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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Horse NPC] S'vesi of Green Hirondelleth [Approved]

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:32 pm
The Rider

Name: S'vesi
Age: 27
Nameday: 2.19.3550
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: seems to lean more towards ladies
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Fighter
Physical Description:
A large, large man. S'vesi stands at 6'10" and is broad and muscular, though not all muscle - he likes his food and his drink and isn't vain enough to worry about it, so he has his soft places too. He has thick, brownish-blondish hair, a smattering of freckles under his green eyes, and often a bit of scruff.

S'vesi is easy to be intimidated by: between his size, his scars, and his tendency to not speak unless spoken to, he comes off quite serious and formidable indeed. But while he certainly can be those things, there is a good, soft heart to be found inside this mountain of a man. Some of the reason for his quiet is that he harbors some social anxiety, partly out of natural inclination and partly due to a life spent sticking out like a sore thumb (at least before coming to the Weyr, which seems to be a gathering place for very large individuals). Throughout his life, most people have assumed that he is all brawn and no brain, and while that couldn't be farther from the truth, he has taken it to heart and has a low opinion of his own intelligence when in reality, he simply lacked much in the way of education. Regardless, he contented himself with the role of dumb muscle, and has never complained, even if that has been to his detriment. It's extremely rare for a complaint to pass his lips, or for that matter even enter his mind with any seriousness; given that his self-worth is so lacking, he is that much more inclined to simply suffer through things with little more than a shrug.

While not so unintelligent as he believes himself to be, he is a simple soul, and as long as he feels like he has a purpose, contentment is not out of reach. He does enjoy his comforts, though, so things like a warm meal and a decent spot to sleep (especially indoors) will make him a happy man indeed. He also enjoys company, even if it takes time for him to become comfortable, and is a fast and warm friend to those who earn his trust, which isn't a difficult feat. A kind word or gesture goes a long, long way with S'vesi, to the extent that he wouldn't be difficult to manipulate or deceive, as he has a wide emotional blindspot for those he perceives to be his friends. He is a good friend to have, himself, supportive and giving and always willing to lend a hand. He has a good, amiable sense of humor, and in all is a very easy man to get along with. Not much bothers him, except for the sorts of things that would bother any decent person, like displays of cruelty or malice.

He is a romantic at heart, though not strictly in an amorous sense - he is someone who truly appreciates and enjoys the beauty of the world around him, and is easily wrapped up in a song or tale. As hard a worker as he is, he sees no shame in stopping to smell the flowers now and then. His work ethic is solid, and he will set himself to any task given him without complaint, but he knows that there is more to life than work, work, and more work. What's the point of life if you don't enjoy it, and why not pause now and then to appreciate the wonders of the world? He won't shirk or be distracted from his duties, but in his off-time, he will absolutely take actual time off rather than try to squeeze in every moment of productivity that he can. Hard worker yes, workaholic no, and without an ounce of ambition.

As unambitious and easily contented as he is, S'vesi is not generally a self-motivator: he doesn't want rank or prestige, he doesn't need to be the best at anything, he doesn't...need much at all, really, aside from a bit of direction to get him moving. He settles into schedules and expected duties well, and will jump to help someone in a heartbeat if they need it, but isn't someone who looks for more work or even does much planning.

Positive Trait List hard worker, loyal, romantic
Negative Trait List low self-worth, overly trusting, unambitious

S'vesi had a fairly unremarkable upbringing: two loving parents, two older siblings, two younger siblings, and a fairly comfortable life far from the struggle of places like Nabol. His parents were farmers, themselves the children of farmers, in lands under Redoubt Hold, so he grew up working the land. It was hard work, but a good life, and he'd likely have been content to farm for the rest of his days, had he not caught the eye of someone from the Fighter Hall. He was a big lad who was clearly only going to get bigger, and a fair prospect for that sort of work...and he had always been rather enchanted by tales of adventure, and been an eager spectator at tourneys.

Once apprenticed, he took to the work well, as he did to all work. With a purpose and clear expectations, he learned quickly and easily, and would eventually go on to become a Mercenary, mostly because he liked the idea of travelling. It was work that, of course, earned him his fair share of scars, but he didn't mind. Still, he didn't expect to do it forever, expecting to one day in the future - another ten, twenty Turns maybe - find a sweet lady, settle down and return to his farming roots and raise a family. A simple dream, but one he thought of often.

Long before that could happen, though, something most unexpected did: he was singled out by a Search dragon, who would take him to High Reaches Weyr to stand for an impending clutch. Three days later, the dragonets broke shell, among them an awkward green who encountered some trouble extricating herself from her shell. She took her time an eventually managed to free herself, and set off among the Candidates with no fanfare, only the occasional polite-but-friendly honk as she passed by, nosing fondly here and there at those she remembered from the Touching. She was perhaps halfway through her journey when she ran out of steam and had to call it quits. Sitting down with a sigh right in the midst of the crowd, she reached with her mind to call to the one she knew was Hers.

Not to be a bother, Sivesi, but might you come to your Hirondelleth? I'm very tired, and it's still a long way to you and then to the food.

It wasn't a bother at all, of course, and the man didn't hesitate to go right to her and scoop her up so that she didn't have to walk any farther. He carried her quite a lot, in fact, for as long as he could, which wasn't nearly long enough for either of them. They went on to a quite unremarkable weyrlinghood, consistently in the middle of the pack in their trajectory and achievements, and were fortunate to be only lightly marked by their Blooding.


The Dragon

Origin of Name: from Hirondelle, dam of prominent sire Quebec. When a genetic study of the Poitevin was done in 1994, a genetic bottleneck was revealed: the entire modern population of the breed traced back to Quebec, who was foaled in 1960.

The Poitevin, a breed of horse developed in the seventeenth century in west-central France when horses of Flemish or Dutch origin, brought to the area by engineers working to drain the Marais Poitevin, interbred with local horses. Although it has the size and conformation of a draft horse, the Poitevin has never been bred for draft abilities, and has been little used for draft work. Its principal traditional use was the production of mules. Poitevin mares were put to jacks of the large Baudet du Poitou breed of donkey; the resulting Poitevin mules were in demand for agricultural and other work in many parts of the world. In the early twentieth century there were some 50,000 brood mares producing between 18,000 and 20,000 mules per year.

With the collapse of the mule-breeding industry in the first half of the twentieth century, the breed fell out of favor and the population dropped precipitously. Though conservation efforts have been underway, it remains an endangered breed, with just over 300 breeding animals in existence in 2011.

They are a slow-growing, heavy-boned breed that can be found in any solid color, including striped dun, which occurs in no other French drafts. Although the Poitevin has the size and conformation of a draft horse, it has never been bred for draft abilities, and has been little used for draft work. The Poitevin may be ridden, or driven in harness, both in competition and for pleasure; it is suitable for equine therapy. It has occasionally been used for light agricultural work in vineyards, in movies; as a mount for forest monitors, harnessed for urban work, and for the collection of waste. It may also be used for vegetation management: in 1994 the departmental council of Ille-et-Vilaine bought a herd for maintenance of marshlands in the area.

It's quite clear from her appearance that Hirondelleth is a hardy dragon: she's a healthy girl, no doubt about it, with a good appetite and a fairly healthy outlook on life as well. She is mentally resilient in a very good-natured, optimistic way - while far from physically energetic, she always looks on the bright side of life, and has no trouble finding a silver lining to most anything that befalls her. She is an all-around calm and agreeable dragon not given to dramatics of any kind, content to go with the flow of life and be just another green. It's really not such a bad thing to be - after all, it means no one expects much out of her, and that's more than fine by her!

Hirondelleth is, shall we say, rather on the lethargic side. It's not that she can't work, or thinks herself above work, but that she moves at her own pace, and that pace is slower than most. Attempts to harry her into speeding up or pulling any more weight than she absolutely must will be ineffective at best, and cause her to dig her heels in at worst. This is a dragon who will need to be cajoled just so if she is to put in her best effort, her better nature prevailed upon to keep her working from day to day to day without losing all steam and motivation.

Fortunately, she is a 'people person,' and her fondness for others, both dragon and human, can easily be leveraged to keep her on task and doing her duty by fighting Thread. Really, fighting Thread in and of itself isn't the problem - it's all the practices and drills and sweeps and the work that's required between Falls that wears on her. Still, with a little gentle pressure and lots of positive reinforcement from Hers, she will be a fair enough wingdragon, though never the type to push her limits. She knows when enough is enough, and will not hesitate to bow out if circumstances get the better of her...or even a bit before they do. Hirondelleth may be built to take a hit, but that doesn't mean she likes when she has to do so, and won't hesitate to ask to go to the healers. It's just as well she was hatched at High Reaches, as she has zero desire for any sort of rank or renown, or even recognition by her peers.

Getting any of that would just be...so much effort. She would much rather doze in a soft field of wildflowers with Hers, preferably on a full stomach.

Positive Traits: optimistic, calm, sociable
Negative Traits: lethargic, stubborn, underachieving

NPC Egg: small

Adult Size: 53'
Physical Attributes: Long of body, with strong, thick legs as well as powerful shoulders and hindquarters, Hirondelleth is insulated by a soft layer of chonk that is partly her build and partly an inclination toward laziness. Her feet are large and broad, her tail is longer and thicker than average, as are her neck- and tailridges, and she is also possessed of a long, thick neck and headknobs. In comparison to the rest of her, her wings seem short and small, though the muscles are thick and powerful, and so they still do the job of carrying her in the air. She was painfully awkward-looking as a hatchling and adolescent, but has finally matured into her build.

Additional Notes:
Though she may look like a powerhouse, Hirondelleth burns herself out quickly; this green has very little staying power, and even the half a Threadfall asked of her color will leave her absolutely exhausted. Her Flights will be short affairs, likely won by whoever is able to snatch her when she reaches the point where can fly no farther, rather than being much influenced by her own preferences.

Romantically, Hirondelleth does prefer males, though she has no eye for any particular hide, and is easily won over by sweet words or, better still, a gift of something delicious. Her hearts are easy to capture, so she may well be in for heartbreak if a beau proves untrue, but she will hold no grudge. It is, after all, hardly a surprise if they are drawn to someone prettier or shinier than she.

Impression Effect:
Sivesi will no longer be so inherently intimidating, as Hirondelleth will lend him an aura of warmth that renders him far more approachable: the warm and gentle man he always was on the inside will be much more apparent than it once was. He will also find himself with a bit of the magnetism dragonriders are often noted for, though not in excess.

Why Me?
Who else for Hirondelleth? While she needs someone who can help her appreciate and put in hard work when it's needed, a workaholic would have been far too much of a stretch for her. Sivesi, on the other hand, is just right, able to provide gentle encouragement rather than trying to push her too hard or too far, or to be something she isn't (and doesn't want to be). He will love her just as she is, in all her chonk and laziness, adore every inch of her slightly odd proportions, and spoil her with all the love he can give. In his eyes and heart, she is the prettiest and most perfect of green princesses, and there is nothing he wouldn't do for her. She will love him just as hard in return, and together they will be content, go-with-the-flow peas in a pod.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:28 pm


Territorial Friend

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