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The Eyes updated

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:36 pm
I added to my shorter story The Eyes. I've decided to keep writing more to it. It's going to switch back and forth from Zoe's to Tristan's point of view. Tristan's part will be written by [ In Nomine Satanas ].

She opened the door and pulled herself up onto the seat of the explorer. Glancing over at the boy taking her home, she met his blue eyes and smiled. The recent events of the last weeks had put her there; her smile disappeared as she thought over them her mistake, the fighting, the yelling, the band. She needed a saint, she was falling and no one was there to catch her. She thought of the boy next to her, the first time they met, a high school battle of the bands. The first time she met his sad, blue eyes. They drew her to him, but someone already had her heart. The next time she saw him was at her best friends band practice. Again, his eyes caught her mixing her emotions, but both their hearts were taken. They became friends, her devoting her time to the band. Her loved one started to lose his grip on her heart. Eventually, he lost it completely. Her mistake was kissing another, a mistake because she hurt her love and her friend. Would she fall for someone and keep his heart? The blue-eyed boy shifted the radio station breaking her concentration. She glanced over at him believing he’d never be hers. She thought he’d undertake the role of a brother-like figure like every guy who seemed to cross her path. She caught a glimpse of her companion’s eyes, closed her own, and decided to see where life takes her. She felt the SUV turn, opening her eyes she found herself in her drive way. She gave the blue-eyed boy a hug and walked towards the open garage that was welcoming her in, she turn flashed a peace sign to the boy and open the door to her house.
The next day was the Friday before spring break, also the Friday of the Battle of the Bands. She had awoken somberly, not knowing how the day’s events were going to go. School seemed to drag on, making her want the break more. She walked through the doors of the lunchroom, it was only her freshman year but already she was too used to it. The same four walls, same tables, and for the most part same people. She walked over to her usual table and slung her books next to it. Thomas, her best friend since the previous school year jumped up to give her his seat. He was a tall boy, wearing black T.R.I.P.P pants and a black hoodie. They had met in the lunchroom of their middle school when a mutual friend was trying to convince him to go to the eighth grade dance. He was always her sweetest and closest friend. Everyone at the table, most having a strict taste for rock music, was buzzing about the Battle of the Bands. She was excited and knew she’d have a great time watching her boys make fools of themselves. She felt arms close around her from behind, it was Naomi. Naomi had also just been broken up wit, the two often tried to make each other feel better. Slinging insults at each other’s ex, although it was only to each other. After their usual insults, she quickly finished eating. The bell rang; it was on to math now. She uttered one more insult to Naomi and said goodbye to Thomas. The day continued to creep by, the last four periods of the day seemed to be a week. It was worse because she didn’t care for her fifth and sixth period. Finally, the bell rang and she was free to go.
Once at home, she pressed the button to her white Macintosh to check her messages. There were a few e-mails, she was reading over one when she got the instant message. It was Josh, her ex, she held her breath. He admitted to still loving her too. Ecstasy filled her as she rejoiced, until he stated her plans for the night…correction their plans. Nowhere in them was the Battle of the Bands. Suddenly she was torn between her friends and her love. At first, the band was filled with friends, then best friends, then family. She helped with tasks they needed her to do, she had become like a mascot in the words of their drummer. She couldn’t, no wouldn’t abandon them. He was her first love, but if he truly loved her he wouldn’t have asked her to do this. It was love verses friendship; she knew she’d be ok. Secretly she want this to happen, something she kept from everyone even herself. She’d go to the battle; ******** love there was music and family. Two things she couldn’t live without. She told him she had to go, and he became furious. Screw it she said to herself, I’m going whether he likes it or not. She glanced at the clock, she was late! Since, she was arguing with Josh she hadn’t bothered to watch the time. She jumped to her feet, and was off to what she would later describe as one of the best nights of her life.
Walking the steps her school’s auditorium, she spotted them, her band. She met the eyes of the blue-eyed boy, Tristan, and pulled him into an embrace. The past few weeks he had become someone she could confide in. Now that she had decided to give up Josh she could admit, if only to herself, she had gained feelings for him. She released him and moved to Michael, he was like a brother to her. Next Eric the guy she had crossed the line with, it was an awkward hug. Then Jake, she hadn’t know him long but they had a good connection and he was fun to be around. Last, she hugged Jimi, he loved old school metal, and he also kept the band in constant laughter. She knew she made the right choice, this was family and this was life. They were up next and were all nervous, she told them not to worry, and they’d be fine. She told before the stage and watch as the boys prepared to perform. They started their first song and Tristan stood directly in front of her, unable to move from the monitor. She smiled up at him hoping to calm his nerves. His blue eyes entranced her as she started dancing to the beat. She took pictures of all of them. The set finished and the crowd cheered. She ran to the stage entrance and hugged each of them. Another band came on and they decided to get fresh air.
She turned to see a girl with long dark brown hair.
The two collided in an embrace shared by only the best of friends. Loraine was Thomas’s ex-girlfriend, he was her first love. She had yet to begin to become over him, but was dating Tristan’s younger brother. They walked around the corner because Loraine needed to talk about Thomas, and how it felt seeing him with his new girlfriend. Loraine listened as she spilled about Josh. Tears started to fall; she missed him. She hated to admit it but she did. Loraine told her they’d be back together. It was the first time any of her best friends saw her cry. It hurt, a lot. She had hurt him and was hurting him still. She would not be dominated though, she was too proud. She isn’t the kind of girl whom you say bye to and she goes weak when you say you want her back. Although they had talked about marriage she never really thought they’d end up together. In fact, his future plans she didn’t like, she couldn’t do it. Still the thought of not being with him hurt. She decided not to tell Loraine about Tristan. The girls rose and walked back to their friends.
Everyone decided the next band was a good and one went in. It was packed inside, everyone squeezed in. Tristan was closer to the stage and allowed her to stand in front of him when he saw her in the crowd. She started dancing to the music and realized he probably thought she was an idiot whom couldn’t dance, ah well to stop now would make her look like a coward. The song ended and she could feel his presence behind her. She wished for him to put his arm around her, but she knew it was a far off dream. When the set ended the two went to get a drink from the vending machines and everyone was hanging out outside. Eric was playing “Blister in the Sun” and her and Naomi danced and sang to it. That entire night her and Tristan were flirting, she dismissed it as usual behavior of him. They danced, they joked, and they never left each other’s side. They walked to his car to put something in it, and she thought maybe this isn’t my imagination; maybe I should go for what I want. Before she could finish debating whether or not to kiss him they started walking back. It was the last band, also the biggest, and most-known band. Zoe and her friends went crazy, and he was right there beside her again giving her hope and wishes. She thought to turn around and kiss him right there in front of everyone but she glanced to the other side of the room and there stood Josh’s best friend. Damn why did she have to care so much about hurting him. She was sure hearing about her with another guy would kill him. She wouldn’t let it ruin her night; she had plenty of life left in her.
The entire drive home felt a lot like the pervious night except her thoughts were on to make a move or not. His ex-girlfriend Alex was catching a ride home with him too so she decided against it. The explorer pulled into her driveway and she yet again hugged her blue-eyed boy. She paused for a moment, yes or no, to kiss him or not. No, she couldn’t it wasn’t her style to go for the guy. She released the embrace and opened the door. She walked into her garage and turned to give her usual peace sign goodnight. Thoughts raced through her mind. Did he really like her? Could Alex tell in that pause and the way they had been acting her thoughts? If she did would she question him? Would he figure it out and laugh at her childish crush? She was only two years younger but to some that was huge and she was immature. She lay in bed and wondered if she’d be happy. Does life fall in to place like puzzle pieces or does it have any design? She hoped there was fate; she had already lost her faith. So there wasn’t a god, did that mean that she couldn’t find her saint? She hoped Tristan could be that saint. She hoped it wasn’t to bold to say that.
She had loved Josh, she still loved him but he wasn’t the one and she knew it. It was the reason she had kissed Eric, and the reason she had spent the month flirting with him. Not that at the time she hadn’t liked him and he was just a pawn in her game. She seriously had, but when you make a mistake like cheating on your first love you don’t forgive yourself. She couldn’t even look at him in the friendly way. She had lost love and friendship. The two things she wished were stable in her life, at such a young age nothing is guaranteed. You lose friends and you lose loves, some lose hope, faith, or even life. Your taste changes and so do your goals. It’s all about growing up and gaining experiences. It was a possibility her and Tristan could fall apart, the wonderful friendship they created could be destroyed. It’s all in the risks of life. She slipped into a sleep.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:37 pm
Hi! Good to see you, how are you this doesn't belong here and o mi gods you wrote something new. Cooooool~

Much love and I'm moving this to the front page okay thanks,



PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:44 pm
I'm good, glad to see you why'd you move this?
I put it in works in progress  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:42 pm
Wonderful hun. Can't wait to

[ In Nomine Satanas ]


PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:02 pm
Warning explicit material

She was bored out of her skull, even though her weekend had started out wonderful it was turning into a bust. Saturday was ok; the events that night were in a word interesting but not to her favor. Josh and her decided not to get back together just yet. In way it made her happy, she had a freedom. Of course that was after fighting and tears all day. Ah, well at least she had this. While she was debating on how to spend her Sunday night, an instant message popped up. She smiled, it was Tristan. After about five minutes of random chitchat and stating how bored they were, Tristan offered to pick her up and watch a movie at his house. She of course agreed, she thought it’d be fun. She was still in her pajamas, so she went to go change and he was on his way. She selected her baggy tan pants and a black wife beater. They weren’t the sexiest nor most fashionable but they were comfortable and kept her cool from the Carolina spring heat.
With a knock at the door, she said goodbye to her mother and walked out the same door Tristan always saw her go in. Tristan thought about how great she looked and was looking forward to the night. He hoped to be more than friends, but because of Eric wasn't sure if it was right to do. The pair made their way to the explorer and climbed in. They talk the entire way to his house, mostly about their nights before. Michael had the band over and they had started playing a game of spin the bottle. Tristan went on to say how none of the girls could kiss. It kind of made her jealous she had missed a chance to kiss him, especially since she had backed out of her last chance. She regretted missing the fun, and thought of her lame night. Rick had asked her to go to prom with him, and they had spent twenty minutes there and rode around in the limo until about eleven. They then went to Waffle House as their big prom dinner. It was a big mistake; Rick had a thing for her. In saying that, he basically stalked her. In fact that day he had stopped by her house to say hello. Her thoughts were interrupted as they pulled into a gravel driveway. The house was white and had charm. They walked in and she realized the house was silent. She knew his dad was gone, but she expected at least one of his younger brothers to be home. She learned his littlest brother Bailey was at his grandma’s and Tristan had no idea were Spencer was. He asked if she wanted anything to drink and they walked in to the kitchen. She gasped noticing the six-shooter on the bar. Noticing her reaction he laughed and asked if she wanted him to mix her a drink. Thinking he was probably being sarcastic said she would love one. She sat upon the soft, white leather couch as he mixed the drinks. While he was mixing her second drink of the night she thought perhaps she should walk over to him, call his name and upon his turning around press against him locking their lips in a sweet kiss.
The house was like an oven, they had no air conditioning. The thing she did have was the start of buzz. Neither a great buzz nor a full one, just the beginning. The heat was making her tired and she hated being overheated. Tristan and Spencer, whom had come and left, both joking suggested she take off her shirt. She took another sip and thought well it is spring break. No, she couldn’t that wasn’t the type of girl she was. Then she thought of the stories her parents and sister had told her about wild crazy things they did. Ah, hell she thought you only live once why not? At Tristan’s next sarcastic remark about her shirt she pulled it off, and met his stunned eyes. Trying not to make a big deal of what she had just done she turned her head towards the TV. Tristan was laying down his legs behind her. The heat still had her tired; she looked over to Tristan lying next to her eyes still stunned.
“I’m going to lay down ok?”
She laid her head down on the arm of the couch with him directly behind her. Again she felt his presence, except closer and more intimate this time. She felt the same wishful feeling she had before, it was deeper more drawing. It was now or never. She turned and met his blue eyes. The seconds they stared at each other for seemed to last forever, at last she met his soft lips. He was a wonderful kisser, butterflies flew through out her. Slam! Spencer walked through the kitchen past the pair into his. Tristan took her beneath him so Spencer couldn’t her shirtless breast. At least he was in the next room, her thoughts shattered as he came out of the room and sat on the love seat in the corner of the room.
“Spencer leave!”
“Man, screw you go into dad’s room.”

“Do you want to?” he softly whispered to her.
Anything to get her out the awkward situation and to get away from Spencer. Tristan laid down on his father’s California king bed; she crawled across it to him. She softly kissed his lips and neck. His hands found her waist and traced the curves of her body. They found their way up the small of her back to the hook of her bra.
She lay there with him, thinking over the actions they had just taken. She felt bad; a few hours ago she had been talking to Josh. Now she lay in a bed next to a wonderful person with a chance to be happy. She knew she could live without him, but she wasn’t ready to admit it. She had never slept with anyone other than Josh. In a way this felt wrong to be with someone else and so soon too. It wasn’t like her to just jump into bed with a guy. She hoped she hadn’t lost his respect. She also hoped for a relationship with him, without that it’d be the last time they slept together. Tristan rose from the bed and asked if she wanted to join him in a shower. She declined, but rose to pull on her clothes. She walked into the den and Spencer offered her a cigarette on the back porch. She soon forgot her feelings of wronging Josh. Tristan joined them and the three sat on the porch talking, she enjoyed it.
The ride home was wonderful, although she didn’t want to leave him. She enjoyed holding his hand as he drove. She had potentially found her saint. The smile didn’t leave her lips the entire ride. The scenery was wonderful, trees slowly turned to houses that turned to businesses. They pulled into her driveway; she smiled at him and gave him a kiss goodnight. As she walked to the garage, she turned to flash her usual peace sign as Tristan called from the window “Goodnight beautiful.”
It froze her smile; she had been called a lot of things in her life. Maybe she'd hear pretty, sexy, or hot, but never beautiful. She felt as the girl in a cheesy TV show that slid down the door with a sigh after a date. Tonight, while awkward, was perfect like a movie.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:19 pm
it was not, it was in contests  


[ In Nomine Satanas ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:34 pm
it was not, it was in contests

Told you so hun. Anywho. That was a good night. I really need to get stepping and write the next part.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:40 pm
......blah o well
thanks for moving it, must have pressed the wrong button  



PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:57 pm


PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:29 pm
I hope you liked it  



PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:32 pm
good story, but the follow-through was a little iffy. Firstly, put spaces between paragraphs, very very hard to read. Secondly, punctuation. And thirdly...try to show, not tell, you know what I mean?

Very pretty prose, however.  
Infinite possibilities-A writer's guild

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