I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in an older thread or not but there are some interesting and helpful online resources.

Firstly is www.Layersmagazine.com, they have quite a few online tutorials on their site, and in the magazine itself if you subscribe or buy it somewhere locally. They cover all of the adobe and macromedia applications and in just the short time I have had to look into them I have learned quite a bit from the information they provide.

Also, if you have the ability and are serious about photoshop I highly recommend joining NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals). They can be found at www.Photoshopuser.com. Membership costs $99 per year or $179 for 2 years and not only does the membership include a subscription to the magazine, but it comes with many useful benefits, one of which is unlimited online support. They have a staff dedicated to helping you with all your photoshop woes. If you have something you want to do but can't seem to figure out, they are there to help. You also get discounts on seminars and various products (a small list is available in the site). I believe the members also have access to even more tutorials. They also have a link on that site to a video podcast that they do called Photoshop TV which is a pretty interesting and informative little show.

If anyone here is interested in photoshop or any of the other adobe applications you would definitely benefit from visiting one of both of these sites.