What does he plan to do with these items? To try and and bring Zork back and take over Egypt. Also, to try and take control of the Egyptian gods once more. But, with his mistake, he triggered and opened the Door to the afterlife, and The Pharaoh and his Priests have returned. When, Ishizu and Marik hears of this powerful source growing more deadly everyday.
They Contact Yugi and his friends, hoping they would come and try to aid them and stop this evil Sorceror from causing destruction and bringing darkness to spread across the peacful land of Egypt. Can Yugi and His friends and the Pharaoh and his Priests find a way to stop him? Or will the sorceror's magic and Zork overpower them?
Zork: Morgana13
Yami Bakura:
Pharaoh Atemu: Gamrsgirl
Priest Seto
Priest Mahado: Lady Lunar Phoenix
Priest Shada
Priestess Isis: Meh ^^
Priest Karim:
(don't know if i should add Priest Akundin after what happened in the show)
Mana: yugis_girl28
Yugi: KitsuneChan8888888
Tea: Tea__Gardner
Joey: anitasakura
Bakura: xHitorix
Seto: setosgirl101
Mokuba: Atomic H
Marik: Morgey
-No Godmoding
-No One liners
-If you want to kill off some one's character ask the other's opinion before you do it ^^;
-Mmm, Everyone has their own guardian spirit (like Red eyes black dragon etc. one person wink )
-Small plots can take place between characters wink
-Most important Enjoy and Have fun!