The layout of the land

Main floor

The entrance to the mansion
Joe Higashi's suite
Access to the basements and parkade
A bathroom for emergencies
An arcade
A gym
The Bogard family kitchen with access to the pool out back
Drunk's resting station (if you are drunk you will be placed here)
Access to the 2nd floor

Second floor

Rock's bedroom
Andy's bedroom
Link's bedroom
Terry and Dee's bedroom
Rails and Parma-Blue's bedroom
Corrigan's bedroom
Access to the Lounge
The Bogard family bathroom

The lounge aka the 3rd floor

A stage
A bar
Tables and chairs for the restaurant
Janitor's closet
Public bathrooms
A saiyan fighting ring
A Beyblade arena
Access to Nalith
Access to the hotel rooms
Access to the chapel
Access to the graveyard

The hotel rooms

Each hotel room comes with a bed, a nightstand, a closet, a trash chute, and an emergency exit slide button activated. There are 20 hotel rooms on floors 4-98.

The chapel - floor 100

For those who are religious, getting married, or for some solitude.

The graveyard

If you are not a guest and you become inactive for more than a month, your spirit will be placed here and where you start from if you return after a month.
This does not apply for NPCs and ones I control since I will be the most active.


Nalith is where William-Tyler and his family lives, its located in Enthera not in the Renaissance Galaxy.


If you start this, you must reply when its your turn within a month provided you are not a guest.

Guests are to report to the lounge only and act like you are just ordering food and indicating when you have left. Of course, guests have the option of getting drunk.

Minor god-modding might take place by me if you have not left the lounge/drunks station within a certain period of time.

Have fun and make good use of the mansion.

You can be any anime character you wish, even your own made up ones.

This lounge rp creates its own story.

Be fair to everyone in here and try to show respect.

I play as the people who manage the mansion save for the users whose names have been listed in the layout of the land section. Those people also have immunity to the graveyard unless they actually choose to die.

The initial post

Dee found herself waking up to her usual routine and once she finished, she waited in the lounge for somebody to serve.