Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:30 am
Visit the guild e-zine at http://graphicdesigners.buitek.com
This guild e-zine was created to keep a more permanant record of our tutorials and helpful information, and to bring us together in a huge group project. The first issue came out on the 1st of February, 2005, and the e-zine will be released every 2 months.
If you would like to be part of the creation of the e-zine, read the following posts and post in this thread, or PM the editor, Chisa.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:43 am
Website Headers
Don't like the website header we have up there currently? Well, neither do I really sweatdrop And that's why I've come up with this solution to get everyone involved.
I'm planning to put in a randomizer script, so that a random header image will appear on every page. What I need you to do is send me your header image, and I'll put it up there for everyone to see! The header will be linked to a page with all the header images and information on their creators, so its a great chance to show off your graphic design skills and some of your latest work.
A few rules:
Image must be 750x100 px exactly. .jpg or .gif format only please. No animations. Must have 'Gaian Graphic Designers Guild' on it somewhere legible You can put your name/logo/signature on it, just don't make it ridiculously huge. No copyright material, unless you get permission from the material's creator, and credit them. I reserve the right to not include image that I don't feel are up to standard.
If you want to submit an image, just fill out this form and post it in this thread.
Your Gaia name: Title of your image: Description: Link: (to the image) Your website: (where more of your work can be found) Your email address:
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:45 am
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:05 am
Article Signup ListI'm looking for at least 5 articles to include in each issue, on top of the usual articles about the featured member, contests, etc. Here's a list of the article ideas I have so far. If you have an idea for an article you'd like to see, or like to write, please post them in this thread. If you want to write one of these articles, please post in this thread also. Some articles be written by more than one person; it's always good to get a second opinion wink
Articles that I think are important are indicated with a *.
Articles for the June-July issue are due on 10th July 2005.
Desktop Wallpapers We need at least one wallpaper for each issue! Wallpapers must include the days of the 2 months of that issue, and be in 3 sizes: 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024. No copyright material please.
Graphic Design (general)
creating brushes for Photoshop Fundamentals of design? Software Reviews and Summaries Not a tutorial, just a quick summary of features, common uses, how good it is, and roughly how expensive.
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Imagemaker Macromedia Flash Macromedia Dreamweaver Paint Shop Pro OpenCanvas Hardware Reviews and other articles about hardware, including computers + computer parts, graphics tablets, scanners, cameras, etc.
Web Design All aspects of web design, including html and css.
*html basics part 2 - Raine Dragon html forms CSS basics
Web Development
Figure drawing Perspective Lighting CG (can have more than one) Pixel art + sprites Print and Prepress
Basic Flash animation Tweening? Animation using Imageready traditional animation techniques? Typography
basics Creating your own fonts? Career
Writing a resume Creating an online portfolio How to act at an interview Freelancing
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:21 am
Article GuidelinesPlease email the articles to gdguild@gmail.com by the due date.
Until I get an article submission script up and running, this is probably the easiest way to do this:
IF you don't know a lot of html, simply type out your article in Word or Notepad, and indicate what should be a subheading, and where pictures or links should go, eg:
example My Article <- heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut tellus. Curabitur scelerisque sem a massa rutrum mattis. Nulla vulputate hendrerit ligula. Nunc sit amet lorem sed metus sagittis iaculis. Donec condimentum mi eu erat. Praesent feugiat tortor nec nunc. Nulla facilisi. Praesent eget lacus. <- subheading Nullam gravida dapibus massa. Etiam cursus, ligula eget pretium auctor, est turpis posuere risus, sit amet dictum magna purus vestibulum tortor. *image1.jpg goes here* Nunc id mi. Aenean ante. Pellentesque malesuada elit id nibh dapibus ultricies. Suspendisse bibendum nonummy pede. Fusce augue nunc, gravida sit amet, hendrerit at, eleifend non, nisl. *Praesent luctus*(link to www.google.com) placerat mauris.
IF on the other hand you know a bit of html, you can save me a bit of time by putting in the tags for me. No tags or other kinds of styling are necessary, just add in the 's, for subheadings, and bold, italics, links and stuff, like this:
My ArticleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut tellus. Curabitur scelerisque sem a massa rutrum mattis. Nulla vulputate hendrerit ligula. Nunc sit amet lorem sed metus sagittis iaculis. Donec condimentum mi eu erat. Praesent feugiat tortor nec nunc. Nulla facilisi. Praesent eget lacus.Nullam gravida dapibus massa. Etiam cursus, ligula eget pretium auctor, est turpis posuere risus, sit amet dictum magna purus vestibulum tortor. Nunc id mi. Aenean ante. Pellentesque malesuada elit id nibh dapibus ultricies. Suspendisse bibendum nonummy pede. Fusce augue nunc, gravida sit amet, hendrerit at, eleifend non, nisl. placerat mauris.
Then get your typed up article (whether its coded or not), and all your images, and zip them up and email them to gdguild@gmail.com .
The reason the due date is so early is so that I can check and do any neccessary editing, and show you a copy for approval before it goes live (since it will have your name on it in the end).
Please only offer to do an article if you have enough time. If you find that you can't at a later date, please let me know as soon as possible so I can find a replacement.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:47 pm
I can do one on DreamWeaver if no one else wants to do it 3nodding Seeing as how I use it to make my website look so awesome xd Just let me know k? I'll start on it anyways...just in case wink
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:42 am
Ta Da! Hope you like it! ^_^ Your Gaia name: biscuit_tec Title of your image: sassy lady ^_^ Description: A banner for Gaian Graphic Designers guild constructed by layering of brushes, typography and images. (brushes from 8nero.net) Link: GGDG Banner Your website: rabid-bunny - full website not up yet. Your email address: biscuittec@aol.com
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:34 pm
Thanks Panther! Either a quick review, or a full on tutorial of the features would be nice... plenty of time left though. biscuit_tec Ta Da! Hope you like it! ^_^ Your Gaia name: biscuit_tec Title of your image: sassy lady ^_^ Description: A banner for Gaian Graphic Designers guild constructed by layering of brushes, typography and images. (brushes from 8nero.net) Link: GGDG Banner Your website: rabid-bunny - full website not up yet. Your email address: biscuittec@aol.com Ooooh that looks so awesome! I'll add it to the site as soon as I get a chance 3nodding Thankyou very much for doing that!
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:27 pm
I can only do a review not a tutorial. I don't really know how to do tutorials sweatdrop
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:36 am
Chisa Ooooh that looks so awesome! I'll add it to the site as soon as I get a chance 3nodding Thankyou very much for doing that! Thank you! heart