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Orson Welles

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:22 pm

I found this site in the GD. It's about a group of people trying to legally put the Bible into public schools. rolleyes

Just read through the little comics they have. surprised

On the comic entitled "evolution", they're saying that evolution is racism. Here are the exact words from one of the characters: "Don't you know that evolution is basically a racist concept? Some evolutionists still teach that white people evolved from "negroes" who evolved from apes -- Meaning white people are more evolved."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:53 pm
Hell, have I got some stuff to say about this. I apolagise for my spelling mistakes in advance, it gets much worse when I'm angry.


Oh noes! Benny went to a rock concert, so all of the other little christians got scared he would burn in hell for eternity!

Music's the corruption of the world? If you want corruption, look no further than the christian church itself. Those stories of catholic priests abusing little boys, heard of them? If that's not evil, if they can say their little prayers and be 'forgiven', but music is evil, I don't know what the world is coming to. eek Even if there were a god, i'm pretty sure that he/she/it wouldn't select and deselect people from 'heaven' based on their choise in music xd

HOLY s**t. D:< That homosexuality comic made me really, really angry. How the hell can they say that romantic+sexual love between people of the same gender isn't "love"? They've obviously got a lot to learn about what love truely is. AND they slagged off the liberals. Grrrrr. Liberalism is the way forward. It's like evolution in an ever-changing world, we can't stick with old principles forever if society has to advance.

And the idea of homosexuality being a choice rather than being who you are is complete bullshit. I know that being bisexual, at least, is NOT a choice. I didn't choose to fall for one of my female best friends. I don't CHOOSE to live every single ******** day of my life hiding what the world needs most, love. My emotions cannot just be "switched off", as I have discovered while battling against them every time I see her for a year now. It's tearing me apart, and yet these christians say I can CHOOSE how I feel???

And that evolution comic is so ignorent. It obviously understands nothing about the technicalities of evolution. It's proven from the bones of Neantertals (sp) and our early ancestors such as homo ergaster, homo erectus and homo habilis (heh, I have the 'walking with cavemen' TV series book) that they're different from us. This is saying that all of the bones are fakes. Wrong.

I hate the way the people who are going to have sex in the 'safe sex' comic are portrayed. People like that are a minority, who do you know who would randomly start talking to a guy/girl and then sleep with them that very same night?

If a condom is used correctly, it's more like 2% faliure rather than the 15%, which is a completely made-up statistic. Are tha makers of this comic trying to control our lives to the extent where it is taking away any feeling directed away from it's totalitarian "god" regieme?

The major US government health agencies report there is no clinical proof of condom effectivness sor any of these STD's!

Wrong. Condoms are proven to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Notice the comic conveniently left out the statistics for the usage of condoms versus incidences of chlymidia (sp= really bad, I know...).

Do they tell you they're a MILLIONTH OF AN INCH THICK and POROUS? And that viruses such as HIV, which can cause AIDS, are so small...

Bullshit. Condoms are not porous, otherwise they wouldn't be used so much, and there would be a massive rate in teen pregnancy and STD's. By the way, viruses are comparitivly HUGE when compared to bacteria and other micro-organisms. And "millionth on an inch think"? rofl rofl if something was that thin, it wouldn't be able to be seen by the human eye.

LOL. And what's with all of the shite about when guys look at porn it instantly turns them evil?



PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:06 pm
In that movie about it that the link of the book leads to. That beginning with the founding fathers. Ridiculous.

Just check this out. The Treaty of Tripoli is really all that's needed, but it still has some other interesting things: http://www.earlyamerica.com/review/summer97/secular.html

The U.S. was not "Founded in God" in any way, shape, or form. I also hate it when people use "America", since they don't seem to realise that that term encompasses two whole continents.

Now on to the Comics:

I thought it was funny how the Evil Nonchristian kid was viewed as being a complete addict and sleezeball. He's like shouting about how hot they are and stuff. Then his dad turns out to be loser. Rather amusing.
I watched porn for awhile. I'll admit it. But personally, I thought it got rather boring. I mean, you can only see so many naked women with overly massive breasts before you just start to yawn.
Not that sex has lost its appeal, it's just now sex has a bit more...meaning. Before, I was your typical lusty 13-year-old adolescent. Now...I don't know, I guess I wouldn't have sex just for the pleasure. That's boring. I would have sex if I actually loved the person.
It's kind of funny how pornography "cleansed me". It made me realise that sex is stupid unless you both honestly want to have sex with each other. I might unique in this, but I still think it's funny.
Mind you, I still wouldn't have sex until I was of legal age (I'm 15 now) and I was sure that both of us were clear of sexual diseases.

...What? First of all, it's been scientifically proven that you're born gay or bisexual. Gay men have hormone attractions that act like women's, and gay women (lesbians) have hormone attractions that act like men's. They're born that way. They have almost no control over it (Short of injecting hormones)
And what's with the bust on liberals? I'm sorry, but that was uncalled for!
And why was the medic talking about God and stuff? That was just stupid. As any actually trained medical personell and if they've any experience in genetics, they'll tell you that you were born that way. You can't change.

Oh, and about the Church's opposition to homosexuality: http://www.united-church.ca/humanrights/biblereferences.shtm

The Catholics are wrong. Many Catholic priests are gay, according to the news about all those ***** priests.

Safe Sex:
It was fine until about the 5th page when it started rambling on about how you should abstain from sex until marriage. Personally, I think that's a matter of opinion. Yet, Christianity is an opinion, so I won't go there. It's their life.

But really, safe sex is important. Sexual diseases and teen pregnancy are a huge problem, but just because you don't read the New Testament every day doesn't mean that either one will afflict you.

And if that nerdy kid had any real brains he would've figured out that God doesn't exist by now.

And so another child is born blind...Poor kid.

Until birth, a baby is a parasite. 'nough said.

Do I really need to do the Rock Music thing? Whatever THAT was, it wasn't Rock.

EDIT: Ok, the Rock music one was ridiculous. I was done after the second page. I couldn't stand it. It's not like all rock musicians are Satanists or anything. U2, for instance, is a highly religious band. I still like them.

That...creature depicted in the comics was some kind of...I don't know what you would call that kind of rock, assuming it's rock.

Rock is a very broad term. They shouldn't use it like that. Hell, there's Christian Rock groups!

School Violence: What the hell? How is a book that depicts mass genocides, murders, rapes, and heaps of injustice going to prevent someone from bringing a gun to school? They'll need sources to back that up. Plus they encouraged students to walk up to an unstable person who's hearing voices in their head and tell them to drop the gun they're holding. That's just stupid.

Oh, and if you go to a regular high school, I would strongly discourage you to go around handing out Bibles screaming "REPENT!!!". It won't make you as popular as the comic seems to depict. Trust me.

The evolution one made me so angry! White men aren't "more evolved". It's just a difference in skin pigment. We're different sub-species. Blacks have been evolving as long as whites. Same with chimps. We're all just as "evolved".

I don't think the Church should even be talking about racism. Ever heard of the Inquisition? Or the Crusades? Yeah.

Oh, and that picture of the chimpanzee turning into a human, though cute, isn't really the concept of evolution. Humans didn't evolve from chimps. We're merely another branch off of the same ape ancestor.

"Just because a bunch of noisy people keep saying the same thing over and over doesn't make them right---And it doesn't make them experts"
The irony is agonizing.^

The rest is just made up. Carbon dating is highly accurate. If you do the math right, it's incredibley accurate, within a few hundred years. That's nothing when we're talking about millions of years.

Oh, and what's this about atheism being a religion?!? confused

That's it. I can't do this anymore. It's pointless to argue against this. It's so bloody ignorant it hurts my head.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:26 pm
Pornography comic

Son: Pops lets me have access to x-rated sties.

Dad: That's right. It's good education for a young man. I used to devour this stuff myself as a kid. But shoot!-- I had to steal prono mags when I was too young! Now there's lots for free on the internet! Is this a great country or what? Hey- I'm outta here on a hot date. Don't stay up all night. Ha ha.

Are they trying to make this realistic, or teach kids that they all get access to x-rated sites unless parents tell them not to? gonk

This is almost the biggest load of b.s. I have seen on the net, and I have seen alot. It's not only non-realistic scenarios, it is poorly written.


caustic 0_0

O.G. Prophet

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:30 pm

I've never heard that one before. I know evolution and social darwinism were twisted to help support slavery but I've never heard of any thing like that actually taught as fact. Usually evolution sticks to theories of common ancestors for mankind as a whole and then of course microevolution.

Particularly amusing comic quote-
"Most evolutionists see creationism as being primarily a religious issue and to them religion doesn't belong in our public schools! But what they don't realize is they are letting their own religious belief of atheism override their examination of the facts!"

On another note, I must be doomed. I not only listen to Nine Inch Nails, but I've seen them in concert 3 times and I have no plans of stopping! :0

About the safe sex comic, a lot of girls my age that I know are on birth control too. They don't just use condoms and they don't go out and have tons of random sex. >.o

I really don't understand it. Yes, maybe they feel this way and think they are right but if they get protection and freedom of speech, then other people do too even if they don't like admitting that. If you don't want some one else forcing their religious and moral views on your lifestyle, then you can't feel you have the right to do that to everyone else. If you want to make sure your children hear about your religion's view of evolution, abortion, etc, then you should teach them that at home and not expect them to be taught your private views in a public school.

The Declaration of Independence does mention 'nature and nature's God.' The God the founding father's, or at least many of them and including Jefferson, had in mind was just that - Nature's God. Many were deists, not christian. They didn't all believe in the bible or in Jesus as the son of God.
In any event, you then just need the First Amendment and the fact that early mentions of God such as in the Declaration are gone in the Constitution.

Okay, so I just followed the early america link from Lethkar and it explained everything I just said about the constitution stuff. xD

Why does it matter if people say America? When you talk about the continents you say the Americas or give the full names if you want to be specific. America is just short hand. It's the kind of name that's to be understood within a given context.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:17 pm
It's also hypocritical of them to say that evolutionists are racists...considering that they didn't even let black people into their churches until the late 1960's  

Orson Welles


PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:39 pm
The comics are inaccurate.

Athiesm is not a religion.

Evolutionism isn't racist. The idea isn't that africans evolved from monkeys. Is is that Homo-Sapains have a common ancestor that is shared with the apes and the monkeys.

Sadly that is how most of those comics meant for religion turn out. What amuses me is the part on the home page about "How the truth hurts"...and what this group has done is taken those hurtful truths, twisted them inside out, and turned it into a bunch of lies and misinformation, or basic fantasy.

I think it is interesting how the overzealous theists who are the origin of stuff like this seem to live in thier own little fantasy world. Most of what they claim is actually not true. They seem to think that if they ignore fact, and act is though it is fiction...that it will become fiction.

They ignore reality, and act as though through thier own ignorance they can make thier fantasy reality. They overexaggerate details, make up things....and do everything they possible can to demonize even the most innocent of things.

All I can say is that I feel sorry for the individual/individuals who are so far gone as to make such a screwed up and twisted comic. I also equally feel sorry for any children whose minds become poisoned by the misinformation, and lies that are distrubuted through such mediums.

I also feel sicked than any parent could allow thier children to even look at such comics. It is as though they are allowing thier children to be less educated in the real world by giving them such trash.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:53 pm
I looked at them all now, and some of them really ticked me off to no end. I mean, come on. They took things to an all new level.

Pornography: I don't believe in women and men selling their bodies away to some porn company that will sell movies at dirt cheap prices, only to end up later on the internet being downloaded for free. But also, you don't need to go on about how wrong it was. When someone does something I don't agree with, I go do something in the other room. I don't tell them that it is evil and that it's the devil. It's their life, and you have no right to control it.

Homosexuality: This one was just ridiculous. There have been times when it has gottne that bad at some protests back a few years. But, they said that people are not born that way, and that is total bull s**t. You can't control what you think, and if your mind is telling you that you are attarcted to the same sex, what are you going to do about it? You can't control it. It is in your mind. It's not something that you can overcome, you can't see you are homosexual and say, "I better become heterosexual or else God will send me to hell!" No, you cannot control it.

Safe sex: People have said all I wanted to say on this one. How condoms cannot prevent STD's, and that they are so thin... -.- People are arrogant. And the abstinence. I am saving myself. Not because some religion tells me to, but because of my decision. I think it would be more meaningful to wait until marriage. But, I am not going to try and change someone else's mind about it and tell them they are a bad person or something like that because they have had sex. I have my views, they have theirs. Not my place to tell them what to do.

Abortion: Yes, the facts are true. I do not believe in abortion. But, I am not going to call someone a bad person for doing it. Sometimes there are times when it should be done. But I don't think it's right to abort a child that you concieved when fooling around with someone.

Rock Music: Whatever that was... was not rock. Who the hell talks about "school cheese" in a song...? I mean, seriously... find some real lyrics or find a better writer. And not, all rock is like that. They need to explore it all and see that some of it is actually really good and what not. I like rock... my favorite type of music.

School violence: I remember having instances of violence at a close school and at my own. A school in Valpo, 6 students were slashed by some kid who brought in a machete [sp?]. They were watching a movie, and the kid asked the teacher to turn out the lights and close the blinds. She said no, and he pulled it out.

At my own school, a student was found with two loaded guns and a hit list. He was caught and a teacher pulled the alarm to get the students out of the building for the time being. We also had several bomb threats that were circulated throughout the school to all teachers and staff in emails. But, my school being retarded, they did not evacuate us and they were going to let us die. ^^

They do have a right to do such things in the school. My school even has a Bible Literature class. It's very interesting, actually.

Evolution: I can see where they are coming from with this one. Have you ever heard of the instance where a zoo put a black man in with a monkey because they said that they were no different? When you look at it, you can see the racism. But, evolution is not racist to others. It is a theory, as if every other explanation about how we got here.

Drugs: How does he get a 3 day suspension on the day before the last day of school...? And he is moving...

Notice how the nerd in the glasses says he's cool on pg. 2... haha...

And then they briefly state the evil rock music on three...

Oh yes... beat on his chest when he dies... whee

What the hell are those green things??? o_O

Well, this was the most realistic anyway... really nothing I can say on this one... Haha.

And the rest are the same comic. Haha. There are my comments on them all... Hehe.


darkwolf possession

darkwolf possession

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:00 pm
those comics were s**t.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:31 pm
I' reading these and I'm thinking maybe I should write comics about how christianity is completely biased and that when you don't belive in god, people tend to shun you. F**k it.  


Becka Minato

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:33 pm
What bullcrap! scream  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:10 pm
I have seen these before...It scares the hell out of me to think that some children are actually being told this is true.  

Shaded Spriter

Prince Rilian

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:57 am
...Meaning white people are more evolved."

Every living organism is equally evolved, because we have a common ancestor. They don't understand how evolution works at all. It doesn't go in a chain like that. No current species evolved from any other current species. We evolved from organisms that are dead now.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:24 pm
I only got to the evolution one before turning away in disgust. Even the abortion one rubbed me the wrong way, and I don't like abortion at all. One life, one chance, not my call to deny the chance to live and grow up. I sure as Hell won't be telling people "KEEP IT IN THE NAME OF JAAAAY-SUS" though and that representation bugs me.  

Dread Dionaea


PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:30 pm

Oh, and what's this about atheism being a religion?!? confused

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