[Alishia Miyamoto]

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Arasghigakure โœฆ Academy Student โœฆ Bloodline/Scholar
"Villains shall be bathed in the glorious light of Zelel!"

Alishia; Chakra: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Alishia hummed quietly to herself as she walked the streets of Arashigakure, on her way to the academy to get some more training. At some point she came across a small puddle, but merely applied some chakra to her feet to walk atop it. The rain had left many puddles in the road, granting her ample opportunity to practice the walking on water technique. Not that she ever even needed to worry about getting wet when she'd be spending the majority of her time flying above the ground if she had her way, but it was still a good thing to know. Necessary too, if she wanted to pass the academy and become a hero. Nothing would stop or slow Alishia down. Not her parents, or even the literal wall in her way which she simply walked up. Yeah, that was something she learned to do too. Being a hero was kind of awesome it turned out.
Art of Walking on Water | Rank D
Art of Walking on Walls | Rank D

Alishia hopped down from the other side of the wall, lazily brushing the dust from her clothing. She was getting near the academy, which meant she was near the last place that lady had said she saw her pet cat. When she was told the kitten's description she was really glad that it wasn't that same nice kitten that always followed her around near the academy. Alishia really liked that kitten and had even considered adopting it on occasion. Forming a single hand sign, Alishia's body vanished in a puff of smoke before revealing that she had changed her form. Sure she could try to chase this woman's pet cat around as herself, but why bother when the kitty would be so much more likely to trust her if she looked like its owner? That decision ended up making the search much easier, only taking her a few minutes of searching before Alishia located the lost kitten. She did end up needing to speed up to catch up with it, but the speed of a cat was nothing when compared to a Body Flicker so it was a piece of cake. "There you go ma'am. Keep track of your kitty okay? Oh, it's nothing. All in a day's work to serve our Lord Zelel."
Henge no Jutsu | Rank E
Body Flicker Technique [ Shunshin no Jutsu ] | Rank D

"Zelel? Who's that?" Alishia gasped at those words, shocked that there could be anyone in this day and age who doesn't know the name of the lord she serves. She excitedly started rambling on, always eager to share his good name with anyone who would listen. "Zelel is the oldest and wisest of all the gods! He doesn't as for much from his followers, and for that reason I give him everything! He calls on us to be wise and humble, always aiming to improve ourselves. Zelel is incredible, and you should worship him too ma'am for it is he who brought me to you so that I could find your kitty!." All through her ramblings Alishia advanced further on the woman, until by the end of her speech she realized that she was pressed right up against her, pinning her against the wall. With an embarrassed and adorable squeak, she apologized before turning tail to run. She'd gotten ahead of herself again and went overboard, how embarrassing!

Running back to the academy with her hands covering her bright red face, Alishia slowly came to a stop upon hearing cries of distress. Of course! Her moment of embarrassment just then had been all a part of Zelel's great plan. All in order to bring her here to this moment so that she could help this person in front of her in the middle of being on the receiving end of a mugging. Oh glorious Zelel, how wise you are! Alishia acted quickly, sending out an illusory clone at the assailant. The drunk man swung a clumsy fist at it. In his tipsy state, that same swing caused him to lose his balance, forcing him to stumble. Alishia's fist helped him the rest of the way down. The woman who had been in distress thanked her graciously while they waited for the proper authorities to arrive and take the man away, at which point they bid each other farewell and she continued on her way to the academy.
Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E

What a good and productive day this was. Alishia had done so much to help others in Zelel's name already. She couldn't wait to see what more good she could do.


Bonded with:

Mission(s) Completed:

Title: I found the missing kitty!
Rank: E
Reputation: +4 local
Information: Alishia found the woman's missing kitten and safely returned her home.

Title: I spread the good word of Zelel to a woman in need
Rank: E
Reputation: +4 local
Information: Alishia harassed some poor sap while attempting to evangelize her.

Title: I stopped a mugging. Glorious Zelel, thank you for sending me there!
Rank: E
Reputation: +4 local
Information: Alishia did stop a mugging yes.

Title: Learn 10 jutsu x2
Rank: E
Reputation: +8 local

Title: Learned all the default E-rank jutsu that all academy students are expected to know.
Rank: E
Reputation: +4 local
Information: Alishia did stop a mugging yes.

+0 Strength || +0 Speed || +0 Agility || +0 Endurance

โ€ข Steel lance
โ€ข Master scroll
โ€ข Genin's scroll x10
โ€ข Chuunin's scroll x5


Status Effects
- None

โ€ข Lightning and Fire release techniques of the user may apply blindness status at the following ranks. E-C Rank: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2 and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3.The user is able to replace hand signs for their bloodline techniques with any other type of hand sign replacement at character creation (following PA rules).
โ€ข Casting light techniques now causes ambient light sources to form around or on you. These orbs of light start out as E rank but will grow one rank stronger for every technique cast up to S Rank. These techniques may be used at any time with the user's techniques, combining with a ranked technique for a single activation to be treated as Korabo. Creating and strengthening these orbs costs one rank less than the original light technique used.
โ€ข When additional chakra is applied to the light which radiates from your chakra network, it becomes blinding to sensors. Those with passive sensory or dojutsu which see chakra will suffer tiered jamming based on the rank of extra chakra applied; E-C Rank: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2 and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3. In addition, dojutsu users also suffer blindness tiered based on the body rank of the user; E-C Rank: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2 and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3. The same rank of chakra must be expended by the sensor or dojutsu user to avoid this penalty.
โ€ข Iryojutsu may be performed by one hand, and they may channel iryojutsu through established links.
โ€ข Miyamoto of the scholar class may know the exact location of someone they're linked to.
โ€ข Miyamoto may forgo one or both of their offensive activations to grant an ally that they have linked with those activations. These activations may both go to one individual or to separate ones. The person who receives this additional activation gains a 1 point increase to their stat cap for three posts for every activation they received from the user. This ability may not be stacked and may push a stat cap to a maximum of 10.
โ€ข The user is capable of forcibly creating a link without consent of the target without contact. When this is done the user must pay an upkeep cost of the target's body rank per post. During the time this bond is active, techniques home in on the target without losing their power for up to five posts, defending against a homing technique requires an additional activation. Alternatively, the user can connect with willing persons without contact for a D rank cost on the initial post.
โ€ข All sealing techniques are considered overwhelming when in collision with other techniques of the same rank.
โ€ข Able to summon beings at one rank lower than normally required and 50 chakra and stamina is granted to them per rank of the summoned creature.
โ€ข The user's summoned creatures are able to use any ninjutsu the user has access to that they share an element for as well as any genjutsu, taijutsu, and bukijutsu.
โ€ข Your summoned creature's unique techniques are considered overwhelming at S-rank and below in collisions.
โ€ข If you use multiple techniques from both of your bloodlines in the same post without Korabo then those techniques are increased in effectiveness by one rank.