Part One: I am me.

Beep! Beep! Beep! went her alarm clock.She groaned and felt around on the side table til she found what was causing the persistant noise.Carrie smacked her clock over and over until it turned off.Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up in her bed.She stretched her thin arms over her head and gave a big yawn.
Carrie slowly arose from bed.She sluggishly walked her way over to the bathroom.She undressed and stepped into the shower.The water was cold at first, which made her jump slightly.Soon the water was warm and she began to wash.She grabbed a small bar of soap and began to scrub away the nightly grime from her body.
She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her tiny frame.Still not fully awake, Carrie gave another yawn as she walked out of the bathroom.She went over to her suitcase and opened it.She pulled out a few things and set them down on the bed.
She dried off as quickly as she could.Her midnight black hair was still damp but that didn't bother her too much.She started to dress,putting on her basics, her undergarments, first.Once that was done she picked up a black dress and slid it over her head.It was lolita style,with ruffled cuffs and a poufy skirt.She tied the white ribbon around her waist which made her dress almost cling to form perfectly.
Next came her black and white striped stockings.She rolled them up her legs til they stopped mid-thigh.Carrie grabbed her black buckled high heel boots and put them on.Now dressed all that was left was her make-up.She dug in her suitcase and pulled out some white pwder, black eyeshadow and liner, and a blood red lipstick.
Carrie ran into the bathroom, her hands full with her make-up.When she came back out, she looked so different.She was like an unholy beauty.She grinned and grabbed her purse.She pulled a handful of money out of it and stuck it into a pocket on her dress.
"Well, time to shine."she said to herself.She opened the door of her hotel room and headed out to her car.She got in and started it up.Carrie pulled out of the hotel parking lot.Soon she was heading down the road in some unknown direction to an unknown destination.