Heres a short story I wrote, its based in the world of Kryn, (The Dragon Lance series) Its actually about something that really did happen in a game based on the dragon lance series to my dwarf character, Copper Axeslinger, I hope you all enjoy. Its written in first person perspective by the way, just so no one gets confused. smile


The wind howled around me, my horse lay dead, killed by those infernal worg riders, my thoughts turning to the road ahead, sentinal pass, it was my first time heading towards Haven alone. The journey wasn't going well, I tightened the cloak around me, my only warmth in this mountain. Moments prior, those damnable creatures had sapped my strength, my motions were slow, my armour heavy, but to leave my armour off was certain suicide. I marched on as the winds howled against me, my mighty steel glimmering against the pale white ground. My thoughts stopped dead, as my ears rang out to the sound of the continual stomping.

Giants, I thought to myself, many of them, none too pleased to see me, my hands staind with the blood of thier kin. I hoisted my blade against the howling winds, and waited for my enemies to appear before me, 10 of them all in all. This fight was going to be long and arduous, out numbered, and with my strength deserted me, out manouvered, by even these lumbering oafs. The first threw a stone... more like boulder at me, I raised my sheild and fell back as the force knocked my off my feet. I braced myself again, but this time, two ivory giants, brandishing hammers the size of a house swung for me, missing narrowly. I drove all my strength into my sword arm, and thrust it up peircing the pale giants skin, he let out a yell that sounded like thunder as he crashed to the ground.

The others, maddened by my killing their kin, charged at me, I used my momentum, to strike down the other ivory giant in a similar fashion. As the others charged at me, all bulging muscles and red with anger I dropped my sheild, knowing any dead weight would mean my death. With an all mighty cry I gripped my blade with both hands and struck one of the giants lame, causing him to topple back onto another of these lumbering creatures. The others swung for me, but missed, their fists and sticks no match for my steel, but by the gods, where was my strength comming from, the sword felt light as it flew through the air gutting another of these giants, the remaining towering forms, backed off slightly dazed it seemed. But I did not relent.

My blood boiled with thefury of battle, even with a handicap I was doing well. The others soon met their fates in much the same manner, by my steel. My sword blood soaked, I dug it in the ground, as once again, my strength deserted me, I donned my sheild, and continued, through the pass, on towards the road to Haven...