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Reply Infinite possibilities-A writer's guild
Becoming What You're Afraid Of

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My words are...
hard to put into words to understand.
 33%  [ 2 ]
my soul's passion when I'm filled with bliss or torment.
 50%  [ 3 ]
me, my very essance.
 16%  [ 1 ]
are more then words.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 6


PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:13 pm
Becoming What You're Afraid Of

Note: All done in one point of view and I do own this story.
Warning: Grammmar/Spelling errors and language.

It begins

My name is Serene Kage, and I am here to tell you my story. The story of my life and death. The story of how I became what I most feared.
Have you ever become that? I never believed I would. I didn't think it possible.

I remember as if it were yesterday, but truly it was decades ago. So long ago that the story of a young girl becoming her worst fear is only a myth to her home town. It was the same as all the other days...


It was a bright and beautiful morning. I had got up to fix breakfast for my mother, father, and little brother. I cooked the regular: eggs and sausages. We didn't have much on our little farm besides two horses, two pigs, and a bunch of hens. It was all we had, but we've survived all this time with such little things and that was all that had mattered. "Take only what you need and should you have more give it to those who need it and cannot provide for themselves." My father use to say that when ever he came back from hunting.

As long as I could remember we had ate in silence. Once done with my breakfast I did as I had always done. I went off to do my first chore of washing the dishes. My mother would clean the house, my brother was to study his lessons, and I would get eggs from the hen's cages, feed the horses and pigs, and nurture the garden while father would go hunting in the woods. The woods was a forbidden place to go after dark. After or during dark was forbidden period. A time only hunters were allowed out.

It was not just my family's rule, but every one else's as well. Every one was afraid of the dark. A horrid, unsafe, gloomy, sickening place. It wasn't like closing your eyes and falling asleep, but one that you could not escape. Imagine a forest of perpetual darkness that seemed to go on forever with yourself at the heart of it where no sun shined. That was what the forest was like. I never planned on going into the forest, but all we can do is plan and hope the future will go as we planned.

"Sister," shouted my little brother, who I loved as if he were my own, waving his arms in the air as he ran to me.
I looked up from the garden ignoring the fact that my back was to the forest and opened my arms to him. "Yes, Darren?"

Yes, my beautiful Darren. His green eyes that shine with joy and love are forever engraved into my beat less heart. I told him he reminded me so much of our mother with his smiles and he told me I reminded him of father with my tough act. He was so sweet, playful, and young. He craved freedom to go where he wished- No, he had the urge to explore life until the bitter end.

When he hugged me I had no idea it would be the last time. I had no idea it would be the last time I would see him smile at me and welcome my touch. How sad that- No, you shall see in time...

"Shouldn't father be returning soon?"I smiled.
I looked to the sky to see the sun beginning to set. "Time waits on no one... Yes, he'll come back. He's still with us now isn't he?"
Darren nodded his head furiously.

A scream echoed in our ears. It was our

"Father!" Darren pulled away from me and without a thought ran into the forest.
"No!" I made to move after him, but was stopped by my mother's voice.

"Where is he?! Where is Darren?!" I glanced at the forest. I couldn't speak.
"Get my child-" I had already ran off, taking no weapon with me.

I ran and ran until it felt as though my knees would give out. I stopped, I could not run any longer. I am only human after all. "No matter how good you become at something you will always be imperfect. That my children is what makes us human and it is a great feeling." I don't know why, but my father's voice spoke in my head saying those words his father told him. A saying past on for generations he told me.

Whoooo Whoooo

An owl hotted and flapped it's wings angrily at me, who me deemed as an intruder. I glared at the owl and shouted and was about to shout Darren's name when someone else did. Once again it was our father and I broke into another run.

I will protect my family! I will! But in the end...

I ran into a clearing and gasped at the scene before me. My father's body lay in a puddle of his own blood with Darren on his hands and knees off to the side near a tree. He was shaking in shock, tears running down his face. Immediately, I ran to his side and pulled him closer to me.

"Hush... I am here." I attempted to sooth him, but failed horribly as he began sobbing.

I looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, what is ordinary for a forest you've never been in before? It was dark- pitch black now. I couldn't see anything, but a pair of red eyes. A pair of red eyes I have come to know since I became a...

"Darren hush." My voice was stern not like how it is now. Board and emotionless.

After a few sniffles he quited down and hugged my right arm. He was shaking like a piece of land when an earthquake happens and that ticked me off. His fear was seeping into me.

Are you wondering how I'm going to be able to see in pitch black dark? Well, I'm going to tell you. You see I was different then everyone. Actually, I still am. I had a gift, as my father use to say. The ability yo see in the dark, but I could not control the ability. It would just happen and then be gone before I had the chance to look around myself.

So, with all my might I concentrated on the darkness. I held tight to reality. The reality was that Darren and I might not come out of this alive, but the dark side was that would and yet at the same time would. I didn't prefer the latter of the two. I took deep breaths and exhaled slowly, my eyes locked with the red ones. Those eyes had not even blinked nor strayed from my own. How frightening they were.

There! I saw a flash of something. I forced myself to believe that I had saw through the darkness and I had. I saw trees, shrubs, the grass covered ground, and the outline of the figure, who still stared at me. My vision had flashed again before I finally gained my 'night vision'. I couldn't see the figure clearly, but I could see none the less. Then, all I had to do was get Darren out of there, but he had no protection and so I removed my silver metal necklace from my neck. And so I broke the silence.

"Darren." I whispered, "Release my arm."
He did not.
"You will live- I will protect you, I will." He released my arm, but not without hesitation.
I clasped the necklace around his neck. "It will keep 'them' at bay."
I could feel him furiously shaking his head.
"Yes. Darren listen to me. I'm going to turn you in the direction you are to run and when I say run you run. You run until you get home and have mother barred the doors and windows."

Back then I had no idea why I said 'barred the doors and windows.' Maybe some part of me knew... Maybe so I could be sure he would be safe. Maybe I knew I would become this thing. I don't know even now. But I did know why I said the cross would protect him. For peace of his mind and maybe mine as well.

"Darren?" I shook him.
"But..." I cut him off.
"When you take a left you must take a right. The same goes for if you take a right. So, will you run for me?"
He remained silent.
"Will you do this for me?"
"I- I will- Yes." I smiled, a fake one. I knew he couldn't see.
"Thank you."

I turned him in the direction I had come from and watched as those red eyes looked to Darren, but then back to me. I glared with bravery and spoke firmly.


And Darren was off. I hoped- I prayed he would run with all his might. I prayed he would be safe and forget me should I not return. I watched as he disappeared behind trees and smiled my true last smile. Memories of when Darren was young flashed through my mind as if I was reading a book. My heart died as he took his first breath, got his first tooth, said his first word, had his first nightmare and dream, and gave me a hug. Memories were all I had left then. All I have left now.

A cold and seductive voice stole me away from my thoughts. "Oh, isn't that sweet, but the child will die in the end. Just as you will like the man at your feet."
I quickly looked around for those red eyes and found them in the same spot as before. "You won't kill my brother, Night walker."
"And why not? I've killed plenty of others so why not the child." He lightly laughed at me.
"Why do you laugh?"
"Because you did not mention yourself when you said I would not kill the child. Do you believe I will kill you?"
I answered honestly. "I know you will."
He laughed again. "Who says I'll kill you? I might just turn you into a Night walker. Wouldn't you like that?"
"Never! I rather die!" I stood and held my head up as I was always taught.
"So determined. I have the urge to make you one simply to see you feast off the child's blood as though you were starved."
He took a step forward and I in turn took one back.
"Tell me what's your worst fear."
"Why the hell should I tell you? You're nothing, but ashes!"

In an instant I was up against a tree's bark, my feet hanging. All I could feel was a cold hand wrapped around my throat. I gasped for air as I attempted to pull the hand away. I couldn't and simply held on to the wrist that was attached the merciless hand.

"Oh, did I anger you?" I mocked.
"Your worst fear, what is it?" He demanded.
I don't know why, but I told him. I told him my worst fear and he... "To see my loved ones look at me with fear in their eyes."

He didn't reply to my answer. I just hung their in his grasp breathing easily, but not without some pain from being held up by my throat. When nothing happened for a few moments I sighed in aggravation. I was annoyed for the simple fact that was about to be killed and, yet the killer wouldn't go ahead and kill me! I was annoyed because I wasn't dead! Just as I was about to open my mouth, I was thrown to the ground.

"What the hell?" I looked around for my the one who would kill me. "Where are you, you coward?"

My eyes traveled along the ground then the at least five to six feet up from the ground and finally into the trees. That's when I saw more red eyes.There had to be ten to twenty. They stared down at me with hunger for my blood and for my body. I shivered and scooted away still on my behind, but I was stopped. Slowly I looked up to see a body blocking my way. I believed that was the body of my murderer-to-be.

"What do you want?" It was. It was my murder-to-be.
"Will you share?" Voices chorused together.
"No, find your own. I have never shared, I won't start now." He sounded angry.
"Share her!"

A whimper escaped my throat and immediately my killer-to-be glared down at me and quieted down, although I don't know why.

"Share her! Share her!" The voices chanted.
"Leave or you'll be hunted as though you were human when I tell my father." The chanting continued.

There was silence. One by one red eyes disappeared 'til only we were left alone. Once the others were gone I quickly crawled away and turned around. He was gone.

"Damn it! Where are you?" I was scared of him. When you're scared of something, have you ever noticed you wanted to know where what you were afraid of position was? That was me at that moment.
"Right here." He appeared behind a few trees so that I couldn't see him.
"Come into the clearing."
"As milady wishes." He smirked, I knew it.

He came to me. The shadows giving piece by piece away. I could see black leather pants with a black almost see-through shirt and black shoes. A red robe on top of that that looked like the most expensive cloth I have ever seen tied in place by golden rope. I believe mother called it velvet. He finally fully came from the he shadows and showed his face.

Long, black hair swayed as he stopped a few feet away. Bangs framed his perfectly angled face. His lips were a light red proving my now deceased father to be his fist victim of the day. Red eyes that fitted my killer-to-be gazed down at me with no emotion.

My face held shock at such beauty as my heart beat quickened allowing her ears to hear. I backed away and stood as quickly as I could.

"Now, you're afraid?" He grinned at me showing his fangs.
"I am not afraid." I lied.
"Good. Because I wouldn't want you to fear what you're about to become." My life changed the moment he decided that.
He walked closer. "Stay away you vile thing! I rather spend an eternity in hell, then become such a horrid creature as the living dead!"
"Unfortunately for you, I don't care what you rather do or where you would rather be."

Once again, I was held up by my throat, my back against a tree. I struggled as hard as I could, only to find it futile and stopped. I mentally swore to get my revenge. My eyes widened as my killer-to-be leaned closer to my neck, his eyes red gleaming with excitement.

"No, stop!" My struggling became anew. "I don't want this!"
"Shh... It shall soon be over, my little one." He ran his tongue over the pulse on my neck and purred in pleasure. "I am Kane, Prince of the Western Vampires."
"Serene, your executioner." Kane laughed softly.
"Close your eyes."
"No, I will see my end." I have honor.
"As you wish-"

His fangs sunk into my neck and pierced my veins. My mouth opened to scream out in pain, but nothing came out. Kane continued to feast on my blood, ignoring the pain I was in. Slowly, but surely I closed my eyes and gave up. A single tear making its way down my cheek, my life slipping away.

I jerked my eyes open when Kane pulled his fangs out, lapping at my blood that rolled down my neck. He was purring in pleasure, his left hand now running his fingers through my hair as though to me sooth my while his right arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Mmm... Your blood. Your blood is as good as red wine and I have tasted many." Before my very eyes he scraped his tongue on his fang, causing it to bleed and ordered, "Drink." He kissed me plunging his tongue into my mouth.

At first I resisted as anyone else in my place would. I resisted with all the strength I had left. I attempted to turn my face away instead or removing Kane, I failed. With more then half of my blood gone, my strength went with it.

My hands fell limp to my sides, my eyes stared off into the forest. Silently, in my mind I prayed for my family, for their safety. My hope dying as my breathing became slower.

Every thing started to become blurry and dark. Maybe, I thought it was because I was dying and beginning to fall into unconscious or maybe it was because my strength had died out. I didn't know which one. As my eyes slowly closed, I realized I'd never see anything the same way again.

And I didn't. When I awoke I was alone in the forest and my strength had returned. I stood and noticed I was stronger then before, but before the thought of being what I was registered in my mind- I was filled with a desire. I was hungry and I knew not why. I was never hungry for such a thing in my life. It had an odd flavor was all I knew before I was running through the forest, easily avoiding trees and shrubs.

I never noticed that the house I stood before was my home. I never noticed what I was about to do was going to make my worst fear real. I knocked on the door three times as I was taught... and the door opened.

All I can remember is blood, screams, pleads, struggling, and finally the look of fear. The look of fear directed at me. I suppose after what I had done I fell asleep peacefully, but I did not wake the same way. I streamed, cried, and begged the gods for it not to be true. For my family to be alive and for me not to be covered in their blood. It wasn't granted. My mother's and brother's body didn't move.

Days passed before I crawled over to my Darren's lifeless body. His eyes were open and gazing deadly up at me. I wrapped my arms around him and sung to him and said that I would not see him, but to be happy with mother and father. Months later I turned my back to a burning house that held three bodies and not once did I look back.

~Flashback Ended~

I've traveled for so long. Decades have passed and every day- second of my death have I remembered that day. It stays alive in my no longer beating heart. I have only kept one promise I said back then: to kill the one who killed me. I haven't yet, but I will. My revenge may not bring back my family, but it will give me peace. For when I do kill Kane, I will watch the sun set and smile at the end of an old day and the beginning of a new one.

Your Vampiress,

It continues
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:33 pm
this would have been really, really good if the grammar/spelling hadn't been so bad! dude, wtf. It was so distracting...

fiiiix it!

but the story itself was fantastic! I loved it, really. <3  



PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:36 pm
Adn perhaps I should mention this: your story kept me thinking allllll day. Seriously couldn't get it out of my head.

You have a gift.  
Infinite possibilities-A writer's guild

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