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The call to battle from Zaishin summoned yokai from across the continent. Unlike the reply in the Storm which was violent and chaotic, the reply in the leaf was also violent and chaotic but stirred another variety of yokai: Tsukumogami
" Tsukumogami are inanimate objects that receive a soul (and therefore become alive and self-aware) after they have served their owner/s for 100 years."

Our story observes the happenings of young students of the Leaf who have met a clean-obsessive broom and a simpleminded sandal ( who is awestruck by the wonders of daylight) who have been generally harmless. Not all tsukumogami yokai are friendly pranksters, however. In the end, many of the Tsukumogami are seeking to leave the Leaf in some way or another to answer the strange call. Are they seeking a holy land? Or is this call just an excuse to go somewhere new and exciting after their lifeless forms have supposedly lingered around for 100 years in monotonous boredom?

Zak the Panduh



Ephemeral Ozymandias

I'm assuming you're all sticking around for this - if not, don't worry and I won't quote you in the upcoming posts.