.::Wrestler Name::.
Grace Fatsumoto
The Ace
.::Weight Class::.
Pacific Islander/Japanese-American
High Flying, Daredevil
The newest aerial sensation in the WWE. She's a fast moving high flying daredevil that lives to work the crowd.
.::Entrance Music::.
San Diago, CA
|-Muay Thai Elbow-|
|-Elbow Drop-|
|-Useless Flurry of Punches-|
|-Savate Kick-|
|-Muay Thai Knee Strikes-|

[Monkey Flip]
[Stomach Claw]
[Lifting DDT]

|-First-Rope Knee Drop-|
|-Double Knee-|

|-Body Avalanche-|
|-Corner Slingshot Lionsault-|
|-Bronco Buster-|

[]Irish Whip[]
|-Cross Body Splash-|
|-Short-Arm Clothesline-|

|-Cannon Ball Senton-|
[Monkey Breaker]
|-Monkey Flip Backbreaker-|

[Diving Moonsault/Shooting Star]
[Spinning Heel Kick]

[]Special Finisher[]
[600 Megaton Splash]
|-Top-Rope/Elevated Splash-|

.::Tag Teams::.
The daughter of G-fed veteran Aaron Fatsumoto, she grew up in the backstage of the business. To her it was only natural that she follow in her father's footsteps. To everyone else it seemed a risky venture, as she had neither her father's size nor stature. To compensate for her lack of bulk, Grace has adopted a fearless personality.

She transferred to her ancestral home in Japan to attend high school, but spent all of her free time training with the women of AJPW. While her classmates spent their spring breaks in Cancun drinking, she was learning how to fly around the ring like the Luchador. After graduation she returned to America to pursue her dream, to follow in her father's footsteps, and soar to the top of the industry.
.::Other Roles::.
.::Highlight Reels::.
|-Ewing Winters vs. Grace Fatsumoto-|