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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:34 pm
Yup! As some of you know, I write a Rock Lee fanfic on Quizilla and I've decided, out of sheer boredom, to post it on here too. Hope you like!


Ok... Here goes nothing...

Name: Isuzu Maromi - Suz for short (name may be changed before I actually start the story)

Age:14 Height:5ft. 4in. Weight:140lbs (most of this is muscle)

Body Size:Average (give or take that you're kinda ripped)

Hair:VERY dark red (we're talkin' blood red/crimson) and long (touches the top of your butt), kinda thin. You usually have it braided but will always have it up in a braided bun with 2 arrows (one's tip is black, the other's white; these will be explained later...) crossing through the center. You only take it down when you're around your friends or when you're training.


Skin:kinda pale (you're a red-head; you can't tan) with TONS of freckles on your arms and a few on your face.

Personality:kind, caring, understanding, usually silly/childish (just messing around and being a smartass), EXTREMELY protective of your loved ones (if anyone hurts them emotionally, mentally, or especially physically you'll beat the living s**t out of them), animal lover (you have a black werecat; cat that turns into a human during the full moon and random wild or stray animals will come over to you when you're outside), determined, and almost always cheerful. You also like to insert philosophical quotes into your everyday converstions, you have a very positive attitude, and you LOVE being outside in any weather. Oh! And you're also a bit of a pervert (that rubbed off from your friends).

Outfit:anything that's comfy; mostly blues, green, browns, and black. Most of the time you wear a light green tank top with a darker green dragon pattern, dark blue jeans (slightly flared), white sandles, jean-jacket with different embroideries on it (cat head on right chest, rose on bottom left, small flowers along the collar, and tree with sunset on the back)

Abilities:Freestyle Taijutsu, Rakinjutsu (alchemy), Wicca, elemental "powers", and weapons master. You know how to use most every weapon with great accuracy but you always carry a black sword (know as the DragonBlade; we'll learn about this later), a bow and arrows; all the arrows have black tips (again, this will be explained later), and a 1.5 ton (1,500 lbs) black Hirikotsu (giant boomerang like what Sango from InuYasha has). As to why all the weapons are black I will explain later in the story. The whole thing about "powers" is that you inherited the powers of the goddess you are reincarnated after. Each element is mediumated in different parts of the body. Right hand:Fire Left hand: Ice Right foot:Water Left foot:Earth Wings:turn into pure silver and Air Ears razz sychic/Telekenisis Tail:Lightning (I know it's confusing. Sorry...)

Strengths:inhumanly strong, very compassionate, stands up for what you believe in, immortal, very philosophical and scientific (yes, you're a science geek and know-it-all when it comes to the Arcane and you're proud of it!), and you're REALLY fast.

Weaknesses:you're too trusting sometimes, you can't/more like won't kill unless it's under one of your three conditions, "bound" to a 2 million year old dragon.

*phew* Now that THAT'S out of the way... Let's do your background, shall we?

You were born in a small town in the US. You're mother and stepsister were both practiced Wiccans (white witches) and your father and stepbrother (mom was married before she met dad ^^') were just normal. You were born the reincarnation of a merciless wolf goddess (meaning you have her soul living in you, but in your case, you also have a tiny bit of your original soul ,too.) so you have black wolf ears and tail and silver wings and can transform into her; she was pitch black with white eyes and silver wings. After a month, Hell sent their best demon to kill you. He'd killed your family and was moving toward you when Blackfire came (the dragon you're bound to and good aquaintence/friend of your mother's and the wolf goddess). She got rid of the demon, took you, brought you to Avalon (home of all magic), and went to Morgan Le Fay for help. Blackfire tried to convince Morgan to take you as her own, but she refused (she hates children... and you (especially you)). So Blackfire raised you like her own. This is the first time she saved your life.

The second time was when you were flying back to Avalon (the portal to Avalon is at the North Pole... Don't ask how I come up with this stuff...*innerself: I blame me...*) so that you could be dropped off to stay and Blackfire could finally die in peace (she didn't tell anyone this, of course) when you were attacked by the same demon that killed your family (FYI: The demon's name is Bloodfang and he is also a wolf with the same body structure as the wolf goddess;brown, white eyes, black wings. This will be important later.) He knocked BF (Blackfire) off balance, lunged at you and drove an oversized fang straight through your chest (remember that you're only three). Bloodfang then snickered triumphantly and vanished. BF was dying but she saw that you were still breathing (... kinda...). She sliced the thin membrane covering her heart, split her heart down the middle and gave you half (dragons have a ten-chambered heart. They can live with only half(if you've ever seen the movie "DragonHeart", you know where this is going)). All your blood and other bodily fluids were changed over to that of a dragon's.

You both acted like nothing happened as you entered Avalon and started your mental training (you must train the mind before you can train the body, you know... or something like that...). Then at the age of 5, you started physical training. At 10, you enrolled at the school back home. Here you made 7 of the bestest friends anyone could ever have (I don't care if "bestest" is a word or not. It's the best and only way to describe them.).

Then, 4 years later, Morgan and Heaven (since you're the reincarnation of a goddess, you get direct orders/assignments from Heaven) had decided to relocate you to a different world. You had no clue what was going on. All you knew was that you could never return home or see your friends, whom you had always seen as family, again. To make sure of this, Heaven had erased all memory of you from every person you ever met. You were sent to the Naruto world to live in Konohagakure. And this is where our story begins...

That ish the intro. If anyone is interested in reading the actual story, comment here telling me so. *crosses finges*  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:52 pm

Soviet Mudkipz Liek U


PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:17 am
And here ish da 1st chapter of mah Rock Lee fanfic: Starting Over 4laugh

Chapter 1

"Isuzu. We have something to tell you..." a booming voice... well, boomed. You step out from under the tree you were leaning against. "You thundered?" "Yes. Morgan, would you like to take it from here?"
"Of course, my Almighty Lord," Morgan appeared from a thin cloud of mist and bowed, eyes sighted upwards. "Isuzu, we are relocating you to a different world." You stared at her for a while, dumbfounded by how quickly she had put the feared subject out in the open. But, then again, Morgan wasn't exactly known as one to beat around the bush.
"*blink*... "double blink*... You're what?" you said, cocking your head to one side like a confused puppy.

"You heard me. We're relocating you," Morgan replied as a I-know-something-you-don't smirk spread across her face. "We're sending you to a distant world; all the way on the other side of the universe. It's in our best interest that you do. Even the Fates approved." And I can finally get rid of you and that wretched dragon... she thought.
I heard that! You wouldn't mind thinking a little quieter, would you? you telepathically mocked her.
"You wouldn't mind clarifying this for me, would you?" said a raspy but silky voice. Out of the shadows unfurled a 10 foot scaly lizard-like creature. But something was weird about this oversized iguana-looking thing. It was odd colored; the body was a darkened bronze/brown with two vertical stipes on its muzzle, the first beginning from the top and the second from the bottom. Two black horns, each one 1 and a half feet long protruded from her scaled cranium. Black spikes ran along her spine all the way down to the tip of her tail and a pair of folded black and peach bat wings pressed securely against her sides. "I'm getting on in years and my hearing isn't what it used to be..." Blackfire glared at Morgan with her piercing black eyes.

"*clears throat* W...Well, I was just saying that you are being moved to a different, M-MUCH more interesting world, to live." Morgan stammered, surprised by the sudden appearance of the other of two beings she hated so much.
Blackfire cocked her head like yours already was. "Oh. Is that so? What exactly is so 'interesting' about this world?"
"It's inhabited by ninjas."
"That settles it. I've always wondered what it would be like to live with ninjas. When do we leave?"
"Right now."
"WHAT?!?! NOW?!" you exclaimed. "I have to go tell my friends. Say good-bye to them!"

"Too late," Morgan stated as she sliced her hand vertically through the air, creating an opening between this world and your destination while simultaneously slipping behind you and Blackfire. "You're going right NOW and that's FINAL!" She then gave you a forceful shove, knocking you off balance in surprise and headfirst into the portal. Blackfire grabbed for you but she couldn't get good footing. She tripped and plunged in after you..

~*24 hours later*~

You were sitting on your knees on a wooden raised outdoor platform. There were lots of people gathered around in front of you. All were different, but no matter how different they were from each other, they all had something in common; a strip of cloth with a metal template with an odd symbol in the center somewhere on their bodies.

"Alright! May I have everyone's attention!" Lord Hokage hollered above the heads of the gathered ninja. "Ahem... As you all know, we have a special guest with us today. Isuzu, would you mind standing up so we can get a good look at you?"

You stood up silently, keeping your eyes glued to the floor a few feet in front of you. Blackfire slowly got out of her crouching position, stood on her hind legs, making her tower over everyone at a height of 12 feet and Kaguya, your werecat, both followed you up to stand by the Hokage (Blackfire was on your right and Kaguya was on your left).
Lord Hokage cleared his throat and then resumed speaking. "I'm sure you've all heard about our rogue shinobi, but just to set any rumors straight, are there any questions?" Not a hand went up throughout the entire crowd.

"All right. If there are no questions..." the Hokage then stopped and looked at you. "Isuzu? Aren't you going to let everyone see your face? That's why most of these people came. To see what our new shinobi looked like. Are you going to grace them or not?"
You then hesitantly raise your head; you realize that, not only are the village's ninja her, but so were most of the civilians! As your eyes scanned the crowd, you made eye contact with everyone. You know what they say, The eyes are a mirror into the soul. Let's see how many of these people I can trust... You keep scanning the crowd when suddenly, a particular pair of eyes catch your interest. They belonged to a boy around your age. He had black bowl-cut hair and wore a green jumpsuit. But what had really caught your attention was his eyes. They were black; COMPLETELY black. You couldn't see through them. He was speaking with a taller man next to him who was dressed exactly like him (well, technically the boy was dressed like the man). You looked into the man's eyes. They were also black but you could read him. What was it that made the boy so different?

Just then did he realize he was being watched. He shifted his gaze toward you and your eyes met for a brief second. You felt your chest muscles tighten slightly and you quickly averted your gaze without moving your head (so you wouldn't raise suspicion).
After completing your probe of the audience, you bowed slightly and turned back to your seat. After half an hour, the Hokage called an end to his meeting and dismissed everyone. He then turned to you. "So," he sighed. "What do you think so far?"

"It's not so bad here. I might even grow to like it." You reply, an empty tone of voice and an empty look in your eye.
"... You miss your friends in your old world, don't you..." the Hokage put a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head slightly to the left and didn't say a thing. That was all he needed to see. "... I see... Well, I enrolled you in the Academy. That way you'll get to know a few kids your age and who knows, you may even make a few new friends." he smiled very knowingly/reassuringly. You looked him straight in the eye and shrugged slightly.

"Well, either way. You'd better get to your rooms. Big day tomorrow. Your first day in class and your first time to make a good impression on the public. Maybe you can prove the rumors about you being a merciless bloodthirsty monster wrong." You just c**k your head, smile sweetly, and chuckle. "Yeah... Maybe... I'll try my best, Lord Hokage."
"Please, no need to be so formal," You look at him confused. "Then should I call you by your first name?"
"Heavens NO!"
"Why not?"
"Because now one knows my first name. And if i told you, I'd have to kill you," he replied with a smirk.
You just giggle at this. "Ha... I'd love to see you try! Well, I'm off to bed. Night, Hokage-sama!"
"Good night, Suz."

You, Blackfire, and Kaguya returned to your rooms. While you quickly dressed for bed, Blackfire and Kaguya had already claimed a place on the bed or pillow and fallen asleep. And Blackfire says I look sweet and innocent when I sleep... you thought, mocking Blackfire for making this comment so many years ago and forever reminding you since.
You crawled into bed, being careful not to move the bed too much as not to wake anyone. But you fell into a disturbed slumber. That boy's eyes. Something about them, something just seemed to confuse you beyond all sanity. What was it? What made this boy so different?

I'm not exactly sure if you'd classify this as a cliffhanger ending but whatever, End Chapter 1! Hoped you enjoyed! =^-^=  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:56 am
Yay^^ I loved it heart
I made a fanfiction too but no one's commenting gonk
It was a humor one too domokun

Soviet Mudkipz Liek U


PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:00 am
i'l make sure that i read and comment ^^  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:39 pm
Yesh! Everyone must read this fanfic! I've read up to chapter 5! I feel special. But yes, take meh word for it, Aldra's fanfic is one meant to be read! So read! whee  



PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:44 pm
Woot! Chapter 2 has ARRIVED!!! xd I know it's been a looooonng time since I've updated and I'm EXTREMELY sorry for it. I'm just really scatter-brained so bear with me here sweatdrop

Isuzu woke up the next morning at 4:45 AM (remember that she pretty much live on 6 hours of sleep). Blackfire and Kaguya were still sleeping so she walked as quietly as she could to the bathroom and took an ice-cold shower (and yet she still manage to stay half asleep... O_O). You walked out in your birthday suit (me: WHaT!! It's not like anyone's around to see her! Well, at least not anyone who hasn't seen you naked before...), went straight to your dresser and pulled out the first thing your fingers touched then put it on.
(Amazingly, she gets dressed while she's half asleep and in the dark but she somehow look just fine... Damn! xp ). By the time she'd gotten completely ready for her first day of class it was 6:01 AM. She still had a good hour and a half to kill so Isuzu just decided to let her little angels (Blackfire and Kaguya) sleep. (They were just SOO CUTE when they slept, there was no way you could ever wake them up! X3)

You spent 45 minutes messing around on the internet when Blackfire woke up which woke up Kaguya. They both raised their heads, blinked once, twice, then yawned. Hee, hee... You know what they say, 'Great minds think alike'. Kaguya was the first to turn her head in Isuzu's direction. She promptly
Mreowed, jumped off the bed, tripped over her paws in excitement, jumped on Suz's lap, crawled up on her shoulders, and started to purr and knead the back of her neck. "Hee... Hey Blackfire. I think Kaguya stole your spot." she whispered.

"Oh yeah?" Blackfire replied slyly. "Not for long." She then unfurled her wings to their full length (24 feet wide). This startled Kaguya and she quickly retreated to the top of Isuzu's head and nestled her muzzle between her wolf ears giving Blackfire a one-eyed stare and a soft yet playful
Mrow then resumed kneading your head.

"Humph" Blackfire snorted. "You know, curiosity killed the cat."

"Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back. Well, at least the first 8 times..." Isuzu stated matter-of-factly.

"Smartass" Blackfire breathed.
"It is not!"
"Yes it is. I have conversations with it while you sleep..."
eek "... That would explain SOO much..."

They both look at each other for a few seconds then burst out laughing. Blackfire laughed so hard that she fell off the bed and Kaguya laughed so hard that she rolled off Suz's head and into her lap. She picked up the snickering kitty, put her in the chair she were sitting in and went to make breakfast.

*Let's skip ahead, shall we?*

~*an hour and a half later*~

"Ahh.. I see you're and early one." A chunnin with a scar across his nose had greeted Isuzu at the front doors to the Ninja Academy. "I'm guessing you're Isuzu Maromi?"
"And I'm guessing you're Iruka-sensei."
"Please just call me Iruka."
"Alrighty then, Dolphin Man." she said with a smirk. (being a smartass again...)
"... Not that," Iruka's friendly smile wavered a bit as he heard you say that.
"Well, Iruka does mean dolphin, doesn't it?"
"Then it's Dolphin Man!"
"... No... Just Iruka..."
"Okay. Hey! Can you swim abnormally well?"
"I have a feeling we'll get along just fine." Iruka just smiled. "Since you're here pretty early, I'll give you a bit of a tour. How 'bout it?"
"Okay!" Isuzu sprang up in the air from her standing position and ran to the end of the hall. Iruka just stared and gave her the WTF face. She stopped, shoulders drooping a bit and her head cocked to the right.
"What? Aren't you coming? I thought you were going to give me a tour."
"Yep. She'll get along just fine..." Iruka thought as he quickly walked up to her and started pointing to doors and telling her what they contained, even opening a few and showing her the contents.

20 minutes later she found herself in the classroom. Iruka still had some assignments to correct so Isuzu just stood in the corner by the door and waited. There was an oddly colored tortoise in the far corner of the room too but she paid no attention to it. Five minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Could you get that." Iruka said. "I'm a little busy."
She just nodded and opened the door to find a girl about her age with dark purplish hair and two-toned creamy pupiless eyes standing there. She saw Isuzu and blushed profusely. "O-Oh! I-I'm s-so sorry! W-wrong room."
"Good morning Hinata." Iruka called from his desk. "Early as usual. Come on in and take your seat."
Hinata, still looking a bit flustered and blushing like mad, just nodded and climbed the stairs to her seat at the top. Five minutes later the rest of the class started to file in. After everyone was seated, Iruka stood up, then beckoned Isuzu over with is finger and cleared his throat.
"Ahem. Class, this is Isuzu Maromi."
There was a soft murmur around the room but no one said anything.
Iruka continued. "She will be your new classmate. Are there any questions for Isuzu?" Again, just like at the Hokage's meeting, not a single hand or voice went up.
"Alright then. Isuzu, you can take that empty seat next to Hinata Hyuuga up there."
Isuzu started to walk to her seat without looking anyone in the eye. "I'll get to know them personally before I go prying into their inner selves." As she climbed the stairs, everyone was looking at her. She could feel their eyes burning imaginary holes into her back and sides. She finally reached the top, slid against the wall to the seat next to the girl she'd met earlier and sat down. As soon as she'd raised your head everyone else's turned quickly to the front of the room. Isuzu figured she'd just see if she could draw any conclusions about them from watching their movements, actions, and the way they reacted.
Hinata seemed to be really tense. She looked over at Isuzu. Isuzu looked in her direction, too. She was too late in turning her head back and she caught Hinata looking at her. She started to blush again but Isuzu just gave her a warm smile and held out her hand. "Hi" she whispered. "I'm guessing you're Hinata Hyuuga?"
Hinata just blushed some more and nodded shyly. Isuzu beamed at her. "It's nice to meet you." I like her eyes. They make me feel safe and I can tell she's really nice person. All I have to do is dig deep enough... "Well, aren't you going to shake?" Hinata just gave Isuzu a confused look. "You know, shake my hand?"
"O-Oh! I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" she quickly grasped Isuzu's hand and shook it so gently that it seemed as though she thought if she squeezed too hard Suz's hand would fall off.
"It's alright. You're just nervous. Common mistake." Isuzu just kept smiling warmly at her. After hearing this, Hinata gave her a slight smile in return which made Suz smile from ear-to-ear. Then they both just started to giggle.
Iruka was watching you this entire time. "Wow... That was quick..." he thought, a slight smirk spreading across his face. "Well then. If everyone's ready, let's start class. Isuzu?"
She quickly jerked her head in Iruka's direction at the sound of her name. "Yes Sensei?"
"If you have any problems understanding, just ask one of your classmates or speak to me after class. Okay?"
"Okay then. Continuing from yesterday, who can explain what chakra is?"
This is where Isuzu tuned out. She'd already raided the Hokage's library and learned all about it. She just started looking at the other students. Someone had fallen asleep at their seat (Shikamaru). A blonde girl was examining her nails (Ino). A pink haired girl was furiously scribbling down notes (Sakura). A blonde boy was resting his head in his hand (Naruto). One boy was wearing a winter jacket and the hood was moving with the occasionally sniffing (Kiba and Akamaru).
Isuzu snapped back to reality but when she looked at the clock 30 minutes had passed and Iruka was staring at her, arms crossed across his chest. "Were you paying attention?"
"And why not?"
"Because I already know about chakra."
"Is that so."
"Yes. But I do have a question."
"And that would be?"
"Could there be a case where someone had such strong chakra where they couldn't perform even the simplest nin- or genjutsu because their chakra was so advanced or powerful that they'd have to concentrate on an infinite quality or quantity to even accomplish a mediocre result?"
The entire class turned in their seats to stare at Isuzu, their mouths slightly open. She slowly sank in her seat, face burning from blushing so hard.
The blonde girl with blue eyes that was examining her nails piped up. "I always thought you said there were no stupid questions, Iruka-sensei. I guess today someone finally proved you wrong." She ended the sentence with a nasty smirk and a dirty glance straight at Isuzu.
"Actually Ino, that's a very good question." Iruka stated. Everyone turned to look at Iruka again but this time in disbelief. "I don't know, Isuzu. But just like there are cases where people can't generate chakra and aren't cabable of nin- or genjutsu it's probably possible to have a case where someone's chakra is far beyond the norm and they are incapable of simple jutsus. Again, very good question. I hope you all wrote that down..."
Everyone (except a select few) hastily grabbed their pencils and scribbled down what they could remember.
A few hours later, everyone was let out for lunch and pretty much the end of class for the day. Isuzu found a place outside where no one was sitting under a tree. She started to open the paper bag that contained her lunch when she sensed someone standing next to her. She looked up and saw Hinata.
"H-Hello..." she stuttered. "M-May I s-sit with you?"
"Of course! It's a big space for just one person."
She then sat down next to Isuzu. Soon the two were talkin' up a storm (... Wow... O.o She had Hinata talking for a long period of time... DOUBLE DAMN!! xd ). A few minutes into their second subject-change the odd tortoise came slowly toward you. (Bet you forgot about him didn't you? mrgreen )
"Excuse me misses, but do you mind if I rest under the shade with you two lovely female youths?"
Hinata just looked at the tortoise strangely while Isuzu piped up "Of course! The more the merrier!"
The tortoise then plopped itself down (well, it was more of a thud since it's kinda heavy...) next to you two and half closed it's eyes. Isuzu and Hinata continued with their conversation as if nothing had happened while the red and yellow tortoise listened in. Isuzu suddenly interrupt her own sentence and turned her head toward the tortoise.
"Hey. Can you swim?"
"Beg pardon?!"
"Can you swim."
"Why is that any concern to you?"
"Well, I know you have the bodyshape of a tortoise but I wasn't quite sure if you were a turtle or a tortoise. That's why I wanted to know if you could swim."
"Ah... I see. I am, in fact, a tortoise but what if I can swim?
"Then you're a tortle!"
Hinata gave Suz a confused look. "A tortle?"
"Why a tortle?"
"Because tortle sound better than turtoise."
Hinata just shrugged and looked at the tortoise.
"So," Isuzu continued "Can you or can't you?"
"That, my newfound companion, is my secret."
"Well, if I'm your 'newfound companion' then it would be nice to know your name."
"Yes. Of course! How rude of me. My name is Ninkame."
Suddenly, the boy with the winter jacket's hood started wiggling like crazy. He took something out of his hood and, turns out, it was a dog! He then tried to soothe the squirming dog by putting it in his coat but the dog only wiggled and squirmed even more. The dog finally got out of the jacket and ran toward you.
"HEY AKAMARU! GET BACK HERE!" the boy shouted.
Akamaru ignored him and sat in front of Isuzu and barked. She looked at him and smiled. Then she laid down on her stomach and Akamaru did the same. By this time, Kiba had run up to you four (five if you count Akamaru) and was just staring. Isuzu moved her wolf ears (remember that you always have your wolf ears, tail, and wings showing... These extra appendages phase through you clothes for anyone who's wondering mrgreen ) one way and Akamaru copied. Then she slowly slid her hand along the ground toward the dog. Akamaru sniffed it for a few seconds then licked it. Kiba's mouth dropped in disbelief. Isuzu then got back into her original cross-legged position and Akamaru climbed onto her lap, curled up in a ball and started licking her knee (and she's wearing jeans, not shorts. Remember that if there is any confusion as to what Isuzu looks like just look at my avi 3nodding ).
"Hey! That tickles!" Isuzu managed to squeak between giggles.
"Wow..." Kiba was still staring in amazement. "I've never seen Akamaru take to someone so quickly..."
"Hm... What can I say. I'm an animal magnet. They just love me. Besides, I have a cat back home that he probably smells on me. It is a he, right?"
"He seems pretty friendly. Maybe he'd like to meet Kaguya."
"Heh... I bet he would."
"I'm sorry, but I don't believe I ever caught your name."
"Just Kiba?"
"That's all you need to know." he said with a smirk.
The bell rang for the end of lunch hour and the end of class. Suddenly, Sakura came up to you.
"Hey, Isuzu. Wanna join us in a game of soccer?" (YaY! Ninja soccer! That oughta be fun to watch)
Isuzu hopped to her feet, completely overjoyed by the invitation. "Come on, Hina! Let's go!"
"Hold it right there," Ino interrupted. "We never said Hinata could come."
After hearing this her body drooped slightly. She looked from Hinata to the group but after a few seconds she'd made up her mind.
"Sorry guys but I'll have to pass. I'm gonna spend some time with Hina here."
Ino just gave you a
'Huh?' look and everyone else shrugged and said/waved good bye. Isuzu felt a tug on her pant leg. She looked down to see Hinata using her pants to pull herself up. Once she was standing upright, she looked Isuzu square in the eye and said "You know, you could've gone with them." ( eek ... Wow... How bold of Hina. Isuzu's quite the influence)
"Your point?"
"You didn't have to stay with me."
"But I want to Hina. You don't mind if I call you Hina, do you?"
"N-No! Of c-course not!" she stuttered again. "I-I kinda l-l-like it, actually." she sarted to blush furiously again.
"Yay! I can call you Hina! And you can call me Suz. Besides, I kinda wanted to spend some time with my new friend."
Hina just stared at Isuzu and blushed some more.
"Hee, hee... If you want, I could walk you home and we could talk some more?"
Hina was beyond words by this point so she just nodded.
As you two were walking away, the tortoise poofed into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared to who-knows-where. Unknown to the students at the Academy, the tortoise was sent as a spy. The man in the green jumpsuit that was at the meeting the other night had sent it to gather information for him on the rogue shinobi. He'd noticed her eyeing is prized pupil and had gotten suspicious. He'd heard the rumors and thought that she'd targeted him; maybe for some weird ritual sacrifice or just for sheer sport. But after seeing her like this, there was no way the rumors could be true. Hm... Gai thought. She kinda reminds me of Lee a bit...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:09 pm
C'mon! Everyone should read teh fanfic! Comment for crying out loud! gonk  



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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:36 pm

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:42 pm

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?

*giggles* Blackfire from Teen Titans. It's Starfire's sister and Kaguya from the 2nd InuYasha movie 3nodding I just liked the way the names seemed to fit them whee  



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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:23 pm

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?

*giggles* Blackfire from Teen Titans. It's Starfire's sister and Kaguya from the 2nd InuYasha movie 3nodding I just liked the way the names seemed to fit them whee

I was pretty certain about Blackfire.

But I had only heard of Kagura, but I've never really seen'em.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:31 pm

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?

*giggles* Blackfire from Teen Titans. It's Starfire's sister and Kaguya from the 2nd InuYasha movie 3nodding I just liked the way the names seemed to fit them whee

I was pretty certain about Blackfire.

But I had only heard of Kagura, but I've never really seen'em.

You've really never heard of Kaguya!?!!? She was the villian of the 2nd Inu Movie gonk You know, with the mirror!  



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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:39 pm

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?

*giggles* Blackfire from Teen Titans. It's Starfire's sister and Kaguya from the 2nd InuYasha movie 3nodding I just liked the way the names seemed to fit them whee

I was pretty certain about Blackfire.

But I had only heard of Kagura, but I've never really seen'em.

You've really never heard of Kaguya!?!!? She was the villian of the 2nd Inu Movie gonk You know, with the mirror!

Sorry, no I haven't.

Inuyasha just couldn't hold my attention, It was cool... for few season but I just couldn't keep on watching. My eyes would bleed. crying
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:40 am

very interesting. ^.^ I like it.

mm... Blackfire and Kaguya...

Where have I heard those names before...?

*giggles* Blackfire from Teen Titans. It's Starfire's sister and Kaguya from the 2nd InuYasha movie 3nodding I just liked the way the names seemed to fit them whee

I was pretty certain about Blackfire.

But I had only heard of Kagura, but I've never really seen'em.

You've really never heard of Kaguya!?!!? She was the villian of the 2nd Inu Movie gonk You know, with the mirror!

Sorry, no I haven't.

Inuyasha just couldn't hold my attention, It was cool... for few season but I just couldn't keep on watching. My eyes would bleed. crying

*pats you on the back* It's okay. I completely understand 3nodding  



PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:21 pm
This is a cheat sheet for anyone who is confuzzled by some of the happenings in the story. It also explains the weapons, Isuzu and Blackfire's past, and where exactly this story is going without telling too much so the fic is still enjoyable mrgreen I hope you find this helpful 3nodding

Better get this started, I've got alot to write... *sigh* But first to explain the title of the stories. It's not that I'm starting the series over. It's that the main character is being forced to start her entire life over. Kinda like moving =^^=

The Weapons
1. Dragon Blade (your blade): made from Blackfire's fangs ("fangs" as in both of them) It's a good 4 feet in length, pure black with a pair of small dragon wings (the same coloration as Blackfire's) at the hilt. The two fangs represent flesh and bone. Adding the blood of the fangs' origin causes the blade to transform into it's true form, a blade so strong it is feared by Heaven and Hell alike. Since you and Blackfire have the same blood, you can use hers or yours but you mostly use yours. The only reason this transformation happens is because, when the blood is added to the sword, flesh blood and bone are fused making a living body; a living sword. I haven't figured out a name for it yet but if you have any suggestions message me ^^'v

2.Bow and Arrows: the bow is made of rowan wood (the same kind used to make traditional wands ^^ *you: ... smartass...*) and it's wielder must be able to pull back at least 150 pounds. As for the arrows, every one in your quiver are just copies of the original black-tipped one in your hair which was forged from one of Blackfire's claws. That way, you can use as many arrows as you wand and never run out! The white-tipped arrow is a result of your first attempt to duplicate your original. You accidentally pronounced the incantation wrong and *PooF* the tip was white ^^ The only thing those arrows are good for is a unique attack you use. You nock the arrows at the same time in different directions and release them. They'll start bouncing off things until about 15 seconds later they'll meet in the middle of the area they were bouncing around. When the tips touch, a huge amount of friction is created, generating a small explosion that's just powerful enough to make any enemy go flying into the nearest solid object. And HARD!=><= There's another attack you like to use that involves Blackfire. She grows to her true size and lays on the ground encircling the enemy(s). You shoot about 10 to 15 arrows then jump up into the highest surface available. Blackfire ricochets the arrows off her scales so the enemy is caught in a whirlwind of arrows.

3. Hirikotsu: about 6 feet in length and was forged with one of Blackfire's scales in it. Nothin' special about it except that it's at least 1,500 pounds and when you have it concealed on your back it's weight is reduced to only 15 pounds ^^ The weight reduction thing is more useful then you'd think

Blackfire: mother was a common dragon, father was one of Satan's incarnations (yes, ONE of them - -' He has a few more that take different forms but they aren't mentioned in the story. Only in my head... ~.^) First thing's first, you must know something about all dragons before we go on. All dragons, no matter what type have the same skeletal structure, every dragon has an elemetal weakness, and a dragon will not live past 1 million year of age; it's ingrained into their genetic makeup that if they aren't killed by disease or another living being their bodies will automatically shut down once it hits the 1 million mark. Now on to Blackfire's case. Since she has the blood of Satan and normal common dragon blood flowing through her veins, the tainted blood reverses the weakness of the normal blood. Meaning, common dragons are weak agains metal dragons or metal objects. The tainted blood makes it so that Blackfire is weak against ice, what metal dragons are weak against. Understand? Hope I'm not confusing you that badly ^^' Another thing, when she transferred the second half of her heart to you, that stopped her from dying a mortal death. Now the only way she can be killed is from three shots of anything cold and water-based (ice, cold water, freezing rain, snow, an ice cube, etc.)
As for her past, her father killed her mother when her found out that Blackfire wasn't full-blooded demon (well DUH!! XD He's not too smart when it comes to some things -.-' And the fact that she can't bear hatchlings doesn't help the matter) and that there was only one born, not an entire clutch. (ya see, the only reason why he mated was to have something to kill once they'd grown up and provided a challenge. Yep, Hell's just that sadistic. Surprise, surprise, right?...) So now Blackfire's dad is waiting until he thinks she'll be a threat to him (he thinks she wants to take his place in Hell. *cough* NO WAY IN LIMBO! *cough*) and she wants to get revenge for her mother. And that wraps up Blackfire for ya! =^^=v

You: *sigh* Where do I begin... For starters, I'll explain your powers. You obtained them from the wolf goddess you're reincarnated after. They, along with the black and purple fire that surrounds you when you get really freakin' pissed, are inherited traits all wolves of that race have.
Since you have the chemical makeup of a dragon your body responds to your environment like a dragon and like a dragon, when your adrenaline spikes, your eyes will turn pitch black with small slitted pupils. Down side: you can only see in a nauseating shade of blood red and everything's thickly outlined in black, giving you a major migraine afterwards. That is why you've only used it once and that was to protect your friends. You also cannot be treated with modern medicines. The potency of the chemicals in your body cancel them out. Therefore, the only solution is to use herbal medicines (so you're very experienced when it comes to herbal remedies) and dragon remedies. Different parts of a dragon can be used to heal different types of ailments. For example: powdered dragon scale cures all physical wounds, powdered dragon fang cures mental afflictions, powdered dragon horn heals the emotionally scared, etc.

The Wolf Goddess: she was/is the ruler of Limbo; she/you judge the sould of the dead. In my head, Limbo is kinda like The Gate from FMA.
The goddess had a nice life living up in the coldest regions of our world with her mate and pack. One night, the pack was attacked by Bloodfang and his rebels. They had gotten fed up with their goddess and decided to get rid of her. The goddess woke from her sleep that fateful night in time to see her mate protecting the pups' den. He signaled her to help in the heat of the fight. Once she'd gotten there, she'd turned around in time to see Bloodfang plunge his fangs straight through her mate's chest. Time stopped for her. She was so shocked over this, over the death of her one and only love, that she snapped. An enormous rage overtook her. All other wolves from her pack were long since dead by now so she unleashed a gigantic force upon those who betrayed her. Once the bloodstained snow had settled she slowly trudged to her lover's side, laid next to him, rested her head on his once beautifully white, now red chest and died from her broken heart.

Bloodfang: the jealous brother of the goddess's mate. He believed his brother to be inferior, being the runt of the litter and him the alpha. When the goddess chose his brother over him, he was outraged and began plotting their demise. After he ws killed, sent to the Fate's council for judgement instread of Limbo (there's no one there to judge him anyway) sentenced with the killing of his own goddess then sent to Satan himself to finish his sentencing, Satan made him his right-hand man... err, wolf. He now works directly for Blackfire's father. Now, if he dies, he will only be resurrected except stronger. The problem: he's afraid to die (again). Therefore, in a fight he'll tempt you to beat on him to the point of near death, get scared, then disappear to who-knows-where to recover. The exception in this story is that he is in league with Orochimaru (oh, crap - .-' We're screwed...)

The Main Plot: You've made a deal with Heaven that you'll take the role of Dragon Master (which you already are anyways) and find the 5 dragon eggs (gold, silver, red, black, and white) that will help you to maintain the balance of power between Heaven and Hell (and simaltaneously kill Bloodfang... Oh, the irony >P) and if you do get these eggs and hatch them, Heaven won't condemn Blackfire's sould to an eternity of suffering. There are a few things that could happen to her if you don't complete the task:
1. Her soul would be given to her father and then Limbo only knows the torture he'd put her through.
2.Her soul is given to Avalon (pretty much like giving her over to her father) or
3.Her body and soul are sealed in the egg she was born from forever. The catch: body and soul may reside in the same space but they would never intermingle. Therfore, this is much, MUCH worse than death. So the entire story is kind of a "you must save the world" genre. Yes, I know it's overly cliched, but I still love it =^.^=
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