well, to make a long story short, I have to re-take my basic graphic design classes because my High School credits didn't transfer ( I also get HTML & the internet for beginers.. *sigh* such a waste of time/money
sweatdrop )
well, I didn't have enough class time to get the 5 photo composition pieces done very well, and as soon as I get my grades back, I will be able to turn them back in for a better grade (and for my own peace of mind) Here is basicly what I have, I will be changing them myself to make them look better, but outside eyes tend to see things that I will miss, plus alot of people here really know alot ^___^
heart so here they are:
Cat and MouseReading & Dreaming*Koala!Angelic**...and then time ran out sweatdrop this one will be 100% redone with alot added...*the large version of this won't work right for some unknow reason, so don't click on the picture for the large one... it wond't work.
** Ugh... this looks so terrible, I had this great idea in my head, but it just didn't get pieced to gether well at all... this one needs insane ammounts of ork....