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Ella was in the library, running her paw over the spines of different books in the section she preferred. It was snowing hard outside and so she didn't feel like going out there and getting covered in it within five minutes. She enjoyed spending her time outside, at least when it was nice out. She wasn't a Tundra, but she felt like she could handle just as much of the cold as they could. Rosetta and Eira always went out in it, now matter the weather, like it was nothing. Ella could, too. When she didn't mind being covered in the fluffy stuff. And that's what it looked like outside, like fluffy feathers falling from the sky. Once it was finished, it'd be lovely to run in and kick around. And it also wouldn't be suitable for snowballs. Maybe she could go a while without the worry of getting one to the back of the head when she wasn't paying attention.

Standing up on her back legs, Ella reached up to pull down a certain book, flipping through it. She made a face at it and put it back, deciding she wasn't in the mood for that type of story today. She really wanted a good adventure book today. Something exciting and with a twist at the end. Maybe someone
else in the house would have a good suggestion. But oh, wait, what was that?

Taking a few steps to the side like a crab, she reached for a red spine with golden letters. After looking at the back and reading the beginning, she tucked it under her arm with a smile on her face. This one sounded interesting. And she'd read stuff by this author before. They were good. Very good at satisfying endings.

Long white tails dragging on the floor, Ella exited the library and found a comfy chair in the main living area to settle down.