I'm way behind on this one, but I just got it. SO! I'm liking it okay so far. I'm a little bit annoyed with the number of cut-scenes I keep encountering, though. There have been so many that I feel more like I'm watching the game than playing it-- I do some small task, and then end up having to watch another cut scene. Another task-- another cut scene. I haven't gotten very far, though. I'm only to the point where [spoiler: Naminé shows up to meet Roxas for the first time and everyone is talking about the tournament coming up]. I know that's not very far in, but I'm still annoyed by how many cuts there have been already!

The one thing I'm excited about are the little parallels and clues I'm getting through the cut scenes-- I just wish that they could have imparted these tidbits without having to make me sit through constant video instead of game play.