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tab What a pickle, the young redhead had found himself in. Moriyama had been so preoccupied with crafting and weapons that he had completely neglected his ninjutsu studies. After receiving quite the earful from one of the academy's instructors, the boy now found himself alone in the school's library, pouring over various technique scrolls. It was definitely a bummer to be stuck in academy while all his classmates enjoyed a day off but it couldn't be helped. Moriyama was determined to graduate and if that meant putting in some extra hours, so be it. Thus he cracked open his first scroll and dived in.

Chapter 1 | Basic Training

Discovery - Learning: Clone Technique
tab Opening up a scroll of maruton techniques, the first technique Moriyama came across was the Clone Technique. Thinking back on it, he definitely remembered going over this technique in class so he had at least some knowledge to draw upon. Forming the same hand seal that he recalled the instructor doing, he began to focus his chakra. Then, in a puff of smoke, there was suddenly an exact copy of himself sitting next to him, Thwack and all. "Oh wow! Now I'll be able to get this studying done twice as fast." he exclaimed with excitement. Unfortunately, upon reaching forward to grab one of the other scroll laying on the table, Moriyama found that the clone was unable to pick the scroll up, its hands phasing through the object. With a soft sigh, Moriyama dismissed the clone and returned to his studies.

Discovery - Learning: Transformation Technique
tab The next technique Moriyama came across in the scroll was the Transformation Technique. Like the Clone Technique, Moriyama could recall going over this in class, giving him a bit of a head start on the learning process. Now the question was: what should he transform himself into? After pausing briefly for thought, he was struck by inspiration. "I got it!" With a shape in mind, he performed the necessary hand seal and transformed himself into an exact replica of his beloved paddle, Thwack. After all, there has no shape he knew better than the weapon he had so lovingly crafted with his own hands. After basking in his accomplishment for a moment, he released his transformation and returned to his normal form.

Discovery - Learning: Substitution Technique
tab Returning to his readings, Moriyama found yet another technique that he remembered going over in class, the Substitution Technique. If memory served him, this technique allowed you to switch yourself with an object to help avoid an attack in a pinch. Definitely a useful skill to have up his sleeve. To test out this skill, Moriyama grabbed one of the unopened scrolls sitting on the table and took a deep breath. "Sure hope this works." he said. He then tossed the scroll up into the air above him, its downward trajectory aimed right for his head. Just as the scroll was about to make contact with his head, he quickly performed the Substitution Technique, switching himself out with Thwack. "Woo!" he cheered, pleased with his accomplishment.

Discovery - Learning: Mechanical Eight Trigrams Formation
tab Now that he had reviewed all the techniques he could recall them learning in class, Moriyama began skimming over the rest of the scroll, searching for something interesting to study. Eventually he came across a technique with a rather unusual name: Mechanical Eight Trigrams Formation. Reading further into the technique, he found that this was something right up his ally. As a buddy weaponsmith, he had already started delving into various crafting processes and techniques and it was exciting to learn that these skills could be one day used to craft a massive defense system for the village. Granted, based on the complexity of the designs for this technique, it was clear he was still a long way off from being able to build anything quite to the scale of what the technique called for but still, the thought of such a creation filled him with inspiration.

Discovery - Learning: Feigning Sleep Technique
tab Continuing the skim through the scroll, Moriyama stumbled upon another technique that caught his eye: Feigning Sleep Technique. Curious, he read further into the technique and found, as the name suggested, this technique was meant to put a person to sleep. Granted, the person had to be willing, so this couldn't be used in combat to subdue someone but still, it was a neat skill. He'd definitely had some nights were he could have used a hand falling asleep, given the tendencies of his restless mind. "Hmmmm. So all you have to do is form this hand seal, focus your chakra and then-" Following the steps of the technique, Moriyama fell into a sudden state of sleep, falling forward onto the table with a heavy thud. Several hours passed by before Moriyama finally awoke, letting out a mighty yawn as he stretched his arms far above his head. "Guess the technique worked. How long was I out?" he questioned groggily. Looking out a nearby window, he saw how far the sun had shifted in the sky and could tell that it has now the afternoon. "Oh crap!" he shouted. Had he really slept that long. He had hoped to be done with his studies hours ago but had instead spent the time sleeping. He definitely needed to get back to work if he wanted to get out of here before sundown. His mom would tan his hide if he was late for dinner.

Chapter 2 | Playing with Fire

Discovery - Learning: Cinder Technique
tab Putting away the scroll on Maruton techniques, Moriyama opened the other scroll he had grabbed on Katon techniques and began looking into what it had to offer. He knew well from his time watching the village's more experienced craftsman work just how dangerous fire was so he wanted to start small. As such, he began his studies with what he felt was the simplest of Katon techniques: Cinder Technique. Needing something to ignite, Moriyama plucked a hair from his head and set it down on the table. He then followed the steps for the techniques and with a snap of his finger, he watched with delight as the hair was ignited. Thankfully, the hair burned quickly so their was no need to snuff out the fire. However, Moriyama did notice the faintest of scorching to the table surface where the burning hair had been. This was easily wiped away but it did give him the idea that perhaps a library filled with highly flammable objects wasn't the best place to practice with fire. Thus, he grabbed Thwack and the Katon scroll and made his way outside.

Discovery - Learning: Veil Technique
tab After relocating to one of the open practice fields located outside the academy, Moriyama continued his studies. Opening the scroll back up, he began looking over the Veil Technique. While not necessarily strong in terms of offense, Moriyama could see how the utility it offered could come in handy. Being able to blind an opponent for even just a few seconds would make the difference in a fight. With a clap of his hands, Moriyama opened them up and produced a blinding white light in front of him. Thankfully, the light was aimed away from him so it didn't cause him any irritation, but from what he did see, he definitely would not want to be on the receiving end of such a technique.

Discovery - Learning: Flare Technique
tab Moving onto the next technique on the list, Moriyama turned his attention to the Flare Technique. This was perhaps the first technique he had learned that was actually designed to damage an opponent, giving the user the ability to breathe fire. Granted, the flame it produced was relatively weak but still, getting hit with fire would never feel good. For this technique, Moriyama needed to mold chakra in his lungs, something he'd never done. As such it took him a few minutes to grasp the concept, focusing on his breathing and the expanding/contracting of his lungs. Finally, once he felt he had an understanding on where to focus his chakra, he began taking deep breaths and exhaling them with great force. At first, nothing came of this, as Moriyama was still getting a handle on how to properly mold the chakra in his lungs. Then suddenly, feeling something spark within him, Moriyama gave it his all and a stream of flames exited his mouth. It was over in a flash but no doubt, he'd managed to use the technique.

Discovery - Learning: Fire Release: Fox Fire
tab With that, Moriyama had managed to reach the final technique in the introductory section of the scroll: Fox Fire. Focusing his chakra, Moriyama followed the instructions for the technique and formed the necessary hand seal. By doing so, he was able to summon two small orbs of fire that floated in the air in front of him. "So cool." he said, his eyes sparkling with delight as he gazed upon his creations. Waving one of his hand in front of him horizontally, he watched with glee as one of the orbs was sent flying forward. He then waved a vertically and watched as the other orb was launched up into the sky.

Discovery - Learning: Flame-Resistance Technique
tab Infatuated by the flames, Moriyama continued to practice the various Katon techniques he had learned. At first, doing so came with a bit of discomfort, occasionally giving himself light burns from wielding flames. However, as he continued to practice, he started to adjust to the techniques and his body began to adapt to the flames he produced. Before he knew, he was able to handle the heat without any difficulty. Once he was satisfied with his results, Moriyama returned the scroll to the academy's library and headed back home, ready to enjoy some well-earned dinner.

Chakra :: 100 / 100 || Stamina :: 100 / 100 || Bukijutsu-Scholar || E-Rank || Academy Student || XP :: 0 || Ryo :: ไธก0 || Fame :: 0 || Profile

๐‘ฉ๐’‚๐’•๐’•๐’๐’† ๐‘ฐ๐’๐’‡๐’:
โ€ข Strength โ–บ 0
โ€ข Speed โ–บ +2
โ€ข Agility โ–บ 0
โ€ข Endurance โ–บ 0

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๐‘ฐ๐’•๐’†๐’Ž๐’” ๐‘ผ๐’”๐’†๐’…

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