Yes another poem or 3. Rate, critisize and make a fuss if you have the need but remember they are MY poems you can not have them!

hokay here we go

Broken dreams, Shattered hearts and Black fantasies-

Fantasies, a stupid thing, full of worthless hope,
I found that out and i fell hard, you cut me like a rope,
You don't deserve a shout out, you don't deserve a thing,
You don't deserve to have a heart with all the grief you bring,
The sad thing though is that you knew and thats what hurt the most,
And i swear in your spare moments you take the time to boast,
If you tried to understand i don't think you'd care,
You don't listen to what they say, their pain you'd never hear.

Quiet Truth-

Do i keep silent and not tell him? maybe he shouldn't know
Or do i tell him everything? at the risk that he may go
Decisions of the heart left to bleed
keep it close and let it feed
fall apart and look away
leave it for another day.

Stupid lives, Dumb love-

Dying love, killing rain
i have no one to heal my pain
my stupid self was dumb enough
to let this one boy call my bluff
a stupid tale with a dumb end
it is the truth i will not bend
a stupid speech and his dumb smile
to stop my rage shall take a while
so heres the end to whatever this is
my heart is dead just like his.