold to walk the tables, and his life changed once more. When he returned it wasn't the same. He was actually working at the brothel, and Nemesis didn't seem to like it. This was something that Aneirin just did not understand, for he had not caught on to his friend's interest (not that Nem was any the wiser.) When he was working, Nem was either away or crabby. When he wasn't working, it was almost like things had never changed at all. Closer than he'd ever imagined he'd be to another person, Aneirin had to admit that he did like the setup.

And then a Western rider selected him for the next Western Hatching. Nemesis was away at the time, off pillaging somewhere in parts unknown (to Aneirin). Although hesitant to leave at first, Aneirin was encouraged by his master to give it a chance, for the other knew of his childhood dreams. If this was the boy's destiny, he certainly would not stand in his way. Leaving a message behind for his dear friend to find, Aneirin climbed aboard the dragon's back, and left his childhood home. Though he'd never said it, he too had been affected by Thread's return, and he wanted the chance to do his part if he could. So began a new chapter in the journeyman's life - a chapter that has not yet been resolved.

Other: Has a bronze flit named Spot.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Nope c: