The Dorm Of Ninian

    It didin't stand out, nor was it any different then any of the other dorms in the Wingardia wing, just a plain wooden door with a curved bronze handle that had the dorm number inscribed on it. Next to the door was a metal plaque that was bolted to the wall, inscrbed on it was the Wingardia emblem and the Rian emblem, which rested near the top of the plaque. Near the middle, the room number '926' was bored into the metalalong with the name 'Jenaleth'. On the outside, you could compare it to any other dorm, the inside was an entirely different story.

    Pushing open the door, one would be greeted by an exquisite view of the Crystal Lake that was located a bit away form campus, all thanks to Pandora's..erm....kind request that they have a nice view... and she only blew up two androids in the process. The windows were huge, floor to ceiling made of glass mixed with a special mineral that made it so they would never break, or have to be cleaned for that matter. Looking around the main room, you'd find it was exquisetly decorated with the shades of purple and silver. Two purple couches were located near the center of the room, with a glass-topped coffee table between them, there was an old antique fireplace that was usually never lit, and a few chairs and large pillows, all purple of course. The walls were painted a lighter purple then the rest of the room and had a silver ornate border near the top and bottom, the main focus of the room was a beautiful painting of a castle that rested atop the fireplace, it happened to be the castle where Ismaire grew up in, but she'd tell you she bought it off the internet.

    Leading away from the main room were two small bedrooms, on the far left was Ismaire's, walking inside, it'd give you the impression of a typical teenager. The walls were unpainted and the bed was unmade, her closest was almost empty, for all her clothes were on the floor. There was a small desk next to a window in the far right corner of the room, the desk was made of beautiful painted oak and was used for keeping her weapons, letters and school papers organized. On the loveseat below the window, a small laptop was plugged in a nearby wall socket and was always on. She also had a small bookcase next to her bed that held a bunch of Advanced swordtraining books, some magazines, and a few novels that her brother had sent her for Christmas.

    Traveling down the opposite side of the main room, to the door on the far right, you would find yourself in Pandora's room. The room itself reminded one a of a dungeon, for the only window in the room was blocked by thick purple curtains and the only light came from a few of some strange looking crystals that hung from the ceiling. Pandora's room wasn't what you'd call tidy, although it was better upkept then Ismaire's. There were stacks of hundreds and hundreds of spellbooks scatterd throughout the cramped room and not watching where you walked might result in you missing a limb, for Pandora's pet wolves are..what you would fiesty. Her bed, if you could call it that, was pilled with books that she usually passed out on every night and the sheets had never been used. Her desk was the only organized part of her room and it was used for storing vials, packets, beakers, and jars that were full of mysterious liquids and powders. One might find the cure for cancer, or they might be turned into a dead fish, but that's not the point. The point is, Pandora hardly lets anyone in her room and not even Ismaire knows what else is hiding in the little dank dungeon she calls a room.

    Well, the door is always open, for Ismaire doesn't believe in locks, and fellow students are always welcomed in...just stay away from Pandora if you know what's good for you.