Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:04 am
I just got my drawing tablet yesterday, I cant wait to use it, anyone have any useful tips for using it?
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:27 am
They take a little getting used to, you know, looking at the screen while your drawing infront of you, make sure the drivers are installed because it means you can have pressure senstive work. Strange Tip! If you use photoshop and you find your lines are thin enough but not bold enough for you, just duplicate the layer and merge down, I suppose you can apply that to any program that uses layers, but I personally use Photoshop 7. There literatally thousands of tutorials on things like photoshop and most of them say they used a tablet to do the effect, no harm in checking them out so you can see the kind of things you can do. Have fun.