Byako Inquirer

A note from the desk of the new Head Editor
Firtsly, I would like to thank you all for staying with me during this change. Readers and reporters alike are the life-blood of this aper, and we apreciat your support. I hope I didn't mess up to many things in taking the helm, and would like to apologize ion advance for what I did mess up.

The Byako News section will not be eatured in this instalment, as too much was happening for such a small portion. Instead, I am proud to anounce the Byako Inquirer; Special Race Edition. It will have an indepth analysis of the race, an interview with the winner, as well as a look at the current running events.

Thank you for staying with us,

Byako History
Done Work was slow investigaing ancient Byako history, so I decided to delve deeper into the subject than anyone before me. I left the Byakko Project Shope to find the nearest time travel device, and conviniently enough there was one across the street along with a very puzzled looking man.
After giving the man some Mora, I hopped into the device and pressed some buttons on the main panel. A globe of energy surrounded me as I began hurdling through space-time.
Once the time lag caught up with me I looked back to where the Byakko Project stood. An angelic figure stood there painting a picture of a plushie. As I got out of the device I noticed that the figure was indeed female and that a plushie had just jumped off the canvas onto the ground.
It sat there looking quite puzzled, the woman looked at it then pointed toward a green haired man who had a maniacal glint in his eye and a devious smile accross his face... He seemed somehow familiar.

"Now there is something you don't see everyday, even in Byako." I said to myself as I watched even more plushies come to life and start piling around the green haired man.
A red haired woman walked out the door of the shop and said, "Better be careful, he could take over the world with all those plushies."
An awkward silence ensued. A purple haired woman who seemed to have the moon in her eye quietly said, "Don't give him and ideas..." she also looked familiar. More silence followed.
Suddenly a man clad all in black appeared and began screaming "AHHH THE CULLING HAS BEGUN!!! AHHHHH!!!!" Everyone looked at him and I just stayed in the shadows. He seemed familiar also...
Then the green haired man finally spoke, "Muhahaha, it is time my plushie minions..."
"Don't try it." said the red haired woman flourishing what appeared to be a buttered toast cannon.

I slipped into the shop when no one was looking and stood amazed at the size and decor of the interior. The shop's innards appeared to resemble a cathedral of ancient times, nothing like the shpo that stood there today. All around the fringes were angels, plushies and decoritive signs.
Hearing another cackle I looked back through the door.
"Eat pies!" screamed the green haired maniac as his plushies began pelting pies at the man clad in black.
"Nooooo!!!!" he screamed, before dawning on him, "Oh wait, thats my other persona." he stopped cringing in fear and took a big bite of the next pie that he could catch. "MMmmm Tasty."
"Oh lord, those were pies of doom..." muttered the moon woman.
"Whaa..." the black clad man stomach gurgled before he let out a massive flaming burp. Fire shot straight at the maniac and caught his hat on fire.
"Oh great... You've doomed us all now..." said the moon woman distractedly.
"My... my... Hat..." the green haired maniac looked at the red haired man with rage. The rest went by with such speed I'm not sure what happened myself. All I knew was it suddenly got very cold, fluffy and it felt like someone had shot buttered toast at me through a cannon.
By Destar Onesevive, Edited By Kenton Alkemi

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RP Interview
Interviewer: Sou Jara
Interviewee: Kikuka
Subject: Myria
Sou Jara: hello kikuka this is an interview from the byako inquirer
as captain of the ally guild myria do you have any coments concerning your guilds core rp ending and these two new ones beginning?
the people need to know!

Kikuka: Glad to be of service!
The Myria core rp has been the thing holding the Myria guild up and active, so I was of course sad to see the original Myria rp go, but it's ben placed in archives for safe keeping and for curious eyes who want the whole story. *Smiles* But with our core had to end to keep Myria moving and so the plan was devised to cause a schism, or split of the outcomes of the Final Battle, in a way creating two new, and very different Myrian worlds. In one split, the Darkness inhabiting Myria won the Final battle and the Saviors fell, leaving the land to be ravenged and killed furthor by the Darkness, the Myrian story 'Fallen Dreams'. In the other split we have the Saviors victorious and the Darkness extracted from Myria. But now the Saviors are left with the task of cleaning and restoring the disheveled Myria, the story 'Dawning Redemtion'.

At first it was confusing and it was hard, getting ready for turning points and the new sub-forums and so the crew was scurrying and some of the rps came to a slow trickle while we all worked. It seems now that it might take a while before we can really get people into the new subforums, but we'll try and we hope that they'll like the new splits.

SJ: and to satisfy the readers curiosity are there any future plans for myria that your willing to divulge?

K: Currently? No, sorry Myria fans. Give the crew break before we head back to work on another spin. ^_~v But updates and new additions will be coming along soon via Kei-kay the guild mule. ^^

SJ: and finaly is there anything you would like to tell the readers before this interview ends?

K: Other than 'do more than lurk'! We need people in there and active. ^^; And feel free to join as well. Myria's an open and welcoming place. And keep an eye out for Kei-Kay-Chan, she'll send announcements around

SJ: *shakes hand* thank you kikuka we apreciate you agreeig to this interview

K: *shakes* You're very welcome. I hope you got something useful enough to right an article on.



One of the more secretive clans of byako has made public its openess for new members.
Applicants must be able to pass a strainuous test to join...

To apply to go the marketplace.