Lose a battle? need some items? Want to trade pokemon with someone? Just want to laze about with your pokemon? Heres the place to do it.
YOU CAN NOT LEVEL YOUR POKEMON HERE! But you still get your pokeball finds.

Healing Center

All you have to do is come in here and say your healing your pokemon ^ ^


Need some super potions or maby need some ultraballs right away but cant wait? heres the place to buy them! once you request somthing a moderator should ok it then you can donate the amount the item is to the guild and be on your marry way to use it!

Want a item thats not there? Post the item there and if we add it you will get one free!
Trade Room

Want a specific pokemon? or just want to get rid of one you have? put up what pokemon you want and or what pokemon you want to get rid of. if someone comes forward wait for a moderator to ok your trade then trade away

Lounge Room

You can hang out here and get somthing to eat or perhaps sleep if you have no where else to go.