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Othello V's attempt at fan fiction [FF]

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Othello V

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:58 pm
Well, I've always wanted to try writing stories, so I thought that a fan fiction would be a good way to start.

Please tell me what you think!

So... here it is...

My Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Fan Fiction... by Othello V

Year 1: Chapter 1
Othello stood on top of a great mountain, looking down into a dark abyss. A foul stench reached his nostrils, causing his face to cringe at the horrible smell. His palms were sweaty as he readjusted his grip on his sword and shield. Othello hitched up his pantaloons with a deep breath, and he proceeded to descend into the mouth of darkness....

Just then, Othello woke up in his soft bed. The dream that he was just interrupted from was fading quickly from his mind. As the early morning sun was peaking through the curtains of the window, the dark memories of the dream were wisked away. With a great yawn and stretch, Othello jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel on his dresser while running out of the room. After a couple laps around the village, including a run up the spire, and back down again, Othello threw off his clothes and dropped his towel. Jumping into the ice-cold river was the highlight of the normal routine of his mornings. After a nice refreshing swim, Othello wrapped the towel around his waist, and headed back to his home on the family's farm. Picking and biting into a tree-ripened apple for breakfast was another part of his every morning routine. He snuck quietly back into his room, trying not to wake either of his parents, or any of his four siblings. Othello then changed into his everyday clothes; a pair of well-worn, soft denim jeans, which had been almost worn through the knees; a t-shirt dyed with the many colours of rainbow grapes from the vineyard; and an old pair of brown cowhide boots that his father made when he was a young boy. Flopping backwards onto his bed, he picked up his father's dairy from the days when he was a part of a crystal caravan. Othello read these stories every night, hoping that someday he could break away from the sometimes boring life of a farmer, and have an adventure.
"Maybe someday..." he thought.
After the sun had risen a bit further above the horizon, Othello could hear the sizzling of his mother frying some pork sausage for the hearty breakfast the men of the house needed to provide the energy to work throughout the day. He climbed to the top bunk to wake up his brother, Elijah. Othello was 16 years of age, and Elijah was 14. His oldest sister, Rachel, was in the next room waking up the other two, Sarah and Miriam. They all ran down the stairs as a stampede nearly shaking the foundation of the house that the father, Tristan, had built years before, and sat down at the table. Their mother, Deanna, was almost finished frying the sausage, and was pulling the freshly baked biscuits out of the stone oven. The girls set the table with rustic, wooden plates and tableware as Tristan entered the room, wearing the usual overalls on top of his flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. After they all finished eating, the women began cleaning the kitchen, and the men started to work in the fields.
While plowing the fields, Othello saw Rafael fishing alongside the bank of the small river that ran through the village. Rafael, also 16, was Othello's childhood friend. Othello had vivid memories of how they would swim in the river during the stifling summer heat, running around in the fields after harvest in the fall, having snowball fights in the winter, and playing hide-and-seek in the village square with all the other children. Rafael always won, because nobody was ever able to find him. He had used to be full of energy, almost hyper, and was always avoiding the chores that his mother was constantly telling him to do. But he changed a while back, he was now very solemn, serious, and quiet. When they were 10, Rafael's father left on a journey with some other men of the village. Although the other men returned, Rafael's father didn't. Since it was six years ago, Othello couldn't remember much, but he did remember listening to the tales of the men who did come back during the celebration.
Monsters, magic, myrrh, miasma... those were just some of the things he remembered. He didn't know what they meant at the time, but as he grew older, he learned more about the world and the meaning of the words he heard that night. Othello now knew that a long time ago, the world was different. There weren't monsters, there wasn't miasma, a mysterious gas that sucked the life out of people. There was no need to journey in search of myrrh, a liquid that seemingly served no purpose but to "purify" the giant crystal that protected the village from the effects of the deadly miasma. But something happened long ago, miasma and monsters appeared, and the crystals only provided protection. The crystals didn't last forever though, they need to be re-newed, every year, with myrrh. He learned from the stories of the elders, his father's diary, and from asking around, that the crystal caravan's purpose was to travel the world in search for this myrrh, for it grew only on special trees scattered throughout the land. Othello also heard rumors that the current crystal caravan was getting old, that they were going to choose the new one soon. Although Othello dreamed of adventure, he was also scared. He knew that the quest of the caravanners was a dangerous one, that occaisionally took one's life, such as Rafael's father. He wasn't sure if he would like to go on that journey. But then again, they were only rumors...
At lunch time, Othello was visited by Kayla, another childhood friend. She was only a year younger, but always faster then the boys older then her. In fact, one of the reasons Othello ran every morning was to build enough speed and stamina to one day beat Kayla in a footrace. In addition to her incredible speed, Kayla was the prettiest girl in the village, the dream of every little girl, the envy of every girl her age, and the regret of every mother. But Kayla was far from caring about being beautiful. She cared more about the people of the village, playing with the young children as an older sister would. Kayla was an only child, but she always wished that she could have a brother, or sister. Her parents would not have it though, because Selkie tradition was to have only one child. Her Selkie blood was also the source of her speed and beauty. Kayla was always jealous of the Clavats, who could have as many children as they wanted, and were not praised for their physical attributes, but their character. This is why she enjoyed the company of Othello so much.
"Hey! Othello!" shouted Kayla.
"Oh, hello Kayla!" replied Othello, with a big smile spread across his face. He always liked it when Kayla would drop by.
"Working hard in the fields?" grinned Kayla as she sat down beside him in the shade of the apple tree.
"Oh yes, there's so much work to here on the farm..." he said with a sigh.
"Well, it's better then sitting inside sewing all day..." she replied with a sigh of her own.
"Are you sure about that? The sun can get very hot out here..." he grumbled.
"But at least you're outside! And besides, the sun gives you a really nice tan." she said with a hardly noticeable blush.
"Oh... well, thank you. I guess it does, doesn't it?" said Othello, caught off guard by her compliment.
"It does." said Kayla softly.
"Well... umm...." mumbled Othello, who was at a loss of words. "What now?"
"Hmmm... Here! I brought this for you." exclaimed Kayla, pulling out some article of clothing.
"What is it?" asked Othello.
"It's a blanket, made out of fox fur. I made it for you." she said, blushing a bit more.
"Wow... thanks a lot! It's really nice!" he said graciously, taking the blanket in his hands. He ran his fingers through the soft fur, gazing at its deep red and orange hues, much like the ones appearing on his face.
"Yeah, I made one with wolf fur for Rafael. Do you think he'll like it?" she asked.
"Oh yeah! He'll definately like it, especially if it's as good as this one." Othello replied, still running his hands through the fur.
"Well, I'm going to go give it to him now. Bye Othello!" shouted Kayla as she ran off waving.
"Wow... I can't believe she made this for me..." he said to himself in a quiet voice, still blushing. He watched her run down the path to the river, getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

That's all I've written so far.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:13 pm
It was cute, I liked it muchly! 3nodding

Hoy, I'm almost finished with chapter 16 to my own FFCC ficcie...

Gosh I'm lazy...

nasa peepo

Handsome Hero


Quaint Snowfriend

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:08 am
Wow. Impressive. You are really good at writing.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:19 pm
Thank you so much for the comments! They made me feel so good.

I shall continue with the story then. whee  

Othello V


Quaint Snowfriend

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:34 pm
Yay! I shall read then!  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:32 pm
Here's part of the next chapter. It's obviously not finished yet.

Chapter 2:

After Othello finished eating his lunch, he returned to his work in the fields. His mind was flooded with thoughts; thoughts about his friends, caravaaning, adventure, and his life. All this thinking helped pass the time,.and before he knew it, Deanna was calling him inside for dinner. As he stepped inside the house, the aroma of a simmering stew bombarded his nose, along with the smell of freshly baked bannock. He sat down at the dinner table, realizing that he was famished from the long day of hard work. Soon enough, the kitchen was filled with the sounds of eating. After they all finished, the family shared what had happened to them throughout the day. When Othello was telling about Kayla's visit, he suddenly remembered that he left the blanket she made him hanging over a branch of the apple tree. He went outside to fetch it, so that it wouldn't be ruined by the morning dew. All the villagers of Makanda stayed inside their homes after dusk to avoid the wandering monsters, except for an occaisional celebration. So when Othello saw lights in the distance heading toward the entrance of the village, and heard feet falling heavily onto the ground, he became a bit frightened, for there was no celebration that he knew of. He silently sneaked around the backs of the houses until he was rather close to the bridge that spanned the small river into Makanda. As he was creeping along, he stumbled on something that made a muffled moan when he stepped on it.

"What was that for?!?" said Rafael in a yelling whisper.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" replied Othello in a hushed voice. "What do you suppose that is?"

"I'm not sure..." said Rafael quietly, "it may be a group of monsters..."

"What should we do then?" asked Othello.

"Hmm... we should wait here until it comes closer." answered Rafael.

Othello and Rafael lay there in the brush, waiting intently, watching the bobbing lights approach the village gate. They were so quiet that all you could hear is the distant footsteps and the wind blowing through the trees. As the lights approached, closer and closer, Othello's heart was beating so hard and fast that you could see it through his tunic. The lights were so close that Othello and Rafael could now see the sillohettes of the creatures that held the lanterns, and the shape of a huge beast. The band was now crossing the bridge, the boys could hear the footsteps falling on the stone bridge, they held their baited breath.

The creatures were now directly in front of the bushes that the boys were hiding in. Othello and Rafael dared not move a muscle, or even blink.

"Come out of there, you're not fooling anyone." Said a deep gruff voice.

The boys nearly soiled themselves they were so startled. But they immediately knew what was going on, the crystal caravan had finally returned!


About 2 hours ago, the crystal caravan had returned! The boys ran through the village, yelling the good news to everyone. In only a few minutes, every single villager was outside, waiting around the village's crystal, anticipating the purification ceremony, and then the festivities to follow afterwards!

Now the festival was in full swing. People were dancing to the traditional songs of old, young children along with the elders were listening to the stories of the crystal caravan, and people were just talking, glad to have the caravanners back safely.

But with the return of the old caravan, a new one would have to be sent out very soon. This was the thought in the back of everybodys' mind.


The next night at dinner, Othello's parents were unusually quiet, they seemed troubled.

"What's wrong Mommy and Daddy?" asked Miriam, the youngest of the children.

"Nothing sweetie, nothing's wrong" answered Tristan with a distraught look in his eyes.

Deanna started to tear up, and then she got up, and ran out of the room  

Othello V


Quaint Snowfriend

PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:34 pm
n.n Very good. I want to see what happens next!  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:42 pm
Part #3

Othello was now sure that something was going on, he had a good idea of what it was, but he needed to be sure. He stopped at the closed door of his parents' room, and pressed his ear to the door. Sure enough, Deanna was crying. Othello knocked lightly on the door and opened it. Deanna was sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching a pillow tightly against her body, her tears running down her flushed face onto the linen of the pillow.

"I was chosen to be on the next crystal caravan, wasn't I?" asked Othello.

"Yes. Yes, you were." answered Tristan closing the door behind him after he entered the room. "You are going to leave two days from now."

When this was said, Deanna sobbed loudly and buried her face into the pillow.

"Who else has been chosen?" Othello blurted, the first thought that popped into his head after hearing the news.

"Kayla, and Rafael for sure. That Yuke boy, umm... what's his name?... Jehosephat? Yeah, that's it! And Megan, the Rancher's daughter." said Deanna, regaining her composure a bit.

"What will I need?" inquired Othello.

"Follow me." said Tristan as he turned to leave the room.

Othello followed after his father up into the closet at the end of the loft upstairs. Othello realized that he actually never seen what was inside of this closet, it has always been locked. Othello understood why when his father pulled out a huge dusty chest.

"This is your old caravanning equipment, isn't it?" asked Othello.

"It is... Here is my leather armor, and my gauntlets, my sword, my shield..."

Othello stared in awe of the antique armor and weaponry that his father was pulling out of the chest. This equipment was no doubt Othello's grandfather's equipment, if not his great-grandfather's. He picked up the sword and swung it around, getting a feel for a blade in his hand. He turned around and swung his sword in one swift motion.

"AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" Miriam screamed. The sword had passed only a few inches above her head. Othello felt his heart leap up into his throat. He thought Miraim might cry, but she didn't.

"Why do you have that sword, Othello? Are you going somewhere with that?" she asked.

Othello almost broke into tears at that very moment, when he realized that he wouldn't see his family for a long time, and possibly, never again. He didn't know what to do all of a sudden. He dropped the sword and ran into his room.


Othello didn't know what to do, he was excited beyond words to finally have his chance to get away and experiance adventure, but he knew he would miss his family and village horribly, and there was the underlying possibility of... dying. He was very glad to know his best friends would be coming on the journey with him, this comforted him somewhat, but he was still full of anxiety about the entire situation. He lay there on his bed, thinking, worrying, until he fell asleep.

Othello woke up the next morning, and realized that it was late in the morning hours. He ran downstairs and looked out towards the fields, where he saw his father and brother working hard. He started to tie his shoes in haste, but his mother's voice stopped him.

"Don't worry Othello. They woked up early to take care of your portion of the work so that you would be able to enjoy your last day here before you set off. I made some biscuits and gravy, your favorite, and it's sitting there on the table warm for you."

Although Othello didn't feel to great about skipping out on all the work while eating a good breakfast, he knew that his family wouldn't have it any other way, so he complied. After he was done eating breakfast, he help his mother wash the dishes, and then he went to go find Kayla and Rafael.

He walked down to the river to see if Rafael was fishing, but he wasn't there, and nobody was in the house.

"That's weird..." thought Othello, but he ignored it.

So he continued down to the tailor's house to see if Kayla was there. He knocked on the door, and a cheerful voice called out from inside,

"Come in! The door's open!"

Othello could recognize that voice anywhere, Kayla's mom, Elizabeth was always so cheerful and bubbly, it was obvious where Kayla got her liveliness from. He walked in, and saw that Kayla and Elizabeth were at the loom together, weaving some new journeying clothes for Kayla.

"Sit down Othello! Have some lemonade!" said Kayla, gesturing towards the pitcher and cups on the table.  

Othello V


Quaint Snowfriend

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:37 pm
Jouzu, Othello-kun! WOnderful chapter! I am really enjoying this story.
Mm.m....biscuits and gravy. Yummy. xd
I feel so sorry for his little sister. Poor kid.
Can't wait to get to know the other caravan members! I'll keep reading if you keep writing. surprised  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:40 pm
Jouzu, Othello-kun! WOnderful chapter! I am really enjoying this story.
Mm.m....biscuits and gravy. Yummy. xd
I feel so sorry for his little sister. Poor kid.
Can't wait to get to know the other caravan members! I'll keep reading if you keep writing. surprised

Thank you. I will keep writing.  

Othello V

Othello V

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:05 am
"Sit down Othello! Have some lemonade!" said Kayla, gesturing towards the pitcher and cups on the table.

"Thanks!" said Othello as he poured himself a glass of his favorite beverage. "Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Yeah... to be honest, I"m really nervous. But it makes me feel better that you're coming with me, Othello"

"Oh... thanks." he replied quietly with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. Kayla noticed his embarrassed expression, smiled, and returned to the work at her loom.

"Are you packed yet?" Kayla asked, assuming a motherly role as she often did with Othello.

"Ah, no I'm not." he answered, setting down his empty glass. "I need to go finish. Bye!"

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" shouted Kayla after Othello, who was running out the door.


Othello looked at his partially filled trunk, and then stared at all his equipment that still needed to be packed. He remobed everything from the trunk and started over. Folding his clothes neatly, he was able to leave enough room for his armor, boots, weapon, and other travelling gear. After setting aside the clothes he would wear in the morning, Othello placed everything into the trunk, and he closed it with a sigh of satisfaction. Deanna then called him downstairs for dinner, his last one with his family.

After dinner, Othello played games with his family until his sisters' bedtime. When his parents told him to go to bed too, Othello was suprised! But he knew he had to get up early the next morning, so he did not argue. Othello changed into his pajamas, and went to bed.

However, excitement and nervousness did not allow him to fall asleep. After restlessly tossing and turning in his bed for a few hours, Othello decided the best thing to do would be to get some fresh air. So he threw on his jacket and shoes, snuck out of the house, and headed up to the overlook.

When he got there, Othello sat down and gazed at the stars, almost infinate. He also looked at the never-ending black sea, wondering what other lands may be out there, far beyond the protection of the crystal. Looking at this awesom panorama, Othello began to feel calm and less anxious about his journey to come. His worries were fading away withe the amazing sight he was beholding. And then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You couldn't sleep either, huh?" asked a soft sweet voice. "I thought you might be out here..."

Othello hung his head in shame as he replied, "Oh Kayla, I'm so nervous! What if we get hurt? What if we don't make it back in time? What if we die? What if..."

"Stop! You know better then that! Stop scaring yourself. Everything's going to be okay."

Kayla's smooth voice calmed Othello's nerves and soothed his running mind. But both his heart and mind started to race when he felt both her hands, one on each of his shoulders. Although you could not see it because of the night, Othello's face turned to a deep shade of crimson as Kayla sild down and leaned herself on his back, her arms around his neck. Othello could feel the softness and delicacy of her body, something he had never experianced before.

Othello forced the words out of his mouth. "A... A... Are you sure? How can you be sure?"

"Because you'll be there." said Kayla as she squeezed him tightly and layed down. "I know that you'll always be right at my side and protect me."

At this, Othello was left speechless. With Kayla lying right beside him, still clutching him tightly, Othello could not think straight, mess less think at all.

They both lay there, looking upwards at the stars, not saying a word. Eventually they fell asleep in eachother's arms, holding the other's body close for warmth, and for a companion through the night.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:31 pm
Othello woke up, opening his eyes and noticing the sun just beginning to peak over the horizen. He moved in such a way that would not wake up Kayla, and began to walk home, but before he left, Othello removed his jacket and laid it over her. Smiling, he ran down to the house to get ready.

After Othello had washed and dressed, his family ate their last meal with him. When they finished eating, they all helped him carry his gear to the center of the village, where the carriage had been parked over the past few days. Because it was still early in the morning, virtually no one was awake and moving, giving Othello a peculiar feeling. Although it felt strange, the feeling was one of excitement and adventure, not forboding. So Othello took a deep breath of fresh air, and started up the overlook, where everyone to be in the caravan was meeting.

When Othello reached the top, he noticed the Yuke sitting there quietly. Othello almost thought him to be sleeping he was so still, but the Yuke's head turned toward him.

"How are you?" asked the Yuke with a metallic ring added to his voice.

"Ok, I suppose," replied Othello, "I'm nervous..."

"Quite understandable. The unknown often makes the mind worry, for when we do not know something, we realized that we are weak in that area."

"Wow, that makes a lot of sense... You sure are wise!"

"Being observant leads to gaining wisdom, that is all there is to it." said the Yuke in a calm voice. "By the way, my name is Jehosaphat. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said, extending his hand towards Othello.

"Mine's Othello, and it's good to meet you too." he answered, accepting Jehosaphat's gesture of friendship. Othello was suprised at the touch of the soft down covering a Yuke's visible body. "Why are you here so early?" he asked.

"I find the airs of the early morning to be quite invigorating and refreshing. It helps me to clear my mind of distractions." answered Jehosaphat, thoughtful as ever, as he returned to his trance-like state that was interrupted by Othello's arrival.

"Hiya!" shouted Kayla, bubbly as ever as she reached the two. This sudden noise disrupted Jehosaphat's train of thought yet again. Realizing what she had done, Kayla tried to apologize, but Jehosaphat simply replied,

"Do not worry Kayla, it is nigh time that we begin anyway. I wonder where the others are?"

Just then, a small voice cried out from the bottom of the hill, "Wait for me!"

The three turned to see Megan running up the foot of the overlook. When she reached the top, she was breathing heavily. Resting her hands on her knees, she tried to explain, but the group payed her no heed.

"No worries! It's no biggie that you're late; the village elder isn't even here yet," replied Kayla, trying to comfort the worn-out girl.

"Yeah, I wonder where he is..." said Othello, looking down towards the village. His vision was still a bit blurred, for he had not totally woken up yet.

"He comes," claimed Jehosaphat, his Yuke vision picking out a small moving being just starting up the hill of the overlook through the black eye-holes of his brass helmet. The figure moved up the steep incline faster then expected for an old man. As he approached, they realized that it was not the village elder at all, but Rafael instead.

"Ah! When is Raoul going to get here?!?" shouted Megan in an exasperated tone. "I want to start this adventure..."

"He will arrive when he means to," said Jehosaphat coolly.

"Meh... you're right. I'm just anxious, that's all," she replied, sitting down with a heavy sigh.

"Are you all prepared?" asked a soft, elderly voice full of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Both girls gasped and Othello jumped at the sudden and unexpected appearance of the new voice, but Jehosaphat and Rafael turned toward it calmly. The group provided a feeble, "Yes..."

"Well, allow me to teach you of the purpose of your journey..." began Raoul, with a long-winded yet marvelous tale of the history of the world, miasma, the tribes, and the crystal caravan. After a captivating hour or so, Raoul ended his story, and looked at the young, eager soon-to-be travellers, with warm glowing eyes. He smiled under his large grey mustache and beard, for he knew this particular group of young men and women would grow strong together, suffering through hardships, carrying each other through. Knowing these teens to be the best that the village had in years, he sent them off waving and bidding them farewell with a wizenend hand and a caring face.

With all their gear and equipment loaded and packed in the covered wagon, the caravanners said their tearful goodbyes with each of their families. When they were finally over and ready to leave, they assumed their travelling positions. Jehosaphat at the reins of the papaomus, and Rafael sitting beside him; Kayla and Megan sitting comfortably inside, and Othello sitting on the back of the carriage, his legs dangling over the edge.

Jehosaphat snapped the reins, and the papaomus began to walk slowly, pulling the caravan out of the village, under Makanda's gate and over its bridge, into the world outside.

And thus began their journey.  

Othello V

Othello V

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:21 am
Chapter II

Travelling along a dirt and stone road, the young caravanners begand to feel the first sense of adventrue. It was early afternoon on a late-summer day. The foliage of the trees had already begun to transform into shades and hues of warm autumn colours; red, yellow, orange, and brown. They had just packed up from a picnic lunch of bannock, salted fish, fresh apples, and milk from back home. The air was a cool temperature; just enough so that you would not become hot and sweaty with exercise. The group was wholly enjoying the day when they came upon an old, rustic, broken-down wooden gate. They looked beyond the gate and saw beautiful green, rolling hills, with crude wooden battlements constructed by the few goblins that lived there. And in the center of it all was a small river of crystal clear, bubbling water, fed by an unseen spring.

"We had best equip and prepare ourselves," said Jehosaphat, breaking the tranquil silence with his metallic voice. The others nodded, and they each brought out their separate chests with their armor and weaponry. Jehosaphat tied the Papaomus and carriage to a nearby tree. Equipped and ready, the caravanners walked under the old gate and entered the River Belle Path.


They had walked along for some time uncontested, peacefully enjoying the calm countryside, almost in a trace by the warm earthly air that came with the gentle breeze; it set heavily on them, but it did so comfortably. The serene sound of the water almost put them to sleep. The group walked along the path at a slow pace, caught completely off-guard by the unexpected surroundings of the myrrh.

"Ahh!" screamed Megan, as the others turned to look at her. They all saw her forehead bleeding from a deep cut in her forehead. Rafael quickly ripped off a piece of his shirt, wrapped it around his hand, and firmly pressed it against the cut.

"That was a sling shot! Go find the goblin!" he shouted in a strong voice.

Immediately Othello and Jehosaphat took off around the corner, with Kayla right behind. They saw a band of 4 goblins behind a poorly made wooden stockade. A slinger, a swordsman, a shaman, and a captain. Kayla pulled an arrow out of her quiver, and shot the slinger right in the chest, taking first blood. With a yell, Othello jumped towards the shaman, bringing his sword downwards in a stroke powered by both hands. He heard another scream when the air in front of him brightened, and exploded with a firey blast, knocking him sideways into the ground. He arose from the dust, the entire front side of his body singed, and looked at the burnt shaman, also noticing that the head of a spear was lying on the ground. Othello realized that if Jehosaphat had not knocked him away, he would have been impaled on the captain's spear. He got up and charged the captain, keeping a watchful eye, as Jehosaphat and Kayla coordinated a killng attack on the sword goblin. The captain pulled out a wicked looking blade and took a horizontal swipe at Othello. But Othello ducked, and rolled by the goblin captain, slashing at his knees on the way by. The lone goblin, burnt and crippled, let out a bloodcurling scream as Kayla, her aim true, shot the creature straight into the head, killing it instantly.

They all returned to Rafael who was now dressing Megan's wound. She was alright, despite the fairly large cut to her head, and was now blushing slightly at Rafael's gentle touch. Although that disappeared when she saw Othello, whose exposed skin was now bright red, and his clothes slightly burnt.

"What happened?!?" she shouted, a look of alarm on her face.

"Jehosaphat saved my life is all." he replied, looking towards the Yuke with an expression of deep gratitude. "I guess this was a wake up for us all, huh?"

They all nodded in approval, each making a promise to themselves to do better next time.

And thus they set off again, not falling sway to the River Belle's deceitful aura, and keeping an alert eye out for the next goblin band.


After learning their lesson from the first monster encounter, the caravanners travelled swiftly through the rest of River Belle Path, slaying many goblins along the way. Othello grew smarter with each passing battle; Kayla's aim improved; Rafael and Megan actually began to fight, and Jehosaphat's magic casting improved. This first sidetrack for myrrh turned out to be more a training lesson then a struggle. Each of the teenagers were growing stronger by the minute, their adrenaline pumping from their first experiance of battle. They had fought their way up the river to the waterfall that powered it through the hills. As they approached the waterfall, the serene beauty again washed their worries away.

"Hey! There's the myrrh tree!" shouted Megan, gesturing towards the left side of the pool of the waterfall. She began to run towards it, when the ground started shaking.

"Wait!" called Rafael after her, running to catch up.

All in one moment, a giant crab burst out from behind the waterfall, and Megan was standing withing its shadow. But in one quick motion, Rafael dived and grabbed Megan, sliding under the giant crab when it landed, and standing up, ready to attack it from behind. Othello readied his sword and shield, right along side of Jehosaphat, already conjuring a spell, and Kayla, arrow already nocked and pulled back, ready to fire.

With a loud battle-cry, Othello ran towards the crab, his sword drawn back, ready to strike. As he got close, he began to bring down his sword, but the crab swung its heavy disformed claw, and batted Othello aside, landing in the water with a splash. The others took advantage of the crab's distraction and struck in full force. Jehosaphat cast a fire spell directly into the monster's face, and Kayla tried to shoot out its one good eye, but missed as it turned to attack Rafael, who had just cut deep into its back. The crab took a wide swing at Rafael, who dogded it with an amazing display of dexterity and speed, and lost its balance. Othello had since recovered, and now jumped onto the monster's back, plunging his sword deep into the flesh, and Megan took a swipe at the back of its leg with her club, making a direct hit, breaking its joint, causing it to fall to the ground.

It wasn't long before the immobilized monster was finished off by the band of now battle-hardened teenagers, and soon enough they were at the foot of the myrrh tree, mezmerized by the beauty of it, watching the drop fall into the chalice, filling it about a third of the way. They all returned to their caravan, left untouched since they had last seen it.

Their first drop of myrrh took them all day to acquire, not to mention all of their strength. The exhausted caravanners all settled in the small covered wagon, and quickly fell asleep.

The first part of their long journey was now complete.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:06 pm
adorable! 4laugh  



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